Chapter 364, Business trip

On the third day of the wedding, Jing Shirong will enter the palace to meet the holy bride.

 He got up early, put on his court clothes and went into the palace without calling Sister Ying.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw the twelve princesses looking at him from a distance.

Jing Shirong also had a headache regarding the twelve princesses.

This pampered princess has a temper that is intimidating.

  Back when he came to the palace, he was chased by the Twelve Princesses. He was so frightened that he had to avoid the route taken by the Twelve Princesses every time.

 It’s not that the Twelve Princess is bad, it’s just that she is too annoying and noisy.

The crows didn't even bother her.

 The biological mother of the twelfth princess is an outsider. It is said that his family owns a paint shop.

When the emperor was out of the palace in disguise and on a tour, he happened to meet the biological mother of the twelve princesses and fell in love with her beauty at first sight.

 The woman behind was pregnant and was taken into the palace by the emperor.

It's a pity that the harem was turbulent. An innocent girl was no match for a group of old foxes. After giving birth to the twelve princesses, her beauty disappeared.

The emperor felt sorry for the twelve princesses who lost their mother at an early age, so he doted on the twelve princesses even more since they were young. This led to the twelve princesses being raised arrogant and unreasonable.

But the troubles she caused were all trivial matters, and the emperor turned a blind eye every time and felt reassured, which made the twelve princesses more and more courageous.

Jing Shirong also happened to meet this bold princess when he entered the palace early one morning, and he has been entangled with her ever since.

  The Twelve Princess is young, but very domineering. She will not give up until she gets what she likes.

Every time Jing Shirong saw her, he would just nod as a salute, and then leave quickly.

But in the eyes of the Twelve Princess, she felt that such a man who looked like Pan An was really attractive, especially his cold and indifferent look, which made her fall in love with him.

In the past, she had heard that the man the emperor liked was a very good man, but she had never seen Jing Shirong in person.

 Later, when I saw Jing Shirong in person, I knew why Sister Huang liked him.

Because this Master Jing is so handsome, and not at all effeminate, he is also very tall, and his temperament is as bright as the moon. His appearance is like that of Pan An, and he even looks good in clothes.

Even the coarse linen clothes on his body gave off an aristocratic feel.

 Because of her admiration for the third princess and the fact that Jing Shirong’s temperament was truly outstanding, the twelfth princess wanted to pursue him more and more so that he could propose marriage to her father.

However, Jing Shirong kept avoiding her, making it difficult for her to say a word to him.

Every time she deliberately waited for him on his way out of the palace, but as soon as he saw her, he ran faster than a rabbit. She was so angry that she chased him, but she couldn't catch him.

 The Twelve Princess refused to give up. The more Jing Shirong rejected her, the more courageously she moved forward.

  Until he got married this time, she was still dissatisfied.

No, today she learned that Jing Shirong would come into the palace to meet the saint, so she came to the palace gate and waited, hoping to stop Jing Shirong from telling him the truth when he left the palace.

Jing Shirong didn't see her when he entered the palace, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Who would have thought that this girl would actually be guarding outside the palace.

He was currently meeting the emperor in the royal study. The emperor gave him a wedding gift and pretended to ask him, "Do I need to give you a few more days off?"

Jing Shirong also pretended not to understand that he was being polite, and the straight man replied, "Then thank you Your Majesty. It would be good if I can let him go for three more months."

 “Maybe a month will do.”



If I had known earlier, I would not have said this.

But Jun Wuji had no choice but to suffer the loss of being dumb, "Then I'll give you a few days off, but there's an insect infestation over the river, so go and have a look."

"I've asked Qi Yuanming to **** the disaster food. You two should go there together to see what's going on. The public security should also be improved and don't let the victims escape." The food that suffers the most from the insect disaster is food.

 Once the food is gone, the people will have nothing to feed themselves.

 At that time, the hungry people will become furious and may even grab food and fight.

 So it’s best to call Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming over at this time.

Qi Yuanming is responsible for public security, and Jing Shirong is responsible for pest control.

 They are both civilized and military, and they complement each other perfectly.

When Jing Shirong heard that the people had something to do, he said, "I accept the order."

 He suddenly remembered, "Then, will we set off today?"

The emperor said, "Let's go on our way after dinner in the evening. I have also called Qi Yuanming back, and I will ask him to take the group of soldiers over to practice and gain experience."

 Jing Shi Rong.

 So the marriage leave is gone again? ?

The emperor knew he was in the wrong and coughed, "Otherwise, if you want to take your little lady there, it's not impossible."

It depends on whether you are willing to part with it or not.

Jing Shi Rong was angry and secretly said that the emperor was the biggest profiteer in the world.

 He went back angrily, and as soon as he arrived at the palace gate, he saw the twelve princesses waiting for him again.

Shi Rong's face didn't look very good during this meeting, and the Twelve Princesses were not fools either, so they could naturally see that he was unhappy.

So she didn't dare to get too close and cautiously asked, "Brother Ajing, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

Originally, she wanted to ask Jing Shirong why he married the prefect's daughter, but it seemed like this was not the right time?

 After all, Brother Jing’s face is a bit cold and he looks fierce.

Then the twelve princesses shrank their necks. Those who know the current affairs are talented people. "Then you should be busy first. I will find you next time."

 After saying that, he picked up his skirt and ran away.

You know, Jing Shirong is still very fierce when he gets angry.

For a person like him who usually doesn't lose his temper, it would be really scary once he loses his temper, so the Twelve Princess ran away very wisely.

Jing Shirong was not that angry.

 It’s just that when he’s not smiling, his face is colder.

Especially when you frown slightly, you look even more indifferent and don't let strangers in.

 After returning home, he first went to see Sister Ying in the house and saw that she had gotten up and was sitting on the bed in a daze. Her little face was powdered with sleep, and she was very cute.

Then his mood improved again, he came over, lowered his head and kissed the pink face, "Are you awake?"

Sister Ying hummed, hanging on him like a cat, "Where have you been?"

Jing Shirong hugged her, pressed his forehead against hers, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to the palace to meet the saint."

“I will go down to the river to control the insect infestation in the evening. You stay at home and wait for me to come back.”

Sister Ying frowned, a little reluctant, "You just came back and you're leaving?"

Jing Shirong reached out and brushed the broken hair on her forehead, "Holy orders are difficult, Brother Qi will come with me. You can stay at home and play with Jing Han or Jing Xin when you are bored. , they often get together and have good tempers, you can feel free to interact with them. "

Jing Han is Jing Shirong’s cousin, with a lively and bold personality. Jing Xin is Jing Shirong’s biological sister, and Sister Ying also knows her.

However, she only knew Jing Xin when she was a child. Now that she is older, she doesn’t know if she can still play with him.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Don't worry, that girl is like an idiot. She hasn't grown up at all. She should be stupid or stupid. She looks like a fool. You will definitely like her."

Sister Ying.

Is it appropriate to say this about your own sister?

It’s almost the Dragon Boat Festival. Do you want sweet or salty rice dumplings? ?



 (End of this chapter)

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