The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 368: , get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Chapter 368: Getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

 Xiao Zi saw how energetic she was as soon as she heard the food, so she speeded up tying her hair.

Finally, he put jade earrings on her and said, "Okay, let's get going. Let's go."

 Seeing this emphasis, Sister Ying even laughed.

 “Who did you learn Beijing accent from? It’s so funny to me.”

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "I learned it from the little maids in the front yard. What they said was very interesting. The emphasis was completely different from ours. I thought it was interesting, so I learned a few sentences."

Sister Ying covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled, "Okay, don't be poor. Let's go eat first. Don't keep your mother-in-law waiting."

 Xiao Zi joked, "It's obvious that you are greedy."

The master and the servant looked at each other and smiled, and went to the main room to have dinner tacitly.

Jing's father and Jing Yu went to court early. Jing was the first to wake up at home. Now that the food was ready, he was about to ask someone to call Mrs. Jing, but he didn't expect that the two of them came one after another. .

 “Mother morning~”

Seeing that she got up early today, Jing said with pity, "Did you get up early on purpose? Are you afraid that I'll tell you off?"

She came over and patted Sister Ying's hand and said, "There's no need to get up so early. There's nothing going on at home anyway, and I'm not a troublesome person. It's boring to ask my wife to come over before dawn to wake up."

 Besides, if she asked Sister Ying to get up before dawn to pay her respects, then as her daughter-in-law, she would have to get up before dawn to pay her respects to Mrs. Jing.

This kind of day is too tiring.

Jing is indeed the daughter of Grandpa Jing, and her thoughts are different from those of the women in the house.

 She is actually afraid of trouble.

So Sister Ying, go to sleep if you want. Anyway, Jing Xin sleeps at home until he wakes up naturally, so he can't favor one thing over another.

Seeing how tolerant she was, Sister Ying smiled and went over to hold her hand, "It's magnanimous of you to be considerate of me, but my daughter-in-law should also give you some face, right?"

Where there are more women, there are more disputes. Their home is more relaxed and comfortable, but they are afraid that people will come over to bother Jingshi with a lot of chatter, which will make Sister Ying embarrassed.

Jingshi nodded, "That's true."

 These women in the capital love to tell others the rules.

Even relatives and friends want to teach her how to educate her daughter-in-law.

If those people knew that she let Sister Ying sleep until the third watch of the sun every day, I'm afraid these people would come to lecture her.

Relatives and women are fine. They don’t need to reply. I’m afraid that someone will tell the truth about this matter. In the future, things will get worse and worse, and the matter will not end well.

So this is the unattractive place in the capital. People with bad intentions are all bad, and those who think about the law will not make it easy for you.

Some people just have too much time to do. Even if you live your life behind closed doors, people will want to interfere, making it difficult for you to live a quiet life.

Sister Ying did not understand this undercurrent for the time being, she only thought about the delicious food in front of her.

As soon as Mrs. Jing came over, she saw the two of them here, so she smiled and said, "Are you all here? Come sit down and eat."

Sister Ying and Mrs. Jing said yes, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sat down together and started picking up food for each other.

Jingshi, "Try this slice of meat quickly. The pork you bought early in the morning is so fresh."

Sister Ying smelled the aroma of vinegar-roasted pork slices, took a bite, and was very satisfied with her meal.

 “Well, it’s delicious.”

Jing saw that she liked it and gave her roasted duck.

“This roasted duck is also delicious. Your father-in-law loves this the most.”

Sister Ying took a sip and found it was indeed very fragrant. “This goes well with wine.”

Jingshi smiled and said, "That's right. Not only this, the other dishes that go with the wine are also delicious. I'll get them for you to try some other day."

Jing is also an invisible little rich woman. Her house looks old, but she has the best food and clothing. This is the kind of person who is truly powerful. After all, we need to eat three meals a day, which is ninety meals a month.

 If you eat well, your food expenses for a month will be quite a lot.

Jingshi was very modest, "Don't worry, these dishes don't cost as much as you think. We can buy them in bulk and it will be much cheaper."

 Jing has money, but he spends it in a planned way and does not spend it lavishly.

She knows where to buy cheap and fresh food through long-term cooperation.

She also knows which store’s clothing fabrics are comfortable and affordable. She even knows which store’s chicken, duck and goose meat is the best.

 So she knows every expense at home.

Speaking of housekeeping, Sister Ying hasn't decided where to open a delivery inn yet.

 If there is too much competition here, you have to think of another idea.

While eating, she asked Jing for advice, "Mom, are there many delivery inns here?"

 This is the capital after all, so there must be inns that deliver food, but I don’t know how many there are.

Jing thought carefully, "There are only one or two that do pretty well."

 “What, you want to open an inn?”

Sister Ying nodded, "I have this idea."

 After all, money has to make money so that she won’t just sit back and have nothing. She still likes to have money in her pocket.

Jing didn't object to her opening an inn, but thought about it, "The prices in Beijing are not cheap. It costs a lot of money to open a shop, plus the daily food and meat money, as well as the money of the workers and shopkeepers, these can be It’s not a small amount of money.”

Shops in prosperous areas of Beijing are very expensive. It is difficult to rent a popular shop, let alone buy one.

However, Jing's family still has a relatively good reputation in the streets of Beijing. After all, her father was an imperial merchant, so it was okay to find a shop for his daughter-in-law.

She asked Sister Ying, "Where do you want to open your shop? Otherwise, I will take you shopping tomorrow to let you understand the market."

Sister Ying also had this idea. She was about to go shopping on the street and take a look at the market here, so she nodded to Mr. Jing, "Okay, let's go shopping together tomorrow."

As soon as Mrs. Jing heard that they were going shopping, she immediately wanted to follow them.

 “I’m going too, but you can’t leave me to play alone.”

Sister Ying and Mrs. Jing laughed when they saw her as an old child, "Okay, okay, I'll take you with me."

Anyway, opening a shop is not something that can be done in a day or two. Don’t be in a hurry, and take your time to survey the situation before making a decision.

 On the second day.

As expected, Mrs. Jing took Sister Ying and Mrs. Jing to the streets early in the morning.

 They were dressed in low-key clothes, with curtains and hats on their faces.

There are many people on the street in the early morning who get up to go to the market. Some are maids and wives from wealthy families, and some are old women and young wives from ordinary families.

However, those female relatives are more tightly dressed, which is very different from the fluttering gauze clothes in Jiangnan. The dress in Beijing is more dignified and restrained.

Jing took Sister Ying to the busiest inn street in the area and introduced it to her.

“Look at this street, there are almost all inns and restaurants. The two restaurants in front are wine shops and they also provide food delivery, usually to families celebrating their birthdays.”

For example, in some families, when an elderly person in the family has a birthday, the sons will order a table of good food from outside to show their filial piety, so as to make their parents look good.

 There are some large households left, and there are fewer takeaways.

 Generally, wealthy families do not dare to eat food from outside for fear of being unhygienic and afraid of being poisoned by others.

 Secondly, those people are high-spirited and would not like the food unless it is a particularly high-end meal.

 (End of this chapter)

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