The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 372: , instability of pregnant women

 Chapter 372, Pregnant women’s instability

Jinghan hummed, "Who knows what that guy is thinking? I don't know whether he loves me or the child now."

 If you love her, shouldn't you care more about her?

 If you love your children, you have to go home and see them.

"But look, he hasn't been home for a few days, and the children have almost forgotten what his father looks like. He is not afraid that as time goes by, the children will no longer recognize him."

Hum, what a bastard.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she let her go, "Okay, let's calm down the anger first, and then look in the mirror and see if you look like a big cursing rooster now."

 Speaking, he went to the side to get a small mirror and put it in front of her.

That mirror was imported from Persia, and its surface is much clearer than the brass mirror.

Jing Han was shocked when he saw the mirror.

 Because the woman in the mirror had an angry look on her face and a negative energy all over her body, as if she had been a harem of a harem for more than ten years, with a vicious look.

 This is completely different from the state she was in when she got married.

Jinghan was startled and hurriedly smoothed his frown in the mirror.

 But the brows became more and more wrinkled as she stroked them.

Jinghan was so embarrassed by the ugly face of the harem woman in the mirror that she started crying again.

 “How did I become like this?”

Although her appearance is not that beautiful, Xiaojiabiyu still has it.

Unexpectedly, in just two or three years, she would become a yellow-faced woman.

In the past, she was also a lively and beautiful spirited person. She was full of energy all day long, her face was rosy, and she looked very healthy.

 But now it seemed that instead of being rosy, her little face looked a little tired, and there were still two touches of cyan under her eyes. At first glance, it seems that he stayed up all night.

Jinghan pursed her lips and looked like she was about to cry. Sister Ying did not stop her, but covered her ears with her hands and let her cry happily.

Jinghan hasn't cried for a long time, and today there happened to be someone who was willing to listen to her complaints, so she cried "Wow".

 Before she got married, she was happy and carefree every day.

It's not like after getting married, you have to look at the face of the old lady in your husband's family, and you have to be jealous of other ladies. Just because Murong Yun is smarter than her, she has to be criticized everywhere, and no one is happy.

 Murong Yun protected her very well at first, and she didn't know about some rumors outside.

 But women’s minds are sensitive after all.

Murong Yun was able to protect her for a while, but he still had to go out to play with other female relatives if he couldn't help it.

  Sometimes when I meet someone who has a bad mouth, I will insult her in a weird way, saying that Murong Yun is such a capable person and it is a pity that he does not deserve a woman with the same ability. Such pityful tone made Jing Han even more unhappy.

If she quarreled with those people in person, they would only laugh at her and think that she was not worthy of Murong Yun.

 So she didn’t argue with them in person, and went home feeling angry.

Because I was angry outside, I just wanted to complain to Murong Yun after returning home. Murong Yun happened to be busy with something, so he didn't even listen and went out directly.

This time, every time Jing Han wanted to complain to him, he was busy at home every day. The husband and wife didn't say a word, and there was a problem with communication.

 A woman has something on her mind, and if it cannot be resolved that day, she will keep it in her mind and the conflict will get bigger and bigger.

But Murong Yun thought that she had nothing to worry about at home every day. It was just that he didn't have time to accompany her, so he got angry with him.

 He also thought about finishing all the things before the New Year so that he could spend time with her during the New Year.

 Unfortunately, before the matter was resolved, another Princess Lianyi came out.

No, Jing Han was already holding back a lot of anger. She stayed at home every day without seeing him come back, but she saw him chatting and laughing with other women in Yipinzhai. Any other woman would be angry to death. She didn't doubt that Murong Yun had an affair. She was angry that he didn't go home every day and didn't say a word to her. Even if he went out to drink, he wouldn't tell her, hiding everything from her.

Especially when she suddenly appeared in front of him and Princess Lianyi, the nervousness and worry on Murong Yun's face made Jing Han even more angry.

At that time, she really wanted to slap him and ask him why he looked at her like that?

 Does he think she is so brainless? No sense of proportion?

She had also met Princess Lianyi, so it was naturally impossible for her to hit a princess, but his disbelieving look still hurt her.

 Coupled with the fact that I am still pregnant and emotionally unstable, that is why I cry so sadly.

Sister Ying felt a little sad and distressed when she saw her crying so sadly.

 A woman before falling in love is calm and rational.

 A woman in love is sweet and lovely.

 Once it reaches the later stage, even after marriage, the heartbreaking feelings will come out.

 Originally, she heard Jing Shirong say that Murong Yun and Jing Han were a very loving couple.

Unexpectedly, three years later, the two of them would still have conflicts.

 Onlookers can tell that Sister Ying has already heard the general idea.

 In fact, the biggest problem between Jing Han and Murong Yun is the lack of communication.

 Otherwise, the two of them still have feelings for each other.

Sister Ying asked Jinghan to stop crying, as he would be careful not to hurt his body.

“Cousin, stop crying when you’re done. Don’t cry anymore. Your face is ugly enough if you haven’t had a good rest. Now that your eyes are swollen from crying, it will be even uglier.”

“And I heard that if the child is in the mother’s belly, if the mother cries every day, the child will become a crybaby in the future.”

“If the mother is too ugly during pregnancy, the child will also become ugly.”

These words were pure nonsense, but as Jing Han had been a mother, she naturally didn’t want her child to become ugly, so she stopped.

“Really or not? You didn’t lie to me, did you?”

Sister Ying nodded with a sincere face, "Really. If your baby is a girl, my cousin wouldn't want her to cry every day and give me a headache, right?"

 Jinghan only has a son and no daughter. It would really give her a headache just to imagine that her daughter will become a crybaby who can only cry.

She wasn't a crybaby originally, and she didn't know what was wrong with her recently. She always wanted to cry, and it didn't look like her anymore.

Sister Ying took her hand and started stroking her, "Okay, don't cry anymore. I heard Brother Rong say before that Cousin Jinghan is a righteous and upright person who doesn't cry easily. "

“Before I met my cousin, I was envious of my cousin. My cousin Xindao must be a very well-known figure in the capital.”

 “I didn’t expect that.”

  Said as if he was sorry for the idol's lapse.

Jinghan felt a little ashamed when he heard that she was disappointed with him.

“She tidied up her appearance secretly, feeling that she could still make some repairs.”

 After all, Sister Ying's admiring eyes made her want to be more domineering, so as not to break the little girl's love for her.

So she went to wash her face and sober up, and finally the rain turned sunny.

Sister Ying saw that she suddenly had the burden of being an idol, so she covered her mouth and smiled.

 She came over to sit with Jinghan, like a little fan, and invited her to go home with her.

 (End of this chapter)

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