Chapter 366: Control pests

Jing waited for a while in the front yard. Seeing that there was no noise there, she asked her servants to ask Jing Shirong and others to come out for dinner. It was getting dark.

The servants responded and called.

“Young Master, Madam, are you up?”

Jing Shirong helped Sister Ying get dressed in the room and replied, "Get up."

The servant said respectfully outside the door, "Madam asked you and the young lady to come over for dinner. In the evening, I cooked your and Madam's favorite three-spiced braised vegetables."

Jing Shirong hummed, "Okay, I'll be here in a minute."

Sister Ying went back to her cage to sleep. This time she felt full and energetic.

Jing Shirong knelt down and helped her put on her shoes and socks.

After getting dressed, he took her to the main room for dinner.

 After dark, Jing Yu and Jing’s father also came back.

The whole family gathered together and ate together in the main room. Jing Shirong said, "I'm going to Banxi after dinner later. Sister Ying, please be more considerate at home. She likes to sleep in. Don't ask anyone to make noise in the morning." she."

These words made the Jing family look at each other.

Jing Shi was even more dumbfounded, "Yes, yes, I don't dare to disturb her. Mom is not the kind of pedantic person. She can sleep as long as she wants, even if I don't wake her up."

Sister Ying's face turned red when they were having such a blatant discussion, and she glared at Jing Shirong in embarrassment and anger.

I blame him, "Why did you say this at the dinner table?"

Don't you know how to wait until she leaves before talking?

 She is still here, how embarrassing it is in front of her parents-in-law and brother-in-law.

Jing Shirong scratched his head and said, "I forgot."

 In the past, he would always talk about anything during meals. Otherwise, he would spend less time with his family and stay away from each other more often, and would not have time to talk at the dinner table.

 In addition, he did not regard Sister Ying as an outsider at all, so he blurted out the words at once.

Seeing that Sister Ying was shy, Mrs. Jing smiled and said, "It's okay, we are all one family. Don't be shy. Drink some soup to calm down. I'll see how you blush."

When her mother-in-law said this, Sister Ying blushed even more and could only bury her head in eating.

Jing's father asked, "Is this visit to Banxi about the insect plague?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "It's an insect plague, but I don't know if it's serious or not."

Jing's father smoothed his goatee and said to him, "It must be serious, otherwise His Majesty wouldn't have transported the disaster food out."

Jing's father has been in the court for many years, and there are still a lot of gossips.

 Banxi has developed grain and grass, and this area makes a living by producing rice all year round.

The rice there is not only full-grained, but also has a strong aroma. It is eaten in many places.

The palace's rice also comes in from Banxi every year. This time, because rice was delayed in Banxi, it attracted the emperor's attention.

In the past, the rice for tribute was produced by lower-level officials. Later, when an insect infestation occurred, the lower-level officials handled it improperly, causing the insect infestation to become more serious, and they were too afraid to report it.

 When it gets to the end and things get worse and worse, there is nothing you can do about it and you quickly report it to the police for help.

After the emperor heard this, Long Yan was naturally furious, but he also asked Jing Shirong to go over and deal with it quickly.

Jing Shirong guessed that the situation was the same. He ate a few bites in a hurry and planned to leave.

Seeing that he was eating quickly, Sister Ying quickly asked, "Do you know how to control insects? How about I go with you?"

Her mother bought so much land in the countryside, but she also suffered from insect infestations. The mother and daughter studied many methods, but they only treated the symptoms but not the root cause.

Later, Sister Ying suddenly thought of Gu Gu, a master of medicine, and immediately went over to ask for advice.

Jing Shirong looked at her in surprise, "You can also control insects?" Sister Ying nodded, "You can use medicine to control insects. I learned from Gu Gu."

 In ancient times, he was not only good at literature and martial arts, but he was also very good at using medicine.

 At first, when Sister Ying asked him for deworming medicine, he was still very angry.

Feeling that this little girl is really ignorant, she actually allowed his unique prescription to be used to repel insects? ?

But he couldn't resist being short-tongued, and since it was the first time Sister Ying asked him for help, he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he gave them a prescription and asked them to prepare the medicine themselves.

Sister Ying still kept the prescription and remembered the dosage, so she said to Jing Shirong, "How about I go with you? I still remember the prescription. Maybe I can help."

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Nowadays, there is a serious insect infestation. Not only are there food shortages, but there are also a group of biting ants. I heard that some people were bitten and were so red and swollen that they can't walk. You'd better stay at home while I'm here." rest assured."

Jingshi also advised, "Yes, you'd better not go. It won't be good if you get bitten by ants later. It's better to rest at home."

Sister Ying looked at everyone and saw that they all nodded, meaning to let her go.

She looked at Jing Shirong again, and the guy nodded. He didn't want her to go either.

Sister Ying sighed and pouted, "Okay. Then I will write you the prescription. You can bring some herbs in advance. There is no place to buy them in the province."

 This method is not bad, Jing Shirong quickly wrote it down.

Sister Ying told him several more methods.

“After preparing the medicine, you boil the medicine into water and sprinkle it on everyone. Let the people splash their own medicine, and everyone will be very active.”

 After all, you only feel sorry for your own land, and it is more effective to let the people do it themselves.

Jing Shirong nodded her little nose in admiration, "It is said that marrying a virtuous wife is a good thing. Our wife is not only more delicate than flowers, she is also so smart. She is really a big advantage for her husband."

 He praised her in front of everyone, causing Sister Ying to give him a shy look.

On the other hand, Mrs. Jing and her father nodded with satisfaction, secretly saying that Sister Ying was indeed as smart as she was when she was a child.

After finishing the meal, Jing Shirong got on his bag and rode away.

Sister Ying stood at the door and watched him off. She continued to watch him reluctantly until he rode far away.

At this point, the lanterns on the street are all lit up. The streets of Beijing are very lively at night. Now pedestrians have come out for a walk after eating.

Sister Ying turned around and went back to the house. She wanted to rest for a while, but Jing didn't leave her alone and went in with her.

"You have a good rest. When you have had enough rest, my mother will take you for a walk around the capital."

Sister Ying replied naturally, "Thank you, mother."

Jingshi smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite to your mother. Your mother and I are good friends, and you are my daughter-in-law now. I should treat you as my daughter-in-law."

Sister Ying believed in her character and nodded happily, "Okay."

At this time, Miss Sun outside the door was glaring at the backs of Mrs. Jing and Sister Ying with resentment, wishing that she could tear the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law apart in order to take revenge.

This Miss Sun is the girl who wanted to marry Jing Shirong but was rejected by Jing.

After she was sent back to the Sun family by the Jing family, the Sun family became angry with her and accused her of being useless. In a fit of anger, they married her off to a sixty-year-old official.

The old official still had some power and could save her brother, so her parents gave her to his sixth concubine.

The old man didn't have many concubines in name, but he had six or seven concubines, and they all had affairs with the maids at home.

Miss Sun was disgusted by the old man, and she hated her parents, but she couldn't do anything to them. In the end, she could only blame the Jing family.

 (End of this chapter)

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