Chapter 356, Worshiping Heaven and Earth

"Really? What does the bride do at home? Why is there so much dowry? Look at the Qiangong bed, which is carried by more than twenty people. It looks really impressive."

 Because Sister Ying's dowry was so large that it aroused speculation among passers-by.

A neighbor near Youjing's house said, "It is said that the bride is the legitimate daughter of the Jiangnan magistrate's family. She is very charming and charming, and her family is very well off."

  After all, she is a rich girl from Jiangnan, so it is normal for her to be wealthy.

There were also a few sour women who said, "People from the south of the Yangtze River dare to show off in such a big way, and they are not afraid of being caught."

"Back then, the corruption of officials in Jiangnan was such a big deal, how dare the prefects dare to be so arrogant? They really don't know how to live or die."

These words were unpleasant to hear, and everyone looked at the woman speechlessly.

"Maybe the Jing family gave a lot of betrothal gifts, so it's normal for the bride to bring them back. Jing's natal family is a wealthy family in the world, so it's normal for the betrothal gifts to be larger. Look at your harsh words, be careful not to let the Jing family hear them. ”

The woman looked down upon them and rolled her eyes angrily, "What am I afraid of? I'm not wrong. There are many corrupt officials in Jiangnan. Who knows where those dowries came from."

The woman talked more and more excessively, leaving others speechless and wanting to ignore her.

 Because they knew that this woman had an argument with Mrs. Jing before, so she had a grudge against Mrs. Jing. Of course she would be jealous and unhappy when she saw Shili Hongzhuang today, and she would speak freely.

Jing Shirong could hear their rustling beside them while riding on the horse, so he looked back.

The woman gave him a cold look and then shut up.

By the time the sedan chair went all the way to Jing's house, it was already dawn, and the people and children on the street were getting up one after another.

At this time, children came out in groups to watch the fun. Seeing the red makeup covering the entire street, everyone's eyes were full of envy.

Passenger A said, "I don't know if I don't tell you. I didn't expect the Jing family to be so rich."

“Look at the many boxes, it’s almost time for the princess to get married.”

Passerby B said, "That's not good. This Mr. Jing is the grandson of Mr. Jing. The Jing family is so rich. It's normal to have such a grand ostentation."

They may not know much about Jing Shirong, but Mr. Jing’s reputation as the number one imperial merchant in the world is still very resounding.

A passer-by asked curiously, "Who is the bride? I have never heard of which family the Jing family wants to marry before?"

A neighbor near Jing's family said, "She is the legitimate daughter of the Jiangnan magistrate. It is said that she is very beautiful, comparable to the twelve princesses. I don't know whether it is true or not."

When Sun went to the Jing family, she said that Jing Shirong refused the Sun family's marriage proposal because she was a beauty from Jiangnan, so everyone began to speculate on how beautiful the bride was.

“It is said that beauties come from the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many outstanding people there. I don’t know if the girl is really as beautiful as the rumors say.”

Passenger B said, "I think that's right, otherwise Master Jing wouldn't have gone down to the south of the Yangtze River to pick up the bride in person. It shows that the bride should be the king of the country."

Passenger C said, "That's not certain. No matter how beautiful the bride is, can she be as beautiful as the twelve princesses?"

They had met the Twelve Princesses from a distance. They were indeed very beautiful and dazzling. They could be said to be the most beautiful princesses in the dynasty.

 And the twelve princesses also happened to be among the crowd.

She dressed up in disguise today, and she didn’t forget to tidy up her clothes exquisitely. Even if it was men’s clothes, she would wear the best-looking men’s clothes.

At this moment, when she heard someone in the crowd compliment her on her beauty, she was naturally proud.

As for the daughter of the prefect whom Jing Shirong married, the Twelve Princesses also wanted to see how beautiful she was, and how she could make the cold-hearted Jing Shirong go to the south of the Yangtze River to propose marriage.

You know, the twelfth male had liked Jing Shirong before, but she was five years younger than Jing Shirong. Every time Jing Shirong was cold to her, he was not willing to say a word to her. She was so hurt.

But seeing Jing Shirong's overly handsome face, the Twelve Princesses must be good-looking people who are supposed to be arrogant, so they became more and more obsessed with Jing Shirong.

However, her father refused to let her marry Jing Shirong, and she couldn't do it no matter how much she cried. She was so angry that she didn't talk to her father for several days.

Even when Jing Shirong got married, she was the last one to find out. She was so angry that she couldn't sleep well for several days. She came here today because she wanted to ruin Jing Shirong's marriage.

But because her father had warned her not to mess around, otherwise she would be sent away for marriage, so she didn't dare to mess around and could only sneak a look at Jing Shirong in the crowd.

At this moment, the sedan car team passed through the crowd and headed for Jing's house.

Jing got up early and was busy, preparing everything that needed to be prepared.

The Jing family is now decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations. There are big red lanterns inside and outside, and there are cheerful 囍 characters on the door and walls.

The door of Huijing's house was wide open at this time, and when the bride was about to arrive, the firecrackers started to be lit.

 “The bride is coming soon~”

As the wedding team approached, two strings of firecrackers at the Jing family gate were set off at the same time, making a very lively "cracking" sound.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin also came out to pick up people.

As soon as Matchmaker Huang saw the Jing family, she quickly resumed her role and came out to host.

“Stop the sedan chair and let the bride go in and pass the brazier~~”

Jing Shirong dismounted first, walked over and picked up Sister Ying, who was covered with a red hijab, and stepped across the brazier together.

Sister Ying didn't need to look to know that there were people watching the excitement around her. She wanted Jing Shirong to let her down, but she also thought it would be okay to let him hold her. The red hijab blocked her sight and she couldn't see the road clearly.

Matchmaker Huang saw Jing Shirong acting recklessly and wanted to tell him to stop, but she had already carried the bride to the lobby.

Matchmaker Huang was speechless and could only preside over it quickly, "The auspicious time has come, the bride and groom worship heaven and earth~~"

Hearing this, Jing Shirong put Sister Ying down steadily and adjusted her position so that she could stand in the right direction.

The two of them faced the sky together, and the matchmaker sang, "Bow down to heaven and earth~~"

The two held hands with red flower ropes and bent down to worship heaven and earth at the same time.

 After bowing, he turned around and faced Mr. Jing and Jing’s father, “Second worship to the high hall~~”

Jingshi and Jingfu were very happy when they saw that their eldest son had finally married his daughter-in-law, and they quickly asked Sister Ying to get up.

  "Okay, okay, you will have a good life from now on."

Jing's father was also very happy. He smiled all day long and his white teeth were never closed.

 “Husband and wife bow to each other~~”

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were face to face. One was wearing a hijab and the other was wearing a red jade crown. The couple bent down to worship each other at the same time.

 “Sent into the bridal chamber~~”

After the matchmaker finished singing this sentence, Jing Shirong picked up Sister Ying and ran to her room.

His room Jing had decorated it early. It had been renovated and the furniture was all new. It looked much more luxurious than before.

 The children came in with smiles to watch the fun, "Hahaha, I want to see the bride."

Other children also said, "I want to see it too. They say that beauties come from the south of the Yangtze River. I want to see how beautiful the bride is."

Other children ran into the new house out of curiosity, but Jing Shirong couldn't stop them.

 (End of this chapter)

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