Chapter 351, The ship sets off

Sister Ying did not expect that this matchmaker would reveal her true colors so quickly.

Even if she was sent by the Queen, she was not taught the rules on the day of her wedding.

There are still two months left before we can sail. When will we not be able to teach? She must compete with her at this stall.

 But he had to refuse her, and he was afraid that she would add fuel to the flames to the queen.

 But think about it carefully, so what if she added fuel to the fire? Could it be that the queen could still punish her?

Her mother-in-law is from the Jing family, and she is not the queen. If the queen dared to punish her, she would be too lenient.

 Furthermore, Jing Shirong was not a soft persimmon and allowed the queen to bully her.

Sister Ying guessed that the queen wanted to put pressure on her, give her some sweetness, and then ask her to work hard for her.

 But Sister Chu Ying obviously didn’t like it.

 Originally, she did not want to get involved in palace matters, so naturally she would not cooperate with the queen.

 Furthermore, on the wedding day, she is the protagonist, there is no need to wrong herself and help others.

So she ignored the matchmaker, yawned, and went to bed.

"I'm sleepy, let the matchmaker go to the next room to rest."

 After saying that, he fell asleep as soon as he was covered with quilt.

Matchmaker, "Oh, you."

The matchmaker never expected that she really didn't take him seriously and actually fell asleep as soon as she said she was going to sleep.

The matchmaker was a little angry. After all, she was considered an old person in the palace. No one should be polite when meeting her. Who could be so unruly as the daughter of the prefect's family?

 But if you don’t say that you are capable, why do you think that you are the favorite of Major General Jing now?

Others don’t know Jing Shirong’s identity, but since she works beside the queen, she naturally knows that Jing Shirong is highly valued by the emperor and her future will be limitless.

Even though Jing Shirong is not famous now, it is just to keep a low profile for the convenience of serving the emperor, but he is a serious civil and military champion, and he became a general at a young age, so naturally he cannot be underestimated.

So the matchmaker is a talented person who knows current affairs. It is impossible to talk to Sister Ying in person, so she can only go back to the next door room in a depressed mood.

Jing Shirong heard the commotion and secretly came over to take a look. Seeing that Sister Ying was sleeping, he did not disturb her and let her continue sleeping.

 After everything was loaded, the ship set sail.

 The big boat was sailing slowly on the river, and the weather was very sunny.

 At night, Sister Ying took a nap and made up for her sleep before slowly waking up.

Jing Shirong also came over after a nap and was already roasting dry food.

Sister Ying smelled the aroma of barbecue cakes and found him, and saw him sitting at the door, making charcoal barbecue cakes.

 “It smells so good~”

Jing Shirong turned around when he heard the sound, "Are you awake?"

Sister Ying came over and sat next to him, grilling pancakes with him.

   The newlyweds were sitting in a row, grilling meat pie under the moonlight, and they looked very warm.

 Xiao Zi was watching them from the side, and the more she looked at them, the more she was right.

 At first, Xiao Zi didn’t like Jing Shirong, thinking that because he was so white, he must be a playboy.

 But it turns out that whether the other party is fair or not is another matter than whether he is good to their lady.

 So now she really regards Jing Shirong as her uncle.

Jing Shirong's personal attendant, Tang Ping, saw Xiao Zi looking directly at his young master, and immediately came over to remind him, "Give up, there is no chance for you."

 Xiao Zi? ? ?

Xiao Zi is not stupid. When she heard what Tang Ping said, it was as if she wanted to eat swan meat to Jing Shi.

She said angrily, "What are you talking about? Who has taken a fancy to your young master? He is really narcissistic."

 She obviously likes the type of man from the prairie, okay?

 For example, Mr. Qi is her ideal type. Tang Ping was stunned, "You mean Master Qi?" He looked up and down at Xiao Zi's square figure and said, "That's even more impossible."

“Master Qi wants to find a girl who is more beautiful than your daughter, so just give up.”

This maid looked upright and had a square face, as if she wasn't very smart.

But her aesthetics is pretty good. Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong are both good people, so she has a good eye.

 Xiao Zi was speechless at his contempt.

 “I know I’m not worthy, and I don’t need you to remind me.”

 I like it, but I don’t have to get it. Is there something wrong with this follower? Why do I keep hitting her?

She knew she wasn't good-looking, but she wasn't that bad. At least she was tall and had strong fists. At first glance, she looked like a good maid who could protect people. How could she be like this follower, who looked as if she was famine-stricken and skinny? No strength.


This was the first time Tang Ping was criticized for his body shape, and he immediately retorted, "I am so skinny. My body is obviously very standard. Who is like you, tall and thick?"

 For a girl, if she is not petite and cute, it doesn't matter. If she is so stout, she may not be able to get married in the future.

Xiao Zi didn't like hearing this and said angrily, "You can't get married. If you curse me again, be careful that I rely on you."

If one day she really can't get married, this follower will be dead.

“If I really can’t get married, you have to marry someone who is responsible for me, otherwise I won’t be able to forgive you!”

Tang Ping

 “I’m just kidding.”

God bless you, this maid must get married, so don’t rely on him.

He still likes petite and exquisite girls, who are charming to look at.

The maid in front of him, who looked like a strong man, was still insensitive to thanks. He could not bear it.

Xiao Zi saw that he still dared to despise her, so she was so angry that she stepped on him viciously. "Ouch!" Tang Ping was in pain, holding his toes and jumping up and down.

"You servant girl, you are too cruel and your foot is too heavy."

It was so bad, it made him so angry.

Xiao Zi made faces at Tang Ping as she ran, feeling slightly proud of herself.

Tang Ping was so angry that he couldn't really do anything to her. He could only curse her angrily.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying looked on, dumbfounded.

 At night, the matchmaker came out and saw them sitting together eating. She wanted to say something, but due to the presence of Jing Shirong, she could only keep her mouth shut.

 After they finished eating, she came over again, smiling like a tiger, and asked Jing Shirong to go back to his room with a smile.

Jing Shirong knew the rules, so he would not mess around and went back to his house with dignity.

Sister Ying also knew that it was a good thing that the matchmaker cared about this, so she did not object and followed her into her room.

 On the second day.

The matchmaker came over and told her the rules.

“Young madam, it’s like this. I have been entrusted by the queen. Before the ship arrives in the capital, it is best to teach you the rules of the capital, so as not to cause embarrassment when you get there and are unfamiliar with the place.”

After hearing what she said, Sister Ying felt that it made sense, so she agreed.

"Okay, then I'll bother you."

Seeing that she was still able to listen to advice, Matchmaker Huang nodded with satisfaction.

She originally wanted to get Qiao from Sister Ying, but after thinking about it carefully, her future was uncertain, so she had better not be too smart, lest she offend someone without knowing it.

 So she planned to take it one step at a time, first observe Sister Ying's character, and then say good things about the Queen to her.

 (End of this chapter)

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