Chapter 361, Serving Tea

 On the second day.

  When it was still dark, Jing got up first.

She glanced outside and told her servants, "Don't disturb the eldest young master in the courtyard. Let them sleep a little longer."

The maid responded, "Yes."

I didn’t expect that the young lady who had just entered the house would be so considerate of her. It seems that she also likes this new lady.

Soon, the maids of the Jing family immediately knew the news that Sister Ying was favored by the Jing family, and they all knew what to do.

Jing’s father didn’t go to court today either, he was still lying in bed.

Seeing his drunken and headache-like behavior, Mrs. Jing couldn't laugh or cry, "I told you not to drink so much. If you insist on drinking so much, you'll have a headache now."

Jing's father waved his hands sadly, "I want to sleep a little longer and drink the bride's tea in the afternoon."

Jing Shi smiled and said, "I understand, I have already told my servants not to disturb A Jing and the others, and let them sleep a little longer."

"These two children have been walking on water for more than two months. They are very tired when you think about it. Plus A Jing drank so much last night, he should have a headache."

 That's why Mrs. Jing couldn't bear to let her sons get up so early to serve tea. It would be better to let them sleep a little longer.

I don’t know if other families treat the Jing family like this, but they live their lives behind closed doors and do whatever they want, and no one else can control them.

Moreover, the two children are really tired from running around for days, and she is not the kind of evil mother-in-law who would be willing to wake them up early in the morning to serve tea.

 This head.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong had a late night fight last night and didn't go to bed until midnight. They were still sleeping soundly in bed, with no sign of waking up.

 It was not until the afternoon that the two of them woke up in a daze.

Jing Shirong stretched out energetically and got up with great energy.

It seemed that the alcohol and staying up late didn't bother him at all, but made him more energetic.

 It’s Sister Ying.

Like a pitiful little boy, he moved his stiff limbs lazily and grunted unhappily.

Jing Shirong looked around guiltily before lying down and apologizing to her.

“Madam, are you awake? Do you want to sleep a little longer?”

Sister Ying felt she had had enough sleep, but she felt uncomfortable, so she glared at him angrily, "Go away, I don't want to see you."

Jing Shirong scratched his head guiltily and didn't want to leave at all. He lowered his head and lay down to please Sister Ying.

“I was the one who was wrong last night. I’ll be gentler next time. Please don’t be angry with me, okay?”

He looked sincere when he admitted his mistake. Sister Ying also knew that he didn't mean it, so she snorted and forgave him.

Jing Shirong saw that she was still willing to forgive him, so he happily leaned over and continued to hold her and squint for a while.

Sister Ying suddenly remembered, "Are you going to serve tea to your father-in-law and mother-in-law today? What time is it now?"

It's all because she slept so hard that she had forgotten about serving tea.

She got up in a hurry and called Xiao Zi in a hurry.

 “Xiao Zi! What time is it now?”

Seeing that they were awake, Xiao Zi came in and replied, "It's already afternoon, Miss."

Sister Ying was startled, "It's afternoon??"

 Oh my God, the bride should be serving tea early in the morning, but she actually slept until the afternoon.

 “Quick, quick, bring me the clothes.”

 Having said that, he hurriedly got out of bed.

Jing Shirong quickly grabbed her with quick eyes and hands, "Don't worry, my dad also drank too much last night. He might still be sleeping now. Let's take our time and don't be in a hurry."

Jing Shirong knows what the family is like.

Since no one came to call his mother, it meant that his mother also wanted them to have a good rest.

Sister Ying was dubious, "Really?" Although Jing had a good impression on her, she was late on the first day she got married, and she was afraid of causing any conflicts.

Jing Shirong comforted her, "Don't worry, look outside. My mother didn't even ask anyone to come over, which means she wants us to sleep a little longer."

Sister Ying looked outside and saw that she did not see any of the servants of the Jing family. She thought Jing Shirong was right.

But even so, it’s time to get up and serve tea, otherwise the sun will almost set.

Jing Shirong hummed and helped her dress herself.

 “Raise your hands.”

Sister Ying was shy and refused fiercely, "I don't want you, I will do it myself."

 But Jing Shirong didn't listen and continued to help her dress.

“You will be my wife from now on, and I will also start to learn how to dress.”

Sister Ying. "You don't need to learn this, Xiao Zi will help me put it on."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and said, "I can do that too."

Sister Ying stared at him speechlessly, not knowing what he was arguing about, but she let him go.

However, he was not good at dressing up in women's clothing, so in the end Xiao Zi came to help.

 After getting dressed and combing the bride's hair, she and Jing Shirong went to the front yard together.

Jing Shirong held hands with her and asked her, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first before going over?"

Sister Ying glanced at the sun and saw that it was getting late, so she stopped eating.

“Let’s serve tea to my parents first, and then go have a good meal after serving tea.”

Jing Shirong listened to her and said, "Okay."

When Jing learned that they were coming, he quickly prepared his things and called Jing Yu, Jing Xin and Mrs. Jing to come over.

 Including the relatives of the Jing family, and all the relatives of Grandpa Jing’s family were also called together.

As soon as Sister Ying and Jing Shirong came over, they heard the lively sounds inside.

Until the maid shouted, "The eldest young master and the eldest young lady are here."

Then the noise in the room suddenly became quieter, and everyone became quiet, waiting for the bride to appear.

Sister Ying couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She felt that she would be stared at as soon as she entered the room, which was quite embarrassing.

But Jing Shirong squeezed the flesh of her palm and said, "It's okay. I'm here, don't be afraid."

Sister Ying hummed, as long as he was here, there really was nothing to be afraid of.

So the couple held hands and walked into the main room together.

The large hall was filled with relatives of the Jing family, both inside and outside. There were quite a few people here.

Xiao Zi came over with a tea cup. Sister Ying and Jing Shirong each had a cup, and they first served tea to Jing’s father and Jing’s mother.

 “Mom and dad drink tea.”

Jing Shi and Jing’s father took the tea from Sister Ying, took a sip, and then took out the meeting gift for the new daughter-in-law.

"From now on, you and A-Jing live a good life together. You can be as comfortable as you want at home. Just treat it like home and don't go out with your mother."

Sister Ying was moved by the kind words she said and nodded obediently, "Thank you, mother."

 Then there is Jing’s father.

Jing's father finished drinking tea and gave her a greeting gift, and then said to Sister Ying, "You have been a good boy since you were a child. From now on, you can stay at home with peace of mind. As long as your mother and I are here, no one will bully you."

“If Ah Jing bullies you, just tell him, and dad will help you teach him a lesson.”

Sister Ying did not expect that her parents-in-law would help her as soon as her new daughter-in-law came in, and she immediately looked at Jing Shirong happily.

Jing Shirong knew that his parents were afraid that Sister Ying would not be able to adapt to the situation when she came to the capital, so she felt more and more pity for her daughter-in-law, so she doted on Sister Ying so much.

 (End of this chapter)

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