The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 362: , parents-in-law are considerate

Chapter 362: In-laws are considerate

Jing Shirong was happy, feeling that his parents really understood what he meant.

 He was originally worried that his father and mother would be too serious and would frighten Sister Ying, but now he was worried too much.

After serving tea to Mr. Jing and Mr. Jing, Mrs. Jing and other elders came next.

Mrs. Jing drank the tea with a smile and immediately gave her a big gift.

“This was my favorite hairstyle when I was young. Although the style is a bit older, the quality is still very good. If you like it, wear it.”

Sister Ying smiled and thanked her, "Grandma is still so generous. I am so beautiful. I will be blessed to follow my grandmother in the future."

Mrs. Jing laughed happily when she praised her.

“Okay, okay, as long as you add a few more children to our Jing family in the future, I will give you all my grandmother’s things.”

The second family immediately became displeased with what he said.

Mrs. Sun's temperament was originally quite calculative, and she was still worried about the Jing family's property. How could she let Mrs. Jing's belongings be given to this new daughter-in-law.

He said unhappily, "Mom is too partial. I didn't see you being so generous when brother Ping married his daughter-in-law a few years ago. You are going to chill the heart of brother Ping's daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Jing did not expect to be choked, "Me." She didn't know what to say for a moment.

 She is actually not partial. Originally, she loves the second son's family more. After all, he is the youngest son, so he will be more partial.

  But you can’t be too harsh on the boss. After all, she has been taken care of by the boss.

Now that A Jing is marrying a daughter-in-law, as the grandson-in-law of the Jing family, she should be more generous and give her some good things. Unexpectedly, the second daughter of the second family quit her job immediately.

Mrs. Jing was also a little aggrieved, "I also gave a big gift to Brother Ping's daughter-in-law. She has the same face value as this set of hair. Why do you say that to me?"

 She is an old child, but her daughter-in-law said it in front of everyone, so Mrs. Jing naturally felt aggrieved.

Jing was a little angry. She felt that the second daughter-in-law was really annoying and she had to make trouble on the big day.

But everyone was here, and she didn't want to quarrel with her sister-in-law in front of her relatives, so she turned her face away and took a deep breath.

 In the end, it was the female relatives of Duke Jingwai who came out to smooth things over.

"Okay, okay, we are all a family, don't worry about these things every day. Sister Ying came all the way to the capital to marry, so you should love her more. There is nothing wrong with this. As an elder, you should not worry about these things with your juniors. , sit down and rest."

Sun Ershi opened her mouth and said, "Me."

Seeing that they were all relatives of the Jing family today, she was afraid that if she made trouble again, these people would attack her together, so she simply stopped talking and sat down with a snort.

Jing was also very angry, but she didn't want to ruin the atmosphere in front of her daughter-in-law.

Sister Ying saw that both of them were angry and had a headache.

 She had just entered the house on her first day, and this happened.

 Fortunately, Uncle Jing does not live with them, otherwise the life would be noisy.

On the other hand, the female relatives of Duke Jing's family were more generous. They all smiled and talked to Sister Ying, and also gave Sister Ying a greeting gift.

A female relative said, "Look at this new daughter-in-law, how handsome she is. Our Ajing is really discerning, and I'm so envious of her."

Relative Daughter Yi: "That's right, you all said before that A Jing's daughter-in-law is like a fairy, but I didn't believe it. Now that I have seen her, she is indeed very beautiful, even prettier than the daughter of the Wu family."

“I see, no one in this year’s beauty pageant is as good-looking as our sister Ying.”

It’s a pity that only unmarried girls can participate in beauty pageants, and women almost never participate, so Sister Ying can only remain unknown.

 The other female family members laughed and said, "Okay, considering your age, you are still thinking about the beauty contest."

 There are also many holidays for women in the capital to enjoy themselves. Tasting contests, talent contests, and beauty pageants are all very lively festivals.

 Although people usually pay attention to rules, it does not affect everyone's mood for celebrating the festival. It's not as serious as Matchmaker Huang said at all.

However, Jing Shirong also explained to Sister Ying that because Mr. Jingwai’s family was an imperial merchant, the wives in the family had different statuses. Some were daughters of minor officials, daughters of generals, or daughters of merchants, so there were no rules in the family. So strict.

  If you were from a scholarly family, the rules would indeed be much stricter.

Sister Ying is glad that she married into the Jing family. If she married into a strict feudal family, her life would not be so happy.

Like this time, after giving the greeting gifts, the women of the Jing family sat down together to discuss what to eat in the evening.

Jingshi has already arranged the food, "The food is ready and will be here in a while. You guys talk first."

Sister Ying was quickly pulled over by them to talk.

"Ajing's wife, you often come to our house to sit and sit when you have time. My wife is only a few years older than you, so you two should be able to chat."

Other female elders also said, "My daughter-in-law is as old as you and pretty. You two must have something to talk about. Listen to my third aunt and come to my house next time."

 The other female elders disagreed, "Well, I'm telling you, are you too overbearing? You are robbing Ajing's wife from us. Why do you love robbing so much, and you still have such bad behavior after twenty years?"

Because we are both sisters-in-law, we often quarrel.

 It only takes a quarter of an hour to be nice, but it takes minutes to quarrel.

Seeing them arguing, Sister Ying glanced at Jing Shirong with three lines on her forehead.

Jing Shirong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only come and sit with them.

 He was originally sitting at the men's table.

 Sitting with uncles and cousins ​​from Jingwai's family.

 But now Sister Ying is in trouble, so he has no choice but to come and sit with them at the ladies' table.

When the other female relatives saw him coming over suddenly, they stopped arguing and joked with him, "I say A Jing, you are too protective. You are so protective just after you walked in. How can you be willing to leave your little wife behind when you go to work in the future?" Stay, hahaha.”

 The other female relatives also laughed.

Jing Shirong was not afraid of being embarrassed and sat calmly, "Of course I have to protect my wife. Don't be jealous, aunties."

 The female elders were laughed at by him, and then they smiled in a conciliatory manner.

 “Okay, okay, okay, I can’t beat you, just eat and eat.”

 Now that the quarrel is over, Jing Shirong gives Sister Ying some vegetables and meat.

Other female relatives are also observing their relationship with each other. Seeing that Jing Shirong has to give Sister Ying an extra bite every time she eats, which makes the female elders die of acidity.

“Okay, okay, go eat at your men’s table, you’re so slimy, we’ll just stay here with your wife, you can leave quickly.”

They are all middle-aged women and have long forgotten what it feels like to be cared for by a man. Naturally, they cannot stand seeing the newlyweds so affectionate.

Jing Shirong was not upset when they drove him away. He lowered his head and asked Sister Ying to eat more.

Sister Ying is not cautious about eating. She eats as much as she should.

The female relatives saw that she was eating gracefully and generously, without any stage fright, and they looked at each other dumbfounded.

 Normally, on the first day that a new daughter-in-law enters the house, she would not dare to eat happily in front of her elders.

Sister Ying was so quiet that she ate as much as she could without any thought of hiding it.

 (End of this chapter)

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