Chapter 354, Women’s Intuition

Sister Ying asked, "Since she didn't say who she liked, why would the palace people talk about you?"

Jing Shirong coughed and said, "It's just a coincidence."

When Princess Hengyang told the world that she had someone she liked, the emperor wanted to know who she liked so that he could marry them quickly.

 Princess Hengyang is a strict talker and won't say anything.

The emperor searched around but couldn't find the person she mentioned, so he wondered if Princess Hengyang had lied to her. Just when he was about to get angry, Jing Shirong came over.

At that time, Princess Hengyang saw him entering the palace, so she pretended to go over and walked with him. The two of them talked and laughed.

 The emperor saw this and suddenly realized that his daughter liked a boy from the Jing family?

No wonder, he said, Princess Hengyang’s heart is as high as the sky, and ordinary men must look down on her.

This Jing Shirong is also a good young talent that he has taken a liking to. No wonder Princess Hengyang has taken a fancy to her. It turns out that the princess has the same vicious vision as him and she knows that Jing Shirong is a good young talent.

 It's a pity that the emperor will not let Jing Shirong and Princess Hengyang be together.

He was afraid that Princess Hengyang would become stronger, so how could he give her his favorite Jing Shirong, unless he didn't want to train Jing Shirong.

Even if he doesn't want to train Jing Shirong, he can't let Hengyang **** Jing Shirong away. Although Jing Shirong is still young, his civil and military abilities have already shown his prowess. If Princess Hengyang takes him in, by then, It's another danger to yourself.

 So the emperor did not agree with them being together no matter what.

After hearing this, Princess Hengyang responded coldly, "I didn't say it was Brother Jing. My father was too worried." After that, she continued to look at Jing Shirong.

Seeing her reluctance to leave, the emperor immediately concluded that she was the seedling he had chosen. He waved his hand angrily and asked Princess Hengyang to go back outside the wall.

Even if she is not allowed to marry, she cannot be allowed to compete with him for help.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were good prospects that he discovered after a long time. If Princess Hengyang snatched them away, it might be harmful to him in the future, so the matter was settled later.

The queen who was in the harem naturally heard about this and thought that Princess Hengyang liked the young Jing Shirong. However, the emperor disagreed, which made her relieved.

Princess Hengyang was born to the late queen. As a stepmother, she naturally didn’t want Princess Hengyang to become stronger and wanted her to get out of the Great Wall as soon as possible.

Everyone knew about Princess Hengyang being driven outside the Great Wall, and they also speculated why she was driven outside the Great Wall. It was clear that the emperor had promised to grant her a marriage.

 Later, some people in the palace whispered that the emperor had driven Princess Hengyang away because she had taken a liking to the good young man around the emperor.

Later, the story spread more and more, and it evolved into the story that Princess Hengyang liked Jing Shirong, but the emperor did not agree, so the story became a story about a man and woman who fell in love but were separated due to age inequality.

After the emperor found out, he quickly stopped the rumors and the matter stopped.

 So what Huang Matchmaker said is the version rumored by the palace people.

"This is just a misunderstanding. Do you understand now?"

Jing Shirong was afraid that she wouldn't understand, so he quickly looked at her pitifully, hoping that she would believe him.

Sister Ying was dubious, "Seriously? Then Princess Hengyang really doesn't like you?"

“Why do I think she likes you?”

Women have a sixth sense. Although this is half true and half false, Sister Ying still feels that Princess Hengyang might really like Jing Shirong. "

Jing Shirong felt a headache, "But there is a nine-year age difference between me and her, and she didn't say many words to me. We really just met by chance. At most, we just admire each other, and we don't dare to do anything else."

When he was young, he really admired Princess Hengyang's ability to lead an army, and hoped that one day he could become as strong as her.

When Princess Hengyang is in trouble, he will indeed do his best to help her. After all, she has also helped him before.

But these emotions have nothing to do with love, they may be mutual appreciation and understanding between masters. After hearing this, Sister Ying sighed, "Forget it, I'm not jealous anymore, it's no fun."

If you want to say that Jing Shirong really likes her, it is reasonable for her to be jealous.

But Princess Hengyang and I are just admiring each other between masters, so if she is jealous, she will seem a little careless.

 So she exhaled, "I want to eat spicy strips."

Jing Shirong. “Is it so sudden?”

 Fortunately, Mrs. Wu gave her a jar of special spicy strips that she could eat at any time.

“Then you wait here and I’ll get it.”

Sister Ying, "Take two more fruits and steamed buns. I want to eat them with spicy strips."

Jing Shirong had also eaten steamed buns with spicy strips, and immediately sighed, "Okay, I'll get it."

Matchmaker Huang listened to their quarrel downstairs for a few words and then became quiet. I wonder how the couple's quarrel went?

At this moment, she heard Jing Shirong's footsteps coming downstairs, and she hurriedly hid.

At night, when Sister Ying finished eating, Matchmaker Huang quickly closed the door and asked her.

"Young madam? How are you asking Mr. Jing? Don't quarrel because of other people, otherwise it will hurt the relationship between husband and wife, which will be very bad for you."

These words are heartfelt, but mostly for fun.

Sister Ying was too lazy to pay attention to her. She snorted and got on the boat without leaving a word to Matchmaker Huang.

 Seeing that she was still angry, Matchmaker Huang thought that the matter had become a big deal, so she raised the corners of her lips proudly and turned around to go back to the house.

The next day, Sister Ying still ignored Matchmaker Huang, but Matchmaker Huang took the initiative to come and talk to her.

 “Young madam, are you still angry?”

“It is said that angry women tend to get wrinkles. You must be more open-minded and don’t get angry for irrelevant women, otherwise you will become ugly. If a man changes his mind again, it will be a big loss.”

"Furthermore, your parents are far away from you. If you are wronged in the future, there will be no one around you to complain to, which will make me feel distressed. If you have any grievances in the future, just tell me and I will help you if I can. I will treat you like my own daughter. pain."

Sister Ying.

This old woman, do you really think she is a pitiful little girl who cried when she left her parents? Will she be the one who leads her way?

However, she didn't act too smart, so she sighed and pretended to be sad, "I'm fine. You can go out. I want to take a rest. Please let Xiao Zi come in."

Matchmaker Huang saw that she was still in a bad mood and planned to come back in two days to brainwash her.

So she went out respectfully, and Xiao Zi came in.

After Xiao Zi came in, she asked strangely, "Miss, what did the old woman tell you? Why do you frown every time she comes in? Is she bullying you?"

Sister Ying shook her head, took out melon seeds from her pocket, and gave her a handful, "No, that old woman is treacherous, but your lady is not stupid either. I am acting with her, so don't pretend to be a gangster. know this."

Xiao Zi was very smart when she was smart, so she immediately said, "I know, I can just be a transparent person and just stand aside and watch the old lady sing a big show, hahaha."

Sister Ying also smiled, "You."

 Happily she had pistachios on the way, and the depression just now was gone.

 (End of this chapter)

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