Chapter 358, Twelve Princesses

 The twelfth princess was a little angry.

 A little bit uncomfortable again.

 Originally, she thought that the most beautiful woman in the world should be herself.

Who would have thought that one day, a woman as beautiful as her would come to the capital? The more I think about it, the more dangerous I feel!

 This year’s beauty pageant hasn’t started yet. There will be someone prettier than her. What will happen to her chances of winning?

 She won first place in the beauty pageant in previous years. If she loses this year, she will be teased by the princesses who don't get along with her.

 No, she can't let herself lose.

So she looked at Sister Ying angrily, as if she wanted to ruin her face.

Sister Ying felt the other party's hostility, clicked her tongue, and said angrily, "What are you looking at? I've never seen a beautiful woman."

 After saying that, he stood up and faced the Twelve Princess face to face. He crossed his arms and stared at the Twelve Princess with his big eyes, as if he was comparing his gaze concentration with the Twelve Princess.


The Twelve Princess never expected that she would be so bold, that she would dare to look directly at her, and be so fierce.

 “You are brave!”

“Do you know who I am? You dare to be unreasonable to me!”

Sister Ying glanced at her suspiciously, "I?"

Is it possible that the fierce guy in front of me is a princess?

But why did the princess come to the Jing family and glare at her?

 Is she also an admirer of Brother Rong?

Sister Ying thinks it should be, otherwise the other person would not look unhappy with her, so he might be a love rival.

Sister Ying had a headache. She sighed, turned around and sat back on the bed. She covered herself with the red hijab and stopped talking.

Since the other party is a princess, she better not mess with her, otherwise she will be laughed at if she causes trouble on the first day in the capital.

Seeing her sitting back, the Twelve Princess also looked puzzled, "What are you doing? Who allowed you to ignore me!"

Sister Ying lifted her red hijab and said, "Then how do you want me to respond to you? I don't know you."

“Besides, today is my happy day. You don’t even know me, so you come here to bully me. Isn’t it a bit unreasonable?”

Since the other party didn’t say she was a princess, there was no need for Sister Ying to grovel to them.

Furthermore, she is the wife of a minister, so naturally she does not need to kneel to the princess.

The Twelve Princess saw that she dared to talk to her like this, and thought that she was so bold because she didn't identify herself, so she identified herself.

"Be brave, I am the twelfth most favored princess in the dynasty. If you dare to be unreasonable to me, please be careful. I will report it to my father and let him punish you."

Sister Ying.

How come the behavior of these twelve princesses is like the big-breasted and brainless heroines in novels, and their words are so brainless.

"I say, Your Highness, Princess, in the whole world, princes are guilty of the same crimes as common people when they break the law. Is it a crime to be good at private houses?"

"Both of them, this is a newlywed's room. Judging from your hair bun, it must be because you have not left the palace. It is really outrageous for a girl who has not left the palace to come to the newlyweds' room. So, is it your fault or my wife's fault? Wrong? You don’t need to tell me, Your Majesty understands it at a glance, what do you think?”


The Twelve Princess didn’t expect her to be so eloquent and didn’t know what to retort for a moment. Because everything they said is right.

 She left the palace privately today, and she also came in secretly when she came to Jing's house.

If the father knew that she left the palace privately and came to the Jing family to cause trouble, she would definitely be imprisoned, so she couldn't make a big deal out of it.

Originally, she just wanted to scare this ignorant woman from the country, but she didn't expect that this woman was so difficult to deal with. She couldn't even get a favor from her. She was really angry to death. "Humph, you are so proud. Aren't you just relying on your beauty to seduce Brother Rong? Be careful one day when you are old and yellow, Brother Rong will stop loving you."

Sister Ying shrugged nonchalantly, "If you don't love it, don't love it. Who in this world can't live without that person? Don't those widowed women still live to be ninety-nine?"

 Princess Twelve, "you."

Why is this woman so difficult to deal with! Why can't you get a bargain?

 The Twelve Princess was so angry that she couldn't hold it down even after taking several deep breaths.

Finally, he made a fierce move and said childishly, "You can only talk with this mouth, and I don't think you have any abilities. When the New Year is over, my imperial sister will come back, and she will definitely compete with you by then."

Anyway, the emperor's sister is capable of literary and military skills, and she also likes brother Rong. When the time comes, she will definitely instigate the emperor's sister to deal with this daughter of a minor official. Let’s see what else she is proud of!

Seeing her angrily staring at her, Sister Ying shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "Princess, please come back after you have finished speaking. If a girl who has not left the palace stays in the cubbyhole for too long, she may not be able to get married."

The Twelve Princess was stunned, "Are you talking nonsense?"

 How come she hasn’t heard of this custom?

Sister Ying deliberately frightened her, "Otherwise, why don't you tell me why the women who come to the bridal chamber are all married women? Why don't the little girls come in? Isn't it because they are afraid that being too happy will affect their marriage, and they will marry in the future? stay home."

"So, if the princess continues to stay, be careful not to get married."

 The twelfth princess was still a little naive. When she was so frightened, she quickly patted herself down, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to get married because of her happiness.

Before leaving, he said harshly, "Just wait for me!"

 She will continue to come back to seek revenge on this daughter of a small official!

Sister Ying.

  I don’t know anything about this, so how can I take revenge?

Sister Ying was really speechless, but she didn’t think much about it. She yawned and continued to lie on the bed and squint for a while.

 In the evening, Xiao Zi came back.

The front yard is really busy. There are a lot of guests coming today, and there is a lot of lively eating outside.

 “Miss, are you still hungry? Do you still want to eat?”

Xiao Zi came in with several plates of fragrant snacks, which were still steaming.

Sister Ying got some sleep and felt much better now.

She stretched and asked Xiao Zi, "Where has Brother Rong gone? He has been out for a day and I haven't seen him back."

Xiao Zi set the food for her and said with a smile, "My uncle was held by Mr. Qi and a group of people and couldn't leave at all. Several times I saw him trying to escape, but he was caught by Mr. Qi. It made me laugh to death."

Jing Shirong has wanted to come back for a long time, but today many of his friends came, including soldiers, all trying to impress him.

 Fortunately, both Jing Yu and Jing’s father went to help, otherwise it would be too much to drink.

When it gets dark, all the red lanterns in the courtyard are lit, and the garden is brightly lit.

 After the guests had finished their meal during the day, they all drank in the courtyard, and there was lively sound of fistfights everywhere.

Jing Shirong drank one bowl after another, until he couldn't drink anymore and fell down.

Qi Yuanming thought he was just pretending, so he still smiled and asked him to drink.

Jing Shirong saw that the boy was very annoyed, so he simply vomited and "vomited~" on Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming was startled, "Damn it, you have no drinking ethics!"

  I was drunk, how could I vomit on him? It was so disgusting.

Jing Shirong didn't care and continued to vomit on Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming was frightened to death, and quickly backed away in disgust, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, so get out of here, you treacherous bitch."

   Thank you for your votes, okay~(▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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