Chapter 355: Arriving in the capital

Xiao Zi said proudly, "That's right, my slave is the pistachio in your life. You have to treat me well, otherwise the pistachio will be unhappy."

Sister Ying looked at her square face, she was so happy when she acted like a baby, and she laughed several times.

Jing Shirong was upstairs. He heard her silver bell-like laughter and laughed along with her.

 Huang Matchmaker walked far away and heard Xiao Zi's laughter, secretly thinking that the manly maid was quite good at making people happy.

 A few more days.

 The big ship finally got closer to the capital.

Matchmaker Huang observed secretly for a few days and saw that Sister Ying had not spoken to Jing Shirong for several days. She thought that there was really a rift between the two couples, so she tried to persuade her secretly.

"Young madam, you have been angry for a few days. Don't lose your temper any more and be careful to push Master Jing's heart away."

“This man needs to be coaxed. If we are angry for a few days, we must give him a break, otherwise the couple will become further and further apart.”

She thought that by saying this, she could be honest with Sister Ying and make Sister Ying trust her. She observed the expression on Sister Ying's face while talking.

Seeing her like this, Sister Ying naturally felt a little bit "thin-faced" and sighed, "But I'm still angry with him and don't want to talk to him."

Seeing that she was so angry, Matchmaker Huang secretly thought that her bad temper could still be exploited, so she continued to brainwash her, "We are almost reaching the capital. If you push Mr. Jing away now, he will run away in anger. If you go to find Princess Hengyang outside the Great Wall, wouldn’t you suffer a big loss?”

Sister Ying said with great acting skills, "He dares!"

He banged the table angrily, and Jing Shirong outside the door was frightened.


Seeing that she was angry, Matchmaker Huang continued to persuade, "If you don't want Master Jing to go to Princess Hengyang, then you should put some effort into winning her heart over and have a son and a daughter in the future. Your status in the Jing family will not be the same." Are you standing firm?"

“As for Princess Hengyang, it is said that His Majesty will recruit her back this year. At that time, you must keep a close eye on Lord Jing to avoid giving Princess Hengyang an opportunity.”

These words made Sister Ying raise her eyebrows, "Will Princess Hengyang come back this year?"

 She didn’t expect this.

Matchmaker Huang also got the news from the Queen. Naturally, she heard about it and whispered, "It's all hearsay. It is said that His Majesty wants to invite Princess Hengyang to come back to get married this year. I don't know whether it is true or not. Please don't tell me." Get out or you'll get into trouble."

Of course, Sister Ying would not tell anyone, she just nodded in the room.

 “I understand, please go out first, I want to take a rest.”

Matchmaker Huang saw her frowning, finally feeling a sense of crisis, and immediately wrote a reply to the queen with victory in sight.

 At night, Jing Shirong quietly came over and whispered to Sister Ying.

“Why, what did the old woman say to you today?”

Jing Shirong also didn’t expect that the queen’s hand would stretch so long, reaching into his backyard. She was really nosy.

The emperor and the queen were at odds, and the prince was not born to the queen, so it was reasonable for the queen to make suggestions for the second prince. But Jing Shirong was not happy to extend her hand to Sister Ying.

He had to write a letter and tell the emperor about this, so that one day the queen would cheat on sister Ying, and the emperor would still watch from the other side.

Anyway, he will make this clear to the emperor. One day when Sister Ying comes to the palace and feels wronged by the queen, if the emperor doesn't help, let's see how he fights back!

The emperor didn't expect the queen's hand to stretch out so quickly, and he really didn't take him seriously.

  When he first learned that the queen was going to send an official mediator to Jing Shirong, he had thought that the queen was trying to please him.

He didn't expect that this woman actually wanted to bribe Jing Shirong's new wife. She stretched her hand so long that she almost reached his bottom line. The world still belongs to him, and it is not the queen's turn to operate in secret.

He can pass the throne to whomever he wants. If the queen wants to pave the way for the second prince, it depends on his mood.

 When he was in a good mood, he was willing to let the queen help pave the way for the second prince, but if he stepped on his tail, he would uproot the queen's party.

But now is not the time to deal with the queen.

Although the Queen is stupid, she has huge power behind her, which can balance the power of Princess Hengyang.

 The emperor needs these people to restrain each other in order to maintain peace in the government, so for the time being he will not care about the queen's affairs and will only monitor her secretly.

As for Jing Shirong's newlywed wife, for the sake of Jing Shirong's hard work for him, he can take care of her, lest the kid gets angry and plays tricks on him, making him unable to resist.

 Another half month later, the ship finally reached the boundary of the capital.

Jing Shirong called the boat to the shore and asked his servants to carry the dowry ashore.

Qi Yuanming planned the day and came to take the dowry team. When he came early in the morning, he saw Jing Shirong's big boat.


They haven't seen each other for several months, but Qi Yuanming was quite happy to see him now.

Jing Shirong patted his shoulder as a greeting.

Qi Yuanming looked at the beaming dowry box and said with a smile, "I knew you would bring so many things. I have found people for you. They are the brats from the military camp. They will carry Shili Hongzhuang today."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "Are those boys here to carry you?"

Those soldiers were so arrogant before, but now they are willing to go out and carry boxes with shame?

Of course Qi Yuanming said, "It is a natural law for the weak to surrender to the strong. I have trained them to be obedient in the past few months and have already dealt with them. Don't worry."

Jing Shirong believed that he had this ability and asked him to arrange the dowry team first, while he went to see if Sister Ying was up.

Sister Ying was pulled up by Xiao Zi early in the morning and put on her phoenix crown harem again. After breakfast, she started putting on her bridal makeup.

It was still the peach blossom bridal makeup. After finishing the painting, Xiao Zi covered her with a red hijab, and Jing Shirong came in to hold her.

When Matchmaker Huang saw this, she said, "The auspicious time is coming, let's get off the boat first."

The Jing family members of the Suona team are also ready and will be waiting in line on the shore.

 When Shili Hongzhuang was lined up, it was daybreak and the people all got up.

After the bride got into the sedan chair, Jing Shirong went to ride a red horse, and the sound of gongs and drums was heard.

Qi Yuanming led the team to the front, while Jing Shirong and the sedan chair walked in the middle.

 The sedan chair was followed by a long line of dowry teams, each dowry being larger than the last.

 Because the sound of the suona was playing very cheerfully, the people came out curiously.

“Hey, whose young master is that? Whose young lady is he married to? How come I’ve never heard of it?”

An insider said, "It seems to be the eldest son of the Jing family. It is said that this boy is now working as a servant in the military camp. I didn't expect to marry a wife so quickly. Look at the one with a large dowry. Could it be that he is marrying the daughter of a businessman?"

A woman said, "No, it is said that the bride was a former neighbor of the Jing family. The two of them seemed to have been childhood sweethearts. They married the bride when they were older."

 (End of this chapter)

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