Chapter 365, Sun Ershi

 Speaking of that idiot Jing Xin, Jing Shirong chuckled.

He was rarely naughty, "That girl's son can even walk, but she still acts like a minor. She jumps up and down all day long, which makes my brother-in-law mad to death. She doesn't even listen to anything she says. She's still the same kind of dog."

Only my brother dared to say that. Sister Ying was dumbfounded when she heard this.

“Be careful if she hears that you dislike her so much, she will definitely come to quarrel with you.”

Jing Shirong was also afraid that the girl would quarrel with her, so he came over to bribe Sister Ying, hugged her, and said with a flattering expression, "Then you can't harm me, if that girl Jing Xin knows that I criticize her like this , I will be annoyed to death by her.”

Sister Ying raised her chin and said, "Please beg me, beg me and I will consider whether to help you."

Jing Shirong felt very surprised when he saw her proud look, so he raised his eyebrows and let go of his bad thoughts.

 “You want me to beg you? Are you sure?”

Sister Ying raised her head and saw his fox-like shrewd eyes, and immediately felt that something was not going well, so she took a step back and said, "No, no need."

 The old fox’s smile, who knows what is hidden behind it, she’d better run.

 But as soon as she took a step forward, she was snatched back.

 “Little lady, where are you running?”

 “Oh, let me go. It’s already noon. Let me go.”

But the old fox didn't listen and still went to bed with the kitten in his mouth.

Xiao Zi was originally going to come over to help Sister Ying get up, but she heard the frolicking in the house outside the door, and then walked away with a smile.

Xiaobai saw the cunning smile on her face and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Zi snorted, "I won't tell you."

“This is a secret that only the maids around the lady can know.”

 It means you are not VIP enough to know.

After hearing this, Xiaobai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I know even if you don't tell me."

 She is not such a stupid girl, I really think she doesn’t understand.


Seeing that she still dared to humiliate him, Xiao Zi immediately chased after her and started playing with Xiao Bai.

Jing's family was preparing lunch for lunch when a servant came to report that Jing Shirong had not come out since he returned to the house. Jing's family smiled knowingly and said to the old lady beside her, "It doesn't matter if they can love each other, they won't come out until next year." So that I can hold my grandson.”

The old grandma also laughed, "Yes, if there is a little baby in the house, it might be more lively."

Originally, the house was lively enough with Jingxin, but after the girl got married, the house became much cleaner.

Jing's father and his two sons are both quiet people, so Jing, who was already accustomed to the chatter, suddenly became unaccustomed to such a quiet home.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying is getting married now. If she can add a son and a half to the Jing family next year, the family will be lively.

 She can also be a grandmother~

Mrs. Jing thought the same thing, so she started chatting with the second family member in the room.

“I am relieved that A Jing is getting married now. If there is a baby in the family next year, I have nothing to worry about.”

 The sons of the second son's family got married relatively early, and they all had several more children.

But Jing Shirong and Jing Yu are not married, so Mrs. Jing will naturally be worried.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were in love as husband and wife, so Mrs. Jing naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Er was a little disgusted when she saw her saying this.

“Brother Ping has gotten married several times before, but I haven’t seen you so happy. You are so partial.”

Mrs. Jing is wronged.

"I'm also happy that Brother Ping got married, and he even gave me a family heirloom. Why do you still say that?" Mrs. Jing originally favored her younger son's family, so when Brother Ping got married, she gave them big gifts. of.

Who would have thought that Mr. Sun Er would be so careless.

 I have never seen her care about this in the past. After A Jing got married, she began to become unbalanced in various ways.

The reason why Sun Er's family is unbalanced is mainly because she feels that Mrs. Jing has slowly shifted her preference to the old family in recent years.

 She also became more and more doting on the children of the boss's family, which was certainly unbalanced for her.

It turns out that several of her sons are also the grandsons of Mrs. Jing, so why did her mother-in-law look so happy and grateful that Jing Shirong got married.

As if Jing Shirong is her precious grandson, and her sons are concubines, she naturally has a taste for them.

In addition to the incident with the Sun family, Mrs. Jing refused to give her face, which led to a quarrel between her and Ms. Sun, and she was scolded by her parents for a long time. She blamed Jing for this, so naturally she was unhappy with Mr. Jing. They are kind to Jing Shirong and his wife.

Mrs. Jing saw her plan and didn't want to persuade her anymore, so she drove her back.

"Okay, okay, since you don't want to see us happy, just go back and don't get stuck here."

Mrs. Sun Er snorted, but did not leave. Instead, she said, "My husband said that the yard at home has been repaired. If you want to come and stay for a few days, just come and stay for a few days so that you can liven up with the children at home. You can Say what?"

 Originally, Second Uncle Jing's house was building a new courtyard, and he wanted to invite Mrs. Jing to stay for a few days to show her filial piety, so she asked Mrs. Sun to come over and invite her.

But Mrs. Sun didn't want to live with her mother-in-law. She felt that the old woman was lazy and greedy and had to be waited on, so she was naturally reluctant to invite her over.

Especially after being angry with Mr. Jing in the past few days, she took all her anger on Mrs. Jing.

Mrs. Jing also became angry when she saw her unwillingness.

"What's that expression on your face? If you don't want me to come over, don't say that. I have enough people to support me in my old age, so I don't need you to put on such a bad face. Who doesn't care!"

 Originally, she was so nice that she invited Mr. Sun over for snacks, hoping to ease the relationship between the two families.

Who would have known that Mr. Sun Er was so angry that he would quarrel with everyone he met.

Mrs. Jing became fierce and refused to give in to Sun Er. She told her to get out, "Okay, don't come here these days. It gives me a headache."

 After saying that, he turned around and asked the maid to help him back into the house, leaving Mr. Sun alone in the main room.

Sun Er was driven away by her. She slammed the table angrily and muttered, "You partial old woman!"

Isn’t it just that her male status is getting smaller and smaller, and she is also looking down on her?


In the past few years, Sun Er's family has lost face in the circle of ladies because men's positions have become smaller and smaller. They have been squeezed out everywhere and have suffered a lot.

If Jing's family was as bad as her, she would feel balanced.

Unexpectedly, the Jing family is getting better and better, their two sons are promising, and their daughter is getting married well.

Now that her two sons have become capable men by the emperor's side, how can she not be jealous.

The grades of her three sons are mediocre. The only one who has a promising career is a small county magistrate. Compared with other civil and military champions, he is not even a bit behind.

 She had a disagreement with Mr. Jing when she was young, but Mrs. Huijing protected her.

Now that she is in despair, her mother-in-law has become groveling to the Jing family. How can the Sun Er family not be jealous?

 That's why she always talked back to Mrs. Jing, just to find someone to vent her anger on.

Jing also heard that Sun Er was quarreling with Mrs. Jing in the front yard, but she didn't come to take care of it.

She asked her servant, "Just keep an eye on it and report back if anything happens. Don't worry about anything else."

The servant replied, "Yes."

 (End of this chapter)

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