Chapter 369, Shopping

Jing gave a round of introductions to Sister Ying, all of which were useful information.

She pointed to a few prosperous shops and said to Sister Ying, "Look at the street opposite. Most of them sell jewelry and women's clothing materials."

Jing used to own a jewelry store, which was still very prosperous.

 She took Sister Ying to her jewelry store and asked her to choose, "Let's see if you can pick out the most valuable thing here."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Let me choose?"

She was not unconfident, after all, Jing Shirong gave her so many luxurious antiques, and she already had an eye for luxury.

So she looked around the store and shook her head at Mr. Jing, "The most valuable ones don't seem to be on the table." At least compared with the jade jewelry that Brother Rong gave her, the price was far behind.

Jing Shi smiled with satisfaction when he saw her dazzling eyes.

“It’s no wonder that A Jing always praises you. Look at you, you are good at healing and medicine, and you can even read antiques. You are such an amazing kid. I was moved by what I saw.”

Who wouldn’t like such a beautiful and capable little lady?

Sister Ying shyly crossed her little fingers and said, "It's okay, it's not as powerful as you said."

Jing went around the room and picked out some noodles for her. He held it on her head and compared it.

“This is the most popular style of hairdressing in the capital these days. Girls all have one set, so you should get one and wear it too.”

Sister Ying said hurriedly, "I have a lot at home. Besides, you also asked Brother Rong to give me a lot before. I don't want these anymore. I can't wear them all."

Seeing her polite refusal, Mrs. Jing knew she was afraid of wasting money, so she smiled and said, "It's not in the way, it's just a pretense, I can still afford it."

“You are still young and it’s the time when you like to dress up. Mom gave you these. Seeing how beautifully you dress up will make you feel better. Keep it.”

Sister Ying saw that she was really giving it, so she didn't refuse it. She thought that she would give something to Jing next time, so she accepted it.

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law visited the jewelry store, Mrs. Jing took Sister Ying and Mrs. Jing to a nearby unique inn.

That inn is divided into two, with three floors in total. The floor is quite high. The private room on the right is reserved for male guests, while the private room on the left is reserved for female guests. Most of the customers who come here on weekdays are young men and women.

Jing asked the shopkeeper for a private room, and the waiter led them upstairs.

 Because they chose a location with a window, they could see the street downstairs from upstairs.

Sister Ying stood in front of the window and looked at the terrain of the street downstairs, confirming that it was indeed bustling and lively.

 The whole street downstairs is full of prosperous shops. From the street to the end, there are almost no shortage of customers coming and going in the shops.

Jing explained to her, "The popular shops on this street are basically old shops that have been around for more than ten years. Each shop sells different things, so they are less competitive."

 It’s not that people don’t want to open the same store, but every time they open the same store, there will be competition between the two stores. In the end, you may pay a heavy price.

 So the businessmen here have learned to make concessions and not cause trouble for themselves. They try to sell one kind of item per person, each with different items.

There are also some smart owners who open grocery stores that sell basically everything. Plus, their prices are discounted by a few cents, so those who are greedy for bargains will naturally go to them to buy.

 So the business of this kind of grocery store is actually better.

 Like the inn they are coming to now.

There are many inns in Beijing, large and small, each with its own characteristics.

Just like the restaurant where Sister Ying Ying and the others came, the biggest feature is that both men and women can come here to eat, but there are separate lofts and suites, which is very attractive.

Jingshi said to Sister Ying, "Although this inn is newly opened, there are quite a lot of guests coming every day, and they are all young men and women."

Most of the people who came here were young men from wealthy families, or young ladies from wealthy families.

 Because the daughters of wealthy families generally don't show off easily, even if they go out to parties, they usually go to the lake or visit gardens to enjoy flowers.

 We also went to other places, but there were relatively few people who went to the inn together.

Sister Ying looked at the inside and outside of the inn. The decoration was quite average, but it was still far behind the Yipizhai in Jiangnan. Yipinzhai can be regarded as luxurious and dazzling. There are few stores that can compare with Yipinzhai.

Sister Ying asked curiously, "Why didn't Brother Murong open a first-class restaurant in the capital?"

I think that kind of inn has a good reputation no matter where it opens.

Jingshi explained, "Yes, yes, but Yipinzhai requires an appointment. We were in a hurry today, so we didn't go there."

 In addition, Yipinzhai is on another street, so we have to take a detour.

Jingshi said to Sister Ying, "In addition to this street, there are two other streets here."

“The street of Yipinzhai is the most luxurious street in the whole capital. Most of the people who go there are rich and powerful people. You need to have a pass if you want to go there.”

That pass is equivalent to a VIP channel, and it is possible to top up tens of thousands taels.

 So those who can go to that street to spend money are not ordinary people.

Sister Ying was surprised when she heard this, and thought to herself, "Sure enough, the gap between rich and poor does not distinguish between generations."

 It seems that there is this gap between rich and poor in every generation, and it is the same everywhere.

Jingshi smiled, "If you want to go there another day, Mom will take you there secretly for a walk."

 At any rate, they are from Jingwai's family, so they can bring some kinship into the matter.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be willing to recharge tens of thousands taels to get a pass.

Sister Ying asked curiously, "Wouldn't the higher-ups take care of such a luxurious street?"

Jing Shi shook his head, "Luxury stores pay more taxes, which is not a bad thing for the court. There is nothing to control."

Each dynasty is different, but this is certainly the case here.

Expensive shops pay more taxes. Those expensive shops contribute a lot to the tax every year, so the court will naturally not cause trouble for them.

 Furthermore, there were many royal family members and dignitaries in that luxury street.

  From a noble concubine to a princess, they are all rich or noble people.

Many people who want to go there to build connections have to spend a lot of money, but the results are not good.

As he was saying this, the food was served.

Jing ordered some side dishes, the kind that are not full and are specially for tasting.

Sister Ying is not hungry now. She took a bite of each side dish and found that the taste was average, neither good nor bad.

Jing asked her, "How does it taste?"

Sister Ying commented, “Each has its own characteristics.”

However, compared with her recipes, the seasonings are much worse.

Jing Shi smiled, "Let's go to that other wealthy street to try the food there and see how it tastes."

Sister Ying said, "Huh?" "Didn't I say that you need to make an appointment for that street?" You also need a Tongzheng sign.

Jing Shi smiled and pointed downstairs, "Who do you think that is?"

Sister Ying stood up and looked downstairs, "Is that cousin Jinghan?"

 When the bride was serving tea, Jing Han also came.

But she was unhappy and a little sick at that time, so she went back to rest early, so she didn't have time to communicate with Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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