The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 352: , the brainwashing of the yellow matchmaker

Chapter 352, Huang Matchmaker’s Brainwashing

Sister Ying probably understands the tricks of the yellow matchmaker.

At first she wanted to tease herself, but later she realized that she was not a weakling, so she changed her tactics to be intimate with herself.

Every day when Xiao Zi was combing her hair, Matchmaker Huang would come to grab some work.

 While combing her hair, he told her about the etiquette of wealthy people in the capital.

 Then watch the timing and insert a few words about the queen from time to time.

 She first told her how good the queen was and how difficult it was.

Then he told her, "Actually, the Queen still likes you very much. No, when Lord Jing went to the south of the Yangtze River, he specially asked his servant to follow him, just to let you adapt to the life in the capital as soon as possible. In the future, it will also be good for the Jing family and you, yes no?"

If Sister Ying says yes at this time, Matchmaker Huang will speak again.

“Well, it’s not easy to be a woman in the harem. The queen has been worrying a lot about the second prince’s affairs in the past few years, and her hair has turned a little gray.”

Sister Ying stopped talking at this time.

Once he agrees, Matchmaker Huang will have to talk endlessly.

 After listening to Huang Matchmaker's brainwashing words for a few days, Sister Ying roughly knew what the Queen meant.

 The queen basically wanted to bribe her to help monitor Jing Shirong. In order to help the second prince obtain information.

I don’t know if the queen is stupid for asking a newlywed wife to spy on her husband?

 Is it possible that she really thinks she is a fool?

But women in ancient times were simple, especially women like them who came from the countryside.

The Queen probably wanted to let Aunt Huang brainwash her first, so that she would feel a sense of crisis towards Jing Shirong.

Or perhaps, she wanted to use her anxiety of being alone in the capital to become her confidant, and then know through her mouth what Jing Shirong had done for the emperor.

 This will be good for the second prince.

Fortunately, Jing Shirong analyzed the situation in the harem with her in advance and told her to be more alert and not to be fooled by others. Otherwise, she might just listen to the yellow matchmaker's tricks.

For example, in this moment, Matchmaker Huang first taught her the rules, and then from time to time talked about how to get along with women in the capital.

As if deliberately creating a sense of panic for Sister Ying, she exaggerated and said, "Young madam, you don't know that ladies in the capital are usually very cautious. One wrong word can make them hold grudges for a long time."

“Especially, they pay great attention to rules. If a form is wrong, or a bit of etiquette is wrong, they will laugh at it for the rest of their lives.”

“It’s your first time in the capital, and you don’t understand many things. If you let them laugh at it, it will not be easy for you in the circle of ladies in the future.”

 Such words as these made her feel uneasy, making her mistakenly believe that women in the capital were not easy to get along with, and she might not have any friends in the future. Deliberately giving her a sense of panic in this unfamiliar environment.

Sister Ying is not stupid, so how could she not detect Matchmaker Huang’s intentions.

However, she didn't say anything to Matchmaker Huang. She still looked stupid on her face and ate and drank heartlessly every day. Didn't respond at all to Huang Matchmaker's tricks.

Matchmaker Huang saw that she was either eating or sleeping every day, or even reading a painting book and eating some snacks. She really didn't have the dignity and nobility of a wealthy family, which really made her feel depressed.

She obviously had a very kind tone. If it were any other young girl who married far away, she would have regarded her as a confidant.

Who knew that this daughter of the prefect could be so ignorant and careless, which really **** her off. Matchmaker Huang almost couldn't help but get angry several times. But because Xiao Zi was watching eagerly from the side, she could only swallow her breath, making herself depressed for several days.

 But Matchmaker Huang did not give up, and still came over every day to teach Sister Ying the rules. She chatted with her, "Mrs. Jing, have you ever heard of Princess Hengyang's deeds?"

Sister Ying stopped eating dried mango and asked, "Princess Hengyang?"

No way, could this matchmaker want to tell her about Princess Hengyang and Jing Shirong?

Sure enough, Matchmaker Huang saw her interest and immediately looked outside. Seeing that Jing Shirong was not outside, she came over and whispered.

“I didn’t want to tell you this originally, but I was afraid it would be bad to hide it from you.”

“After all, I have gotten along with you all the way, and I feel that you are also a good boy, so I think it is necessary to tell you about this matter.”

Sister Ying pretended to be interested and said, "What's going on? Please tell me quickly, don't make me want to know."

Matchmaker Huang was immediately pleased when she saw that she aroused the desire for gossip, and secretly thought that indeed every woman is a gossip. If she had known about it, she would have used gossip to seduce her.

At this time, Shi Rong went outside to get food, so Matchmaker Huang boldly came over to talk to her.

“Young Madam, Princess Hengyang is known to everyone in our capital city.”

"Not only is she the most valued princess to His Majesty, she is also famous for her military exploits. She is admired by many men in the capital." When she said this, she deliberately looked outside, and then looked at Sister Ying, looking as if she wanted to speak. The appearance of stopping.

Seeing her acting skills, Sister Ying couldn't help but want to laugh, but she cooperated and said, "What are you looking at outside? Keep talking."

Seeing that she had been deceived, Matchmaker Huang hesitated and said, "Actually, I heard this from hearsay, and I don't know if it is true. If I say it wrong, please don't take it seriously."

 Deliberately whet people's appetite.

Sister Ying knew that she was waiting for her here, so she pretended to be intrigued and urged, "Tell me quickly, what is going on?"

Matchmaker Huang looked outside, lowered her head and whispered in her ear, "I heard that Princess Hengyang seems to have some relationship with Lord Jing. It is said that Princess Hengyang seems to like Lord Jing quite a lot, and the two have even worked together. "

"But I only heard about this from hearsay. Please don't quarrel with Mr. Jing because of the little news you heard. It's not worth it. As a newlywed, please be more tolerant."

This Huang matchmaker is also a thief. She was afraid that Sister Ying would go to Jing Shirong to make trouble, so she pushed the matter to Princess Hengyang in an attempt to make Sister Ying hate Princess Hengyang so that she could be used by the queen.

However, Sister He Ying had asked Jing Shirong about this before, so she wasn't jealous at all now.

If she hadn't heard Jing Shirong say this, she would definitely be angry if it came out of Huang Matchmaker's mouth.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong didn't hide it from her, otherwise she might have been deceived.

  After all, it is easier for girls to lose their minds when it comes to feelings.

Matchmaker Huang stared closely at her expression and saw that her brows were furrowed and her mouth was slightly pursed. It looked like she was angry, so she breathed a sigh of relief and kept working hard.

"Young Madam, in fact, Master Jing cannot be blamed for this matter. I see Master Jing as a dedicated person. Looking at his consideration for you these days, you know that he must be very in love with you. Regarding Princess Hengyang, Master Jing I'm afraid it's unreasonable, maybe it's spread randomly."

These words are a good way to remove Jing Shirong, as if the scandal between Princess Hengyang and Jing Shirong is the fault of Princess Hengyang alone. The purpose is to make Sister Ying hate Princess Hengyang.

 (End of this chapter)

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