The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 371: , Jinghan vomited bitterness

Chapter 371, Jing Han vomits bitterness

At this moment, she could hear Sister Ying standing on her side, and Jinghan immediately felt like she had someone to rely on, vomiting her bitterness.

“You don’t know, they all regard me as a fool and say I am ignorant. I feel wronged.”

Obviously she wanted to help Murong Yun share his worries, but he always looked down on her and thought she was a fool, which made Jinghan feel sad.

She said angrily, "Obviously I want to help him, but he won't tell me his difficulties at all, and will always hide anything from me if something goes wrong."

 “He clearly looks down on me!”

 In the past, I didn’t think so even if they were not married. But later, when the two got married, the difference in IQ became apparent.

  Because Murong Yun is so good, everyone supports Murong Yun. She felt that no matter what he did, he was doing good to Jinghan, and if something happened, he would just tell Jinghan to be sensible.

 Because they all always believed that Murong Yun would never do anything wrong, and the one who did something wrong must be the ignorant Jing Han.

If Jinghan was fooled by her parents in her mother's family, she would still be able to bear it.

  But after getting married and being criticized by your husband for being stupid, your self-esteem will be hurt, okay?

Especially Murong Yun's disbelieving look in her eyes hurt her even more.

She angrily cried to Sister Ying, "You don't know, last time I came to Yipinzhai, I happened to see him drinking with Princess Lianyi. I was so angry that I wanted to go over and question him, but thinking about it carefully, maybe I wanted to If it’s bad, I’ll bear with it.”

Later, she went back by herself and waited at home until Murong Yun came back in the middle of the night.

At that moment, she was very angry and wanted to ask him what his relationship was with Princess Lianyi.

 “But guess what he responded to me then.”

Sister Ying was confused, "How did he reply to you?"

Jinghan slapped the table and said angrily, "He actually looked at me like an idiot, as if he was saying I was a brainless woman. I was so angry that I started fighting with him."

She was still pregnant at the time, and Murong Yun was afraid of hurting her, so he had no choice but to let her beat him.

In the end, Murong Yun's face was scratched and he became angry. Angry at her distrust, he left without saying a word.

What Jinghan was thinking about was, "He actually refused to explain, and looked at me with contempt like a fool. It made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't wait to capture his face again."

Sister Ying.

 Why does this look so much like a couple’s three-year crisis?

 The marriage was sweet at first, but after two years there were misunderstandings and quarrels began.

Especially when Jinghan is pregnant, her hormone levels are unstable and her temper fluctuates, which can easily lead to quarrels between the couple.

As for their quarrel, Sister Ying thought it might be a misunderstanding.

“Cousin, listen to me, do you really doubt that your cousin-in-law is interested in Princess Lianyi?”

 With Murong Yun's character, he should not have an affair within marriage.

Sister Ying had heard Jing Shirong say before that Murong Yunduo liked Jing Han. They had only been married for a few years, so they would not get tired of it so quickly.

 In addition, Murong Yun is not a **** and would not do anything to hurt Jing Han during his wife's pregnancy, so this may be a misunderstanding.

 But this is not the case with Jing Hanqi.

"Of course I believe he didn't have an affair with Princess Lianyi. What I'm angry about is why he always doesn't believe that I can do things well."

“He will always think that I am a fool, that I have no vision and will cause trouble for him. He just looks down on me!”

Jing Han has been pampered since he was a child. He has a simple mind but also has self-respect.

 Being looked down upon in front of her husband and treated as a **** will certainly hurt her self-esteem.

Especially because Murong Yun didn't even want to explain to her, it wasn't because he looked down on her. "He must be tired of me and feels that I am not perfect after getting married, so he started to hate me. He didn't even want to coax me, he just left me and ran away. I was so angry that I wanted to throw things!"

That night, the couple broke up unhappy. Murong Yun also went to Yipinzhai and did not return home for two days.

However, he had something to do when he came to Yipinzhai, and he was afraid that he would go back too late every day and hit Jinghan, a pregnant woman, to sleep, so he simply didn't go back for the time being.

 He would secretly go home every night to see his wife and children, and then go back to Yipinzhai to sleep.

 It's just that Jinghan didn't know this. He just thought that he was tired of himself, so he didn't go home.

Sister Ying was ashamed and asked hurriedly, "Then we came here today to see my cousin's husband?"

Looking at Jing Han's most hard-hearted and soft-hearted look, he probably wanted to come to Yipinzhai and ask Murong Yun to go back.

Jinghan was so angry when she exposed her thoughts, "I didn't! I don't want him. He just wants to do whatever he wants outside. Anyway, if I leave him, I can still get married!"

 She said this so loudly that Murong Yun, who was about to come over to take a peek at her, heard her.

Seeing that Jinghan had such a bad temper and was dissuaded from coming in, he sighed again and stepped back.

Sister Ying was afraid that she would be angry, so she hurriedly told her, "I'm still pregnant. Don't be so angry. It's not good for your health."

Jing Han was fuming and suddenly started crying again.

“That heartless guy. I’ve been at home for two days and he didn’t even come back to see me. He definitely doesn’t like me anymore.”

 “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Murong Yun, you are such a heartless man!”

Seeing that her condition was so unstable, Sister Ying hurriedly stood up and hugged her, "Okay, okay, don't cry anymore. Don't you want to complain? Let's continue complaining. I can also help you analyze and see what's going on with your cousin-in-law. ”

Jinghan cried and wiped his tears, "Do you really understand analysis?"

Sister Ying answered bravely, "I think so. Aren't all men the same? He and Brother Rong are good brothers. I think they behave in the same way."

Jing Han thought about it, A Jing and Murong Yun were really good friends, and they thought the same thing.

So she blew her nose and said to Sister Ying, "Then help me analyze it. Has that **** Murong Yun changed his heart? Does he not love me anymore?"

Sister Ying shook her head seriously, "I think my cousin-in-law still loves you, because just now I saw him sneaking over to peek at you, right behind us."

Jinghan hurriedly turned around to look, "Where is it? Where is it?"

She wanted to stand up and go out to look for him, but because of her dignity, she sat down again.

 Hunted, "Who cares if he comes to peek at me? He's a piece of shit."

 The scolding was like this, but the eyes kept looking out.

Seeing her like this, Sister Ying didn't understand anything. This cousin clearly missed Murong Yun'en.

So she continued to comfort, "What I saw just now is true. My cousin-in-law did sneak over to peek at you, but when he heard you scolding him, he ran away in fear."

When Jinghan heard that it was because of this that he ran away, he immediately regretted it and then cursed, "He only has so much success. Do I usually scold him less? Do I need to be so afraid?"

“Or is it that he doesn’t want to come in and apologize to me at all?”

Sister Ying snorted and said calmly, "That's probably not the case. It's just that my cousin was emotionally unstable during pregnancy, and my cousin's husband was afraid that your sudden anger would be bad for the fetus, so he took the initiative to avoid it."

 (End of this chapter)

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