Chapter 353: Divorce plan

Sister Ying looked at Matchmaker Huang's expression of doing it for her own good, and secretly thought that this person is also a talent, no wonder he was sent here by the queen, he is indeed very good at talking.

Ordinary brides who have just married far away must feel anxious and uneasy.

 For brides who marry far away, the man is their god. If this man suddenly becomes another woman's, the brides will naturally be panicked and helpless.

It was precisely because of this that Huang Matchmaker wanted to give her some eye drops so that she could control her and serve as her strategist.

However, Sister He Ying is not a little girl who is indifferent to worldly affairs, how can she be easily deceived by the yellow matchmaker.

But they have worked so hard, and if she doesn’t cooperate, her ‘good intentions’ will be disrespected.

So Sister Ying pretended to be angry and stared outside, "What the **** is going on? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

Matchmaker Huang saw that she was finally angry, so she hurried over to give her eye drops.

“Don’t be angry, I’ll tell you in detail.”

“Actually, this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Jing. It is said that Princess Hengyang was too fierce and could not get married, so she set her sights on the equally outstanding Mr. Jing. Every time she went back and forth, people spread gossip."

"It is said that Princess Hengyang is cold to other men and doesn't bother to pay attention to a word. However, she is very patient with Mr. Jing. Every year on Mr. Jing's birthday, Princess Hengyang will send someone to bring gifts, which shows the princess's affection."

Sister Ying frowned, "Is there still such a thing?"

Although it is difficult to tell the truth from the falsehood, it is impossible for Huang Matchmaker to lie all of them, and there are only a few certain sentences that are true.

Maybe it was Jing Shirong’s birthday and Princess Hengyang actually gave him a gift.

Thinking of this, Sister Ying really felt a little bit disgusted.

She stood up angrily, ready to ask Jing Shirong about the matter, but was stopped by Matchmaker Huang.

“Madam, madam, please don’t be excited, please be patient.”

Matchmaker Huang was also afraid that Sister Ying would really quarrel with Jing Shirong and Jing Shirong would settle the score with her, so she hurriedly comforted Sister Ying.

“Young madam, listen to me, you and Mr. Jing are newly married, how can you ruin the couple’s relationship for others. It’s not worth it.”

"Besides, if you marry alone and go to the capital, if you have a quarrel with Mr. Jing before you arrive in the capital, and when you arrive in the capital, he will get angry and run away from home, leaving you alone at home, you will be really pitiful and helpless. "

“Furthermore, this matter may not have anything to do with Mr. Jing, and it may not be that Princess Hengyang is just being passionate. You must not find the wrong person to get angry at.”

Sister Ying slammed the table angrily, "Are you lying to me? I've never heard of this!"

Seeing that she was so angry, Matchmaker Huang knew that she must have believed it, and immediately coaxed, "No, no, how dare I lie to you. I heard all this in the palace. Maybe his slaves spread it, so you can Just think it’s nonsense, don’t be angry.”

She knew that the more she said this, the prefect's daughter would definitely be angry, so she became more and more sarcastic, "Don't be angry. This matter must have been spread by the servants in the palace. They must have misunderstood. Master Jing's attitude toward Hengyang The princess must have done it unintentionally, otherwise the two of them would have gotten married long ago, right? "

Sister Ying glared at her and pretended to be angry, "I don't believe it! You must have lied to me. I want to ask this question clearly to see who is more important in his heart."

 Having said that, it’s time to rush out.

Matchmaker Huang quickly stopped her, but she couldn't.

So he lay down by the door and watched Sister Ying angrily go to question Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying rushed over angrily, reached out and slapped Jing Shirong on the back, "Jing Shirong, you liar!"

Jing Shirong was confused, "Me?? What's wrong with me??"

Didn’t he cook the meat a little slower? ?

Sister Ying winked at him from a position where Matchmaker Huang couldn't see her, indicating to him that she was acting.

Jing Shirong understood in seconds, and immediately started scowling, "You're crazy! You're still trying to look like a lady, it's simply not appropriate."

 After saying that, he walked towards the second floor angrily. Sister Ying also chased after her angrily, and both of them had a bad look on their faces along the way.

Matchmaker Huang saw them quarreling, and then she raised her lips proudly, secretly thinking that after the two of them finished arguing, the little daughter would come to her and cry, and then she could use this to brainwash her into talking bad about Princess Hengyang. Let her dislike Princess Hengyang.

It's a pity that Sister Ying was not alienated by her at all, but instead ate pork jerky with Jing Shirong on the second floor.

 “Well, the pork jerky made by my mother is still so delicious~”

Jing Shirong also said, "Yes, it still tastes so good."

He glanced downstairs and asked, "What happened just now? Why did you get so angry all of a sudden?"

Sister Ying was still a little embarrassed when she said this, "Tell me honestly, does Princess Hengyang like you?"

Although Huang Matchmaker’s words are exaggerated, these points are definitely true.

 After all, it is impossible for people to spread rumors about the princess. Unless Princess Hengyang agreed to this matter, how could the people in the palace spread the news that the princess was in love with Jing Shirong.

 “Uh, this matter”

 Speaking of the scandal with Princess Hengyang, it is indeed true.

But not many people knew about this back then. Matchmaker Huang had worked as a servant in the palace, so it was normal for her to know about it. But it was her fault for telling Sister Ying about it.

As soon as Sister Ying saw his expression, she knew that this must be true.

She angrily pulled Jing Shirong's hair, "Tell me honestly, did you date Princess Hengyang back then?"

Jing Shirong knew what she meant by dating, so he quickly denied it.

 “No, this is absolutely not the case.”

“But I would like to help her act in some dramas.”

Everyone in the court knew that Princess Hengyang was invincible in every battle and was a rare heroine.

 But the hero cannot escape being forced to get married.

On the surface, the emperor seemed to favor Princess Hengyang, but secretly he was also wary of her, fearing that she would come to the palace to fight for the prince, so he wanted to marry her off very early.

The emperor thought that as long as Princess Hengyang got married, she might be able to settle down.

If she has more children in the future, maybe she will no longer be in charge of the military, and then he will have an excuse to get the tiger charm back.

It's a pity that Princess Hengyang's reputation is so great that almost no one dares to propose marriage.

If the emperor wants to grant a marriage, Princess Hengyang said, "If the father wants to grant a marriage, it's okay, but if he can't marry his daughter, it's okay to not want the consort."

Everyone has said so, and the emperor cannot forcefully grant her a marriage, so as not to offend her, and there may be some life-threatening lawsuits, and in the end the matter can only be settled.

However, the emperor did not give up and still found some generals or prairie princes to try to make Princess Hengyang fall in love with one.

However, Princess Hengyang doesn't like any of them.

In the end, Princess Hengyang was so annoyed that she said she already had someone she liked, but it was a pity that the person she liked was still too young, and she wanted to wait for him for a few years until he grew up before marrying him.

But who this person is, Princess Hengyang never said.

So everyone began to guess who the person Princess Hengyang could like.

 (End of this chapter)

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