Chapter 357, Combined Ninth Wine

 “Get out, get out, the children can’t come in.”

 But the children laughed and refused to leave, and still ran towards Sister Ying.

Sister Ying’s head was covered with a red hijab. She couldn’t see what the children were doing, but she knew they were all surrounding her.

Jing Shirong stood up and protected Sister Ying in front of her, childishly chasing her away, "Go, go, don't scare my wife. If you want a wife, marry one yourself."

The children laughed when they saw her protecting the calf, "Shameful face~don't be ashamed, hahahaha."

Jing Shirong was not afraid of their teasing, "If you're embarrassed, just be embarrassed. It's better than you without a wife, just a little bit~"

The other children were angry at being squeezed by him, and said childishly, "Huh, who said we don't have a wife? Let's find a wife now, huh."

 After saying that, he ran away angrily.

The King of Children ran away, and the remaining ones followed him.

After a while, the relatives and women also came to watch the fun. Huang Matchmaker also came in to preside over the ceremony, and one person poured them a glass of Hexin wine.

Jing Shirong held two glasses of Hehe wine, one for Sister Ying and one for herself.

Sister Ying's face was covered with a red hijab, and she was holding Hexin wine in her hand. She made a cup-like gesture with Jing Shirong, put the wine into the red hijab, and drank it at the same time as Jing Shirong.

After drinking the Hexin wine, the matchmaker came over and said a long congratulatory speech to the two of them. The meaning of the words was to wish them a happy marriage, a son early, and a family full of descendants.

At this time, the bed was filled with longans, red dates, and other auspicious things. They were spread all over the bed, and he looked very happy.

The relatives and women also came over to say a few blessings, wanting to secretly take a look at Sister Ying, but they were all blocked by Jing Shirong.

Several of the female elders laughed and said, "Oh, look at you, you have just entered the door, and you are such a sweetheart. We just took a peek and didn't do anything to her. Look at how well you are protecting her~"

Jing Shirong also laughed, but did not move out of the way at all. He laughed and said, "Aunts have been helping me all day. Come and sit at the table. The food will be cold soon."

Seeing how protective he was, the female relatives joked, "Okay, I know you think we are an eyesore, so I won't bother you two."

 After saying that, he left happily.

 It was only after everyone left that the room became quiet.

Now there are only three people left in the room: Jing Shirong, Sister Ying, and Xiao Zi.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and asked Sister Ying, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Sister Ying felt her stomach, and she was indeed hungry. "Let's eat some of your delicious snacks from the capital. Just order them hot."

 It’s winter now, so I need to eat something warm to warm my stomach.

Jing Shirong hummed, "Then you wait here first and I'll be back as soon as I go."

 But as soon as he went out, he was dragged away by Qi Yuanming and others to drink, and he couldn't come back at all.

Sister Ying waited for a while, but when she saw that he didn't come back, she knew that he had probably been taken away to drink, so she called Xiao Zi, "Go get something to eat, I'm so hungry."

Xiao Zi was also hungry, so she went out to find something to eat.

She was very courageous. Although it was her first time at the Jing family, she knew how to talk. She opened her mouth and asked the maid of the Jing family, "Where is the kitchen? My lady wants to drink something to warm her stomach. Don't think she has caught a cold."

 Look, Xiao Zi is quite smart sometimes. She doesn’t say that Sister Ying is hungry, but only says that the weather is cold and she needs something to warm her stomach.

Sister Ying laughed in the room and thought to herself that Xiao Zi is pretty good too.

 After a while, Xiao Zi came in with a large plate of hot food. There are jujube cakes, hawthorn cakes, walnut cakes, almond cakes, and sweet potato cakes, all of which are snacks.

Sister Ying asked, "Is there no pasta? Or hot dishes or something like that?"

Having been on a boat for more than two months, I had either dry food or fried rice with eggs every day. At most, I had broth, but nothing else.

 After finally landing, Sister Ying wanted to eat a bowl of hot food.

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "Yes, I know you want to eat something hot, so I asked the kitchen to bring you a bowl of hot noodle soup. Eat it while it's hot, and don't let anyone see you." Sister Ying hummed and lifted her hijab. , pick up the noodles and eat quickly.

The portion of the noodles is not big, so I finished the bowl quickly and drank the soup base completely.

Although I’m not full, fortunately I still have some snacks to help me with.

Xiao Zi also ate quickly, fearing that she would be hungry if she ate late.

While she was eating, the maid outside the door came to call her, "Your name is Xiao Zi, right? Come out and help. There are not enough people right now."

The other party had a good attitude and was very busy today, so Xiao Zi sighed and went out to help.

Sister Ying was satisfied now that she had had enough to eat and drink, so she stayed alone in the hut.

She looked outside the door and saw that everyone was busy, so she wanted to secretly lie on the bed and relax for a while.

Just when she was about to lie down and rest, the door of the hut was opened.

Sister Ying thought it was Xiao Zi who came back, and asked through the red hijab, "Are you done?"

 But the other party did not answer.

 “Xiao Zi??”

Sister Ying shouted twice, but was surprised when no one answered.

She lifted her red hijab and looked up, and saw a bright and flamboyant face.

It turned out that the twelfth princess sneaked into the Jing family, and then spent a long time applying makeup in the backyard, just to compare her beauty with Sister Ying.

She deliberately changed into women's clothes and wore the best jewelry for fear of being outdone by the bride.

 Ever since she secretly entered the bridal chamber, she began to scan Sister Ying's figure.

Although I haven't seen the bride's face yet, just looking at the figure under the phoenix crown and haori, she is exquisite and graceful. It can be seen that even if the bride is not beautiful, she still has a good figure.

Just when she wanted to secretly lift the red hijab to see the bride, Sister Ying took off the red hijab herself.

 The two people looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.

Sister Ying was stunned because a stranger suddenly appeared in the hut and was startled.

The Twelve Princess was shocked by Sister Ying's beautiful appearance, and she felt very excited and felt bad for a moment.

 “Why do you look like this?”

Although her sisters had joked before, saying that the woman Jing Shirong was going to marry was very beautiful, even more beautiful than her, at that time she did not believe it at all and was even disdainful.

You must know that the most beautiful girls in the capital must be her and the girls from the Wu family.

That girl from the Wu family looks so lovely that I feel pity for her. It is the look that men like most.

 But in the eyes of the Twelve Princess, the girl from the Wu family is too green tea and can only pretend to be good at acting, so she does not think the girl from the Wu family is good-looking at all.

On the contrary, the bride in front of her is very beautiful, with a hint of exotic femininity, and is a rare beauty in the capital.

The Twelve Princess looked at her up and down for a long time, first looking at Sister Ying's eyebrows, then at Sister Ying's swan neck, and then at Sister Ying's slender fingers, even the slender waistline.

 She looked at it very seriously. While looking at it, she compared her figure. She felt more and more that this bride was really not much worse than her.

Fortunately, before she came here, she had sworn that what others said were just rumors. There was no way there could be a woman more beautiful than her, but she didn't expect that there really was.

 And it’s not worse than her at all!

 (End of this chapter)

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