Chapter 375, Source of Contradiction

Old Mrs. Murong saw her useless behavior and couldn't help but say something disgusting.

“You are Murong Yun’s wife after all, why can’t you do this little thing well?”

"He is in charge of so many shops by himself. How can I ask you to buy some fabrics for my mother's family?"

This contemptuous tone made Jinghan a little angry.

Although Old Mrs. Murong and Murong Yun are not very close, she is Murong Yun’s biological grandmother.

In addition, Mrs. Murong is old, so Jinghan doesn't want to quarrel with her, so as not to make other people laugh.

And she had indeed heard some rumors recently, from a group of women saying that she was not worthy of Murong Yun. Even the old lady felt that she had surpassed Murong Yun.

So Jinghan wanted to do it more and more, so he got excited and took over the matter.

"Okay, leave this matter to my grandson-in-law, I will take care of it for you."

Old Mrs. Murong was naturally happy to see her taking over the matter.

She didn't know whether Jing Han had any strength, but she knew that as long as Jing Han was willing to intervene, if he got into trouble, Murong Yun would still be there, so she deliberately provoked Jing Han with a few words.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see if you can do it."

"If you fail in this matter, don't blame me for looking down on you."

Old Mrs. Murong said so, naturally Jinghan couldn't mess up the matter.

So she went to Murong Yun to ask how to proceed with this matter.

But Murong Yun was too busy at that time. Seeing that she suddenly mentioned that she wanted to help old Mrs. Murong with her family affairs, he immediately frowned in displeasure and said to her, "Just take good care of your children at home. You don't understand business matters, so just Leave it alone, do you hear me?"

His irritable temper made Jinghan furious all of a sudden.

She was about to get angry, but Murong Yun hurried away because he had something to do, leaving Jing Han sulking in the room.

 But she had agreed to go out and she had to do it.

 Hmph, didn’t everyone think she was useless? She just wanted to show success to them.

So the next day, Jing Han went to Murong Yun's fabric shop.

She first asked the shopkeeper what other materials were in stock or unsold in the store.

Old Mrs. Murong asked her for a hundred horses, and she didn’t know if other stores had them in stock.

So she asked each house one by one, and finally found a hundred pieces of cloth, all of the same color. However, it was not that those pieces of cloth could not be sold, but that they were going to be saved for the New Year and sold in large quantities.

The shopkeeper didn't know what she meant, so he asked her, "What does Madam want these cloths for? But my boss wants to use them?"

Jing Han shook his head, "No, the old lady's family is short of a hundred pieces of cloth. I want to see if our family has any extra, or if we are not in a hurry to sell it, let them give it to them first, and then give the money to them when they get through the difficulties." Give it back to us.”

The shopkeeper had never cooperated with Mrs. Murong’s maiden brothers. He thought they were relatives of Murong Yun and must have good character, so he thought of a compromise.

"Madam, otherwise, there are still a hundred pieces of medium-sized cloth in the warehouse, which will be sold in the spring. If the owner's relatives agree, we can sell it to them first. It just so happens that these cloths have not been ordered to others yet."

 Otherwise, those fine fabrics are all reserved and would not be easy to give to others.

 Jinghan has gone to see the fabric. The quality is very good and can be considered high-grade. However, in expensive stores, it can only be considered average.

But compared to the fabrics ordered by Mrs. Murong’s mother’s brother, they are already on the upper level.

Jinghan felt that the fabric was very good, but he didn’t want to give it to anyone else, so he thought about letting old Mrs. Murong’s natal family get through the crisis first.

 At that time, they can collect the money and return it to her.

 So she went to talk to old Mrs. Murong about the matter and make it clear.

When Old Mrs. Murong heard that she actually wanted to give money, she was immediately unhappy, "We are all a family. Your uncle and they are all good people. How dare you, a junior, accept their money?" Jinghan disagreed after hearing this, " My brothers are settling the accounts. Since they want to buy cloth, of course they have to pay for it.”

Murong Yun also earned hard-earned money, so of course Jinghan couldn't give it to them in vain.

Old Mrs. Murong was angry when she saw her lack of humanity, but she also went back to inform her.

After all, my mother's side seems to be in a hurry.

After she returned, she told her brother about the matter, and he agreed, saying that as long as the goods were filled, the money would be sent over when the balance was received.

 Old Mrs. Murong naturally believed in her mother's family, so she took her younger brother back to find Jinghan.

Jinghan saw that the old man promised to give him money, so he lost his guard and gave him the cloth.

 After giving it, she thought the matter was over.

Who knew that Mrs. Murong’s natal brother was a man of no credibility?

  I promised to settle the account before the end of the year, but the payment was delayed and seemed to deny the payment.

Jing Han was so angry that he went over to have a big quarrel, pointing at the old man and cursing, "The tree needs bark, and the man needs face. We promised to settle the bill at the end of the year, how can you refuse to pay?"

You must know that the cloth she gave out can be sold for a good price after the new year.

Those fabrics are all good materials for making spring clothes. The shopkeeper was reluctant to give them to him at first, all because of his trust in Murong Yun.

Who knew that this family was actually a scoundrel.

The old man was also a thief. He didn't say he wouldn't pay it back, he just said, "Last time, we were fined because we missed the delivery time."

“In addition, the fabrics I bought before were all infested with insects, and I also lost a fortune. So it’s not that I won’t give you the money, but that I have no money for the time being. I will pay you back when I have money.”

"Besides, aren't we relatives? Or serious relatives. Aren't my sisters still staying at your house? Is it possible that I will lie to you?"

Jinghan saw that he was sincere and that the Murong family and the old man were indeed real relatives. He thought that this man would not lie to him, so he believed him again.

So she went back empty-handed. When the shopkeeper saw it, he sighed and did not dare to say anything to her.

 When the New Year was over and spring was approaching, Murong Yun came back.

As soon as he came back, he went to the shop and asked the shopkeeper for the various materials.

But the shopkeeper said, "Boss, the hundred pieces of materials have all been lent to your uncle's house, so I won't be able to get them out."

Murong Yun was stunned, "Who did you say you lent it to?"


 Where did he get his uncle?

The shopkeeper explained, "He's the old lady's natal brother. Didn't Madam borrow the fabric from me years ago? Don't you know about this?"

Murong Yun was stunned, "Jing Han lent it?"

The shopkeeper nodded, "Yes, I saw my wife coming over, and I thought it was what you meant."

 After all, Murong Yunduo doted on Jing Han, which was obvious to everyone, so the shopkeeper didn't think much about it.

Murong Yun frowned and felt a little angry, but did not say anything to the shopkeeper. He only asked him, "You should ask me first next time. Madam is still young and inexperienced."

When the shopkeeper heard this, he knew that this matter might be the madam's own idea. He secretly thought that he was in trouble, and nodded obediently.

 “Yes, I will ask you first next time.”

 (End of this chapter)

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