Chapter 363, Two Faces

Seeing that Sister Ying had already eaten three bowls of meat and vegetables, the aunts couldn't help laughing and said, "Daughter-in-law Ajing, you can eat this much. Aren't you afraid of getting fat after eating so much?"

There are so many daughters-in-law in Beijing who dare not eat too much for fear of being called greedy by their husbands.

 A girl who is not married does not dare to eat too much for fear that she will become fat and unable to get married.

I didn’t expect Ajing’s wife to be so good at eating, and her belly didn’t bulge at all. She was really different from the women in the capital.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'm hungry."

She ate some red dates and peanuts last night. The sun had set now, so she just ate her first meal of the day, so she was naturally hungry.

 Plus, she eats more than ordinary girls. If she doesn’t eat enough, she won’t have the strength, so it’s better not to pretend. It’s best to eat full.

 As long as everyone knows that she eats a lot, there will definitely be more meals prepared for her in the future. Otherwise, if she has a weak stomach today, she will not be able to eat enough when she goes out to visit guests. It is better to let everyone know how much she eats today.

Everyone saw that she was eating well, some really liked her, and some didn't say anything on their faces, but they despised her in their hearts. They felt that this young lady from the prefect's family was not very good. She was born in the countryside, and she didn't know how to eat.

They all asked Jing about the details of the Liang family. Some of them knew that Sister Ying's hometown was Lingxi Town, but some of them didn't know and just thought she was the daughter of a Jiangnan family.

 After the bustling dinner, Mrs. Jing asked Sister Ying to rest first.

When the other female relatives saw this, they joked, "My sister-in-law is too doting on this new daughter-in-law. Be careful of spoiling her."

They all have daughters-in-law. Although they would not abuse their daughters-in-law, they would not be too gentle towards them. They put their mother-in-law on a very high pedestal, for fear that the daughter-in-law would get in their way.

How is it like the Jing family, who not only protects her in front of outsiders, but also lets her new daughter-in-law go to rest early? How will this spread out?

Those who don’t know better think that Mr. Jing’s housekeeping is unruly and his daughter-in-law has taken advantage of him.

Jing could not help but roll her eyes when she saw that they were so picky and not at all as kind as she had been in front of Sister Ying just now.

"She came to the capital after a long journey. What's wrong with asking her to rest first? I'm not that evil mother-in-law who makes people so tired and doesn't allow them to rest. It's really shameful if this matter spreads."

Other women and daughters-in-law curled their lips at her rebuke, "We are also doing this for your own good. You have never been a mother-in-law, so you don't know how difficult it is for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other."

Their sons all got married earlier than Jing Shirong. After being a mother-in-law for several years, they naturally knew that their relationship was difficult to get along with.

Even though they don’t live in the same courtyard, they see each other every day, and one of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law always dislikes the other.

  It’s rare to say that they are very noisy, but they are rare if they are like mother and daughter.

Jing saw that all of them were like this and didn't say anything. After all, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. She wouldn't advise them to do anything without her suffering. She just had to take care of herself.

 She wants to be a good mother-in-law anyway, and for the sake of Mrs. Wu, she cannot possibly abuse her daughter.

After all, she is the daughter of a good friend. She must be cherished when she gets married, otherwise how will she explain to Mrs. Wu.

The other female family members and daughters-in-law saw that she was not getting along well, so they simply stopped trying to persuade her and went to watch the theater together.

Today, the Jing family also invited a theater troupe, and the show is starting in the backyard.

Sister Ying returned to the house, already very tired.

 As soon as she arrived in the room, she took off her shoes and lay down on the bed.

Seeing how tired she was, Xiao Zi couldn't laugh or cry, "What did you do last night to make you so tired?"

Thinking of last night, Sister Ying's ears felt hot and she said vaguely, "It's nothing, I'm just tired and want to sleep for a while."

Seeing that she was still tired, Xiao Zi could only cover her with a quilt, "Okay, then you can go to sleep first."

 After a while, Jing Shirong also came in.

As soon as he entered the inner room, he saw his little wife sleeping soundly on the bed.

I think she was tired from yesterday, and now her eyes are still green with fatigue.

So he didn't dare to disturb her, so he crept onto the bed, followed her and lay down next to her, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 On the second day.    This is the time when I have truly rested.

Jing Shirong was the first to wake up. He looked down at Sister Ying and saw that her little face was flushed with sleep, so he kissed the side of her face lovingly.

Sister Ying hummed, felt full and stretched, and then lazily opened her eyes.

 As soon as he opened his eyes, what he saw was a handsome face in the clear moonlight.

The handsome man also smiled at her, his thin lips parted lightly, "Madam?"

Sister Ying thought she was having a sweet dream, but she was woken up by his ladylike voice.

 “Uh, it’s you.”

 She thought she dreamed of a handsome young man.

Jing Shirong saw the disappointed look on her face and was a little puzzled, "What's wrong? Are you still angry with me?"

 After saying that, he felt aggrieved. He turned around, hugged his knees, and buried his head in them, as if "I'm very sad, come and comfort me."

Sister Ying.

 “I didn’t say anything to you.”

How could a grown man be more aggrieved than her?

Jing Shirong is not aggrieved, he just doesn’t know why he annoyed Sister Ying? I don’t know how to apologize, so I can only preemptively strike.

Brother Murong once said that when a woman is angry, don't be aggressive with her. It's always right to pretend to be wronged first.

 After all, women are soft-spoken. When she is angry, if you insist on arguing with her to win or lose, it would be strange if she doesn’t get angry to death.

Once she gets angry, she will not have a good life anyway, so she might as well take a step back, aggrieve herself first, and follow the path of a woman, leaving the woman with nowhere to go.

Jing Shirong felt that Murong Yun had been married for two or three years after all, and it was always right to listen to the experience of married men.

Look at this moment, when Sister Ying saw his aggrieved and autistic look, she no longer had any intention of looking down on him, and poked his back with her index finger.

 “Brother Rong? What’s wrong with you?”

Jing Shirong knew that this trick was used as soon as she lost her fierce tone.

He raised his mouth triumphantly and twisted his body deliberately, not wanting to turn away and wanting Sister Ying to coax him.

Sister Ying laughed angrily when she saw how his little wife looked.

 “Turn around, don’t let me beat you.”

Jing Shirong opened his mouth in surprise and turned back to look at her in disbelief.

“Madam, don’t you think you are a little more fierce after marriage than before marriage?”

 Before marriage, she would still call her brother Rong and patiently coax herself.

They have only been married for two days and she is so fierce. How will she live in the future?

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I don't care about you, so you still want me to coax you? It's pretty cool if you think so."

It was obvious that this guy didn't understand the rules and made himself uncomfortable, but he had the nerve to accept the grievance.

Jing Shirong saw that she was talking about this, scratched his head and blushed a little, "Well, I'm not inexperienced."

 Being a husband for the first time, he has never seen the world, so it is inevitable that he will make mistakes, and he does not mean to do so.

He patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will change it in the future."

 It seems that he will study more books in the future.

Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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