Chapter 360, low-key luxury

Jing Shirong waited for her obediently at the side. After she finished, he walked over to her and held Sister Ying's shoulders unsteadily.

  In drunken words, "Madam, are you done?"

Sister Ying turned around and hummed shyly, "You're drunk, go and take a rest first."

 Otherwise, with his drunken appearance, she was afraid that he would vomit again later.

 If he dares to vomit on her, she will beat him.

Jing Shirong looked at her with drunken eyes. Seeing her gentle words, he didn't hear what she said clearly, so he just nodded obediently, "Okay."

  It didn’t move even after it was healed, and just stood there stupidly, as if it was going to fall down.

Sister Ying was really convinced by him, so she could only hold his hand and pull him to the bed, "Okay, you go to bed now, and we'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Looking at how drunk he is, I think he really drank a lot today.

 Otherwise, with his drinking capacity, he should have a lot of alcohol.

 It seems that his friends should have taken turns to drink him today. He drank from the day until now. It's strange that he can be sober.

Jing Shirong also felt that his head was a little heavy, so he went to bed obediently and lay down on Banban, not forgetting to pat the place beside him and said, "Madam, come here too."

His harmless look made Sister Ying unable to help but feel a little soft-hearted.

  She changed into comfortable pajamas and lay down fully clothed.

Jing Shirong naturally hugged her, and the two of them lay facing each other.

Sister Ying leaned into his arms and took a deep breath of his unique fragrance.

The two of them snuggled together quietly, and after a while, Jing Shirong fell asleep drunk.

Sister Ying looked up at him and saw that he was breathing heavily, his heart was up and down, and he was snoring a little. She felt cute for some reason.

She had slept enough at noon and was not sleepy now, so she sat up, looked at his eyebrows, and brushed his eyelashes with her fingers.

 “Why are these eyelashes longer than mine?” They are dark and thick, and the key point is that the eyelashes are very curly.

“It’s no wonder people call you a pretty boy. With such a face, I would be willing to give you money to support you.”

Jing Shirong was sleeping relaxedly next to Sister Ying, not even knowing that she was muttering to him.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, was not sleepy yet, and her back was full of peanuts and red dates, which made her panic, so she had to get up and eat all the red dates.

These red dates are exquisite at first glance. They are big and round, with thin skin and thick flesh. They are very sweet when you eat them.

 She sat aside and ate red dates and peanuts. After eating, she rinsed her mouth and took a bath.

For so long, you can only wipe your body every day. Today, it is rare to go down to the land. Of course, you have to take a good bath.

“Xiao Zi, call me some hot water, I want to take a dip.”

Xiao Zi hummed and went out to ask the servants of the Jing family to bring hot water.

But the maid said that there is a small pool in the house, and the lady can take a bath directly in it.

Hearing this, Sister Ying went to the cubicle to take a look. Sure enough, a small pool for hot springs was built inside.

Jing’s courtyard looks ordinary and unremarkable.

 But there are all the things that should be in the house. Although the styles are very low-key, the materials are all the best.

I don’t want to be high-profile when I come to the Jing family. After all, ‘people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.’ So it’s better to be low-key.

At this moment, the servants boiled hot water and opened the pipes in the pool so that the hot water in the kitchen could flow directly into the small pool.

Sister Ying looked at the hot water flowing into the pool and exclaimed that it was interesting.

She originally enjoyed her life at her parents' house, but she didn't expect that the Jing family would be even more luxurious.

The pipes in the pool are just like tap water, and the water temperature is very suitable. It is not too hot or too cold. It saves you having to carry buckets of water into the house. It is really convenient.

Xiao Zi came over to help Sister Ying undress and also praised, "Miss, it seems that the Jing family is not bad at all."

  Originally, when she came to Jing’s house in the morning, she saw that the things in the Jing’s courtyard were quite old, so she thought that the Jing’s family was very poor.

 But looking at the things in the hut, they are all quite practical, and they don’t look like they are poor.

Sister Ying soaked in the hot pool and said with a smile, "This is called low-key luxury with connotation. You should learn from it." Xiao Zibian helped her wash her hair and smiled, "Even if you pretend to be poor, you can do it too." ”

Sister Ying was dumbfounded by what she said. She shook her head and asked her, "I'll let the kitchen boil some hot water for you later, and you should wash up. You're all smelly."

 Xiao Zi lowered her head and sniffed her sleeves, "It's a bit smelly. I'll wash it as soon as I get back."

“Miss, you don’t know that the guest room that Mrs. Jing has arranged for us is pretty good. The quilts in it are all new, and there are also ground dragons.”

Jingshi arranged servant rooms for Xiaozi and the others early in the morning, which were located in the outer courtyard of the hut.

 Because Jing Shirong didn't like people to go to his yard, Mrs. Jing didn't arrange the servant's room in the inner yard.

Xiao Zi and her family's house is still very good, and the quilts are all brand new. Although it is a Datong shop, there are ground dragons, so it is warm in winter and they don't need to be cold.

Sister Ying nodded, "Aunt Jing is a nice person and a thoughtful person."

Plus the two families are old friends, Mrs. Jing will never be unkind to the people Sister Ying brings.

 If there are really two faces before and after marriage, they are mistaken.

However, Sister Ying still believes in her mother's vision. Aunt Jing's family should be a good family.

 After taking a bath and washing her hair, she got up and changed her clothes comfortably.

Xiao Zi wiped her hair for a while before wiping it dry.

"Okay, your hair is dry. Miss, go to bed early."

Sister Ying hummed and asked her to go back and sleep peacefully. "You don't have to get up early tomorrow. Come instead, Xiaobai."

Xiaobai is also the personal maid arranged by the Wu family for Sister Ying. This maid looks like a passerby, but is very smart.

  Wu chose her specially because he liked her cleverness.

Sister Ying also likes Xiaobai’s maid very much. She is not only smart, but also very good at making people happy. The key is that she recognizes her master.

 But Xiao Zi was not satisfied with the taste, "What's so good about that girl Xiao Bai? She's not good-looking yet, so what's the fun in looking like a passerby? Huh."

Seeing her jealousy, Sister Ying laughed, "Then I want you to sleep a little longer." She was busy so late today.

Xiao Zi doesn't want it, "I don't want it. Any maid dares to sleep later than the master. Aren't you doing me harm? Be careful to let the Jing family catch our family's lack of etiquette. I'll come and take care of you tomorrow."

 After saying that, he snorted and went back to sleep.

Sister Ying sat in front of the dressing table, helpless and funny. She finally combed her hair and got ready to sleep.

 It took me an hour just to wash my hair and take a shower, and it’s already midnight.

Just when she was about to go back to sleep after combing her hair, a person suddenly stood behind her, "Ah! I was scared to death."

It turned out that Jing Shirong woke up after sleeping for an hour and saw that the house was empty. He was frightened and quickly found it.

The drunken look on his face has improved a little, because after catching up on his sleep, he feels more energetic.

“Sister Ying? Where have you been?”

Sister Ying pointed to the bathroom and said, "I went to take a shower. If you don't believe me, just smell it."

Jing Shirong's eyes lit up, he lowered his head and smelled the back of her hand, "Well, this smells really good." It was like the fragrance of roses.

Sister Ying said proudly, "I mixed the essential oil myself. One drop of it can make it smell good for a long time."

Jing Shirong didn't believe it. He lowered his head and sniffed in her hair, "It's true."

His cheeks were slightly red, and he didn't know whether it was because of the fragrance of roses, or because of the embarrassment of the bride who had taken off her makeup but was still very pretty. His handsome face was always red.

 “Madam, it’s time for us to take a rest.”

Sister Ying blushed and nodded shyly.

 Then he took her hand and went to the inner room.

 The gauze curtain slowly falls...

The candles are bright, burning all night until dawn.

   Do you have a little one who has passed the college entrance examination? How did you do on the exam?



 (End of this chapter)

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