Chapter 359, Vomiting wine

Don't think he doesn't know, Jing Shirong deliberately vomited on him.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong have been friends for more than ten years, how could they not know what this kid is thinking.

However, they did go too far today. One jar after another, one person drank wine to the point of being drunk.

Qi Yuanming originally thought that he could drink this old fox down today, but he didn't expect that he still lost and his body stank to death.

Jing Shirong saw him cursing and going to change clothes, and then he proudly asked his servants to help him up, and went back to his room like a winner.

 When the other soldiers saw this, they dared not stop him.

If he vomited on them later, they would be stunk to death at night, so naturally he would not dare to stop him and just let him go.

Jing Yu and Jing’s father watched from the sidelines, and they also felt that their son/eldest brother’s tricks were a bit weak, but they were quite effective, haha.

After Jing Shirong stumbled back to the hut, Sister Ying immediately smelled a strong smell of wine, and there was even a hint of sourness in the wine.

She pinched her nose in disgust, "It smells so bad."

Xiao Zi was also stung so bad that she hurriedly went to get water.

"Uncle, you'd better take a shower first, don't make our young lady vomit."

But Jing Shirong was already a little drunk at this moment, so he raised the corners of his mouth in a wry manner, walked to the bed, and blew on Sister Ying through the red hijab.

Sister Ying.

“Brother Rong, you have gone too far. Go rinse your mouth quickly. It stinks.”

The smell of spit wine really makes people want to vomit.

Jing Shirong also knew that she smelled bad, but she still pretended to be stupid with wine, and went over to drink like crazy with Sister Ying, "Madam, I'm dizzy~"

 After saying that, he poured the smelly stuff into Sister Ying's arms.

 “Oh, it stinks so much, go take a shower.”

Sister Ying almost vomited due to the sour smell on his body. Pushing him away, "Go, go, go and clean up first, otherwise you will spit out the last night's dinner."

Jing Shirong hummed a few words, but refused to leave like a mangy dog, relying on her.

"My wife is so cruel. She rushed her husband to leave on the first day of marriage, which made her husband very sad. My husband's heart is almost broken. Madam, please let me heal him."

Sister Ying was angry and amused when she saw how hard he was, "Don't bother me anymore and go and wash yourself off, otherwise you won't be able to sleep with me tonight."

Jing Shirong pouted and snorted, looking drunk, "My wife is bullying others! I want to tell my father-in-law and mother-in-law that you bullied me."

With that said, he continued to lie down, directly laying his head on Sister Ying's lap, refusing to wash up.

Sister Ying was afraid that he would stink her Fengguanxiapei, so she pinched his ears hard and said, "Jing Shirong, get up!"

These words sounded fierce, like a small pepper.

Jing Shirong was drunk and blurry. She pulled his ear. It hurt a little, but he still hung on and grunted. It was obvious that he was drunk and had begun to feel confused.

"Since my wife thinks I smell bad, please help me wash up. My husband's hands and feet are too weak to move."

Sister Ying lowered her head and saw his handsome, red face. She guessed that he had drunk too much.

She pinched his face with her hands and said, "Then take off the red hijab first. I've been wearing it all day."

This is the last step in the wedding. The red hijab must be removed by the groom himself.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he immediately stood up and went to the table to get the red scale hook.

He staggered over, shook his head, pointed the scale hook at the red hijab, gently picked it up, and then picked up the red hijab.

Under the dim and bright lights, the bride was so beautiful that Jing Shirong was stunned.


He stumbled over, his eyes gleaming, and the dots in them were filled with Sister Ying's charming face.

Sister Ying was embarrassed by his sincere eyes. She shyly turned her face away and said, "What are you looking at? Rinse your mouth."

 But Jing Shirong still looked at her with a silly smile, his eyes filled with her reflection.        “Lady.”

As he said that, he stumbled over and held her in his arms.

 “From now on, you are mine.”

 After saying that, he lowered his head and was about to press it, but Sister Ying quickly blocked it with her hands.

 “Stop! Rinse your mouth!”

This lion's roar from the east of the river made Jing Shirong's dizzy mind clear up.

Sister Ying couldn't help but step on him. It didn't hurt, but it was enough of a deterrent. "Are you going to wash it or not? If you don't wash it, you can sleep outside!"

Those who came to eavesdrop on the wife and maids in the corner heard the roar of the Hedong lion inside and laughed.

Jing Shirong woke up and breathed into the palm of his hand. It really stunk, so he hurriedly ran to wash up.

 The female relatives outside the door all laughed, "It seems that A Jing's wife is still a little pepper."

“That’s right, he has such a hot temper that he yells at A Jing for a while, hahaha.”

The remaining boys who were going to make trouble at the wedding saw Jing Shirong being kicked out, and they immediately shrank their necks, not daring to make trouble, and turned around to continue drinking.

Jing Shirong went to take a bath in a daze, brushed his teeth clean, put on clean and fragrant clothes, and then went back to find Sister Ying.

There was originally a place to wash in the house, but Jing Shirong was drunk and confused, so he went out to wash.

Sister Ying just walked around the room and realized that this room was very big, and the bathing area was also very large. It was a pity that Jing Shirong didn't wash in the room, otherwise it would be very embarrassing.

Even though we have known each other for a long time, we are still a little embarrassed to suddenly become husband and wife.

Especially since the two of them have never had any intimate behavior, they will suddenly get married, and they have to adapt to it.

Before Jing Shirong came back, Sister Ying also washed her face in the inner room, and Jing Shirong came back just after washing her face.

"Madam, I've washed it clean and it doesn't stink anymore. If you don't believe me, smell it."

After saying that, he held up his sleeves and stretched them out for Sister Ying to smell.

Sister Yingying lowered her head and smelled his hand. It was indeed no longer smelly, and then she nodded with satisfaction.

“Xiao Zi has brought sobering soup. You go and drink it while I take off the hair accessories.”

Jing Shirong hummed and walked over to the table to drink the hangover soup.

Sister Ying was sitting in front of the dressing table taking off the heavy hair accessories from her head.

While she was taking it apart, Jing Shirong came over.

 Although he will be a little more awake after taking a shower, the effects of alcohol are still there and he is still a little confused.

"I'll help you."

Sister Ying was about to say no, but looking at Jing Shirong with a sincere face in the mirror, she didn't say anything and just said, "Then be gentle, it's going to rip off my scalp."

This phoenix crown is very tight. If you pull it off too hard, a few hairs will fall out.

Jing Shirong hummed, frowning, and helped her take off the phoenix crown with a serious expression.

He was careful and pursed his lips tightly, as if he was afraid of really hurting her, which made Sister Ying happy.

“Okay, just wait aside and I’ll do it myself.”

He looked like he was facing an enemy. Anyone who dared to ask him to help remove his headdress made her nervous.

Jing Shirong also felt that he might not be qualified for this job, so he could only wait obediently.

Sister Ying waited until she had finished taking off her headdress, and then she loosened her hair, otherwise her hairline would move back.

 (End of this chapter)

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