Chapter 370: Meeting Jing Han by chance

Jingshi smiled and said, "It's your cousin Han. Judging from the direction she is walking, she is probably going to Yipinzhai. Let's go with her."

That Yipinzhai was originally Murong Yun's property, and Jinghan was Murong Yun's wife. If you go there with her, you can go in directly if you need any traffic signs. No need to even make an appointment. "

Sister Ying smiled and immediately ran downstairs with Jing.

Mrs. Jing also ran down. She was so fast that she didn’t look like a grandmother.

 The three of them went downstairs together, and as soon as they went out, they bumped into Jing Han.

 “Aunt, aunt??”

Jing Shi smiled and nodded, "Yes, why are you out today?"

Murong Yun usually kept a close eye on Jing Han. He was afraid that the pregnant woman would not be able to sit still at home, so he asked his servants to keep an eye on her.

 But Jinghan has a restless temper, so how can he be looked at every day?

Especially after pregnancy, her mood is unstable. She is sometimes happy and sometimes angry, so naturally she doesn’t like people staring at her.

No, she sneaked out just after sending her son off to her parents' house. She wanted to go to Fugui Street to eat some delicious food and see some fun things, so as not to be bored at home.

I didn’t expect to meet Jing and the others here.

Jinghan glanced at them and realized that Sister Ying was also here.

 She remembered that Jing Shirong had told her to take more care of the newly married lady, so she was quite happy to see Sister Ying now.

“Are you Sister Ying?”

Last time she went to Jing's house, she was so happy that she didn't talk to the bride and went back early to rest.

It is fate that we can meet you today.

Jinghan took Sister Ying's hand familiarly and said, "Come on, I'll take you to Yipinzhai. I've made some new snacks there. I've been wanting to eat them for a long time. Let's go together."

Having said that, call Jing and the others.

 “Aunt, let’s come too.”

Jingshi waved her hands, "We won't go. You young people can go play. I should go home and get busy."

 After saying that, he took Mrs. Jing and went back.

Mrs. Jing was confused, "You want to go by yourself, why are you dragging me along?" She also wanted to go to Yipinzhai to eat delicious food.

Jingshi explained to her, "Han'er has been in a bad mood recently. She has been quarreling with Ayun for a few days. It would be good for her to talk to Sister Ying alone."

 “If they are young and talking, let’s not follow them, otherwise they will not be able to have a good conversation.”

 When the younger daughters-in-law are gathering, if the elders are present, they will definitely not enjoy the conversation, so it is better to avoid suspicion and let them go alone.

Mrs. Jing nodded, "That's right."

But what about her snacks?

Just now, Jinghan said that Yipinzhai had a new snack, and she wanted to try it.

Jingshi smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. Sister Ying will definitely bring it to you when she comes back."

Mrs. Jing, "Real or false?" Does she know herself that well?

Jing Shi smiled, "Just believe me."

Sister Ying has been sensible and filial since she was a child. If she goes to eat delicious food herself, she will definitely bring it to her family. She is quite sure about this.

Mrs. Jing was dubious, but she went back with her.

Jinghan took Sister Ying and walked all the way to Fugui Street. The guard outside the archway saw Jinghan, nodded to Jinghan, and let them in.

Jinghan stopped and deliberately lifted Sister Ying's hat to let them recognize her, "This is my biological brother and sister. Next time she comes over, don't stop her."

The guard clasped his fists and said respectfully, "Yes, madam."

Jinghan hummed, and then he held Sister Ying's arm and went in together.

Seeing her majestic look, Sister Ying praised her, "My cousin is so majestic and powerful." The two guards just now looked about 1.9 meters tall, but they were so respectful to Jing Han, which shows that they must be Murong Yun's people.

Jinghan snorted and raised his chin, "It's okay, I'm just dragging down our bratty dog ​​Fu."

 Sister Ying? ? "Smelly dog?"

Jinghan groaned in a bad mood, "I don't want to talk about him now. Let's wait until we go to the private room."

 She was having a quarrel with Murong Yun these days, so she didn't want to talk to him.

Sister Ying said oh, no longer mentioned Murong Yun, and went to Yipinzhai with her.

Yipinzhai is located at the center of Fugui Street.

The whole building is built solidly and solidly. The appearance looks low-key and restrained, but it also has a touch of solemnity. Anyway, it is very stylish.

The only thing that is different from Jiangnan is that the floors here have nine floors, which is three floors more than Yipinzhai in Jiangnan.

 And each floor is very uniquely arranged, and almost every floor has a different layout.

Jinghan took Sister Ying in. As soon as the person at the showcase saw her, he immediately came over to say hello, "Madam, is she here?"

Jinghan hummed and introduced Sister Ying to him, "This is my biological sister-in-law. Next time we come, let her come directly. Remember?"

The shopkeeper nodded like a master, "Yes, I remember, please come up and ask for some new snacks. They will be delivered to you shortly."

Jinghan said yes and took Sister Ying's hand to go up to the sixth floor.

Sister Ying asked curiously, "Why is it the sixth floor?"

There are nine floors in total. Why come to the sixth floor only?

Jinghan smiled and said, "I have been to the first to fifth floors before. I haven't reached the sixth floor yet, so I came here to take a look."

Each floor of Yipinzhai has a small private room exclusive to the boss for their convenience.

Jinghan is also a playful person. Every time he comes here, he has to look here and there.

Murong Yun said something to her, "If you want to play, go to the room designated by the shopkeeper. Don't run around and be careful not to offend the guests."

 Everyone who comes here is either rich or noble, so there is no way to offend them.

Murong Yun was afraid that his wife would be too single and stupid and would accidentally offend the noble man. When she was wronged, he would be even more angry than her.

But Jinghan couldn't understand the meaning of Murong Yun's words and thought he was blaming her for being ignorant, so he felt aggrieved, which eventually turned into anger.

Pregnant women are inherently sensitive, and even the smallest of things can cause big problems.

Jing Han has been pampered by his family since he was born, and he was also pampered by Murong Yun after he got married. Therefore, he has always been very naive, and sometimes he is led by others without even realizing it.

Murong Yun couldn't trust her, so he didn't like her going out. He worried every day that she would be cheated by others, or that she might offend someone without even realizing it.

Jinghan felt that he treated her as a retarded person and looked down on her everywhere, so she got angry and had a big quarrel with Murong Yun.

Later, she couldn't stay at home any longer, so she took her sons back to her parents' home.

However, she didn’t want to take care of the children at home, so she sneaked out by herself.

Sister Ying was a little embarrassed when she heard what happened.

However, pregnant women are sentimental and prone to anxiety and random thoughts. She can understand Jinghan being like this.

So she gave a few words of advice in a gentle voice, "Don't be angry, cousin. Let's have a good chat when we come out today. If there is anything wrong with your cousin's husband, just tell him and I will help you scold him together."

 If other women heard this, they would definitely not be happy to hear it.

 I feel why my husband should be scolded by you.

 But Jinghan was different. She had lost her temper these past few days, and everyone said it was her fault, saying that Murong Yun was so good that she should be content.

Everyone said good things about Murong Yun, but no one helped her!

June has passed, and half a year has passed. Time flies so fast (#^.^#)



 (End of this chapter)

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