Chapter 376, Emotional Mentor

Murong Yun said yes and quickly returned home.

At that time, Jing Han was reading the account books in the room, wanting to learn more knowledge and see if he could make further progress.

Murong Yun came in with a displeased look on his face and saw her lying on the bed reading the account book. He took a deep breath and calmed down his anger before asking her again.

“Let me ask you, did you lend the cloth to the Zeng family?”

Jinghan saw that he had finally come back after working for a long time. He was very happy to see him. Just as he was about to rush out of bed and hug him, he saw him questioning him with a cold face.

As soon as she heard about the Zeng family, she knew that he knew about the materials, so she lowered her head with guilt.

 “I just. Just want to do something to help you.”

 After all, Old Madam Murong came here in person, even if it were Murong Yun, she would still have to help.

But Murong Yun was so busy at that time, and Jinghan was afraid that he would be incapable of doing anything else, so he wanted to share it with him.

Who would have thought that he would have such a bad face as soon as he came back.

 So she became a little annoyed and asked him, "Yes, I lent the fabric, what's wrong?"

Murong Yun saw that not only did she know her fault, but she was also so confident. He couldn't hold back his anger and said angrily, "Didn't I tell you to leave this matter alone? Why didn't you listen?!"

 Obviously he told her not to get involved in this matter, so why did she insist on having her own way?

“Are you so eager to find something to do? Aren’t you satisfied with me letting you stay comfortably at home?”

How many women want to stay at home comfortably, without a mother-in-law oppressing them above, without a cunning slave below, and live a happy life every day. "Aren't you satisfied with this? Do you still want to cause trouble for me?"

Murong Yun has been busy lately and is under a lot of pressure. In addition, his original idea of ​​what to do with the piece of fabric was ruined by Jing Han, so he is very angry at the moment.

Jinghan felt sad and angry when she saw that it was the first time that he was so cruel to her.

"Am I trying to cause trouble? I see you are working too hard and want to help you. Why do you miss me so much?"

She also knew that she was comfortable at home, but she felt sorry for him because he was unable to do all the work, so she wanted to help him share some of it. Is this wrong?

Murong Yun said angrily, "I don't think you want to help me share the burden. You clearly want to prove it to the women outside and make them think you are capable. You just want to show it yourself!"

 In fact, Murong Yun also knew about the rumors outside.

He couldn't stop everyone talking, so he could only try his best not to let Jinghan go out.

But it was impossible for Jinghan not to go out for the rest of his life, so he thought it would be good for her to face these rumors as soon as possible to see if she had the ability to digest them.

He thought that after she got angry, she would look away, ignore her, and let others say whatever they wanted.

 But he still overestimated her. She still wanted too much face and too much self-respect.

 Just a little thing can make her so upset because he thinks too highly of her.

Jinghan felt even more sad when he saw him accusing her like this, and his tone became harsh and harsh, "You said I did it for myself? Do you also think that I am not as good as others? Do you want to save face?"

 “Am I that bad in your heart? Can’t I also become an excellent person?”

“Or do you think the same as the people outside, that I am a good-for-nothing person? Do you even look down on me that much?”

Murong Yun became angry when he saw her angry face, as if she wanted to bite him to death.

"When did I say something bad about you? What I like is always the truest version of you. When did I look down on you? Don't keep thinking nonsense."

But his explanation sounded to Jinghan as Murong Yun never thought she was smart at all. He had always thought she was a fool, so he hated her interfering in his business affairs.

“You are obviously like the people outside, you think I am a good-for-nothing woman, and it seems you look down on me too.”

 After saying that, he turned around and left angrily. Murong Yun was so angry that he didn't chase her.

 Then the conflict between the couple officially began.

 During that time, Jinghan returned to her parents’ home with her son in her arms.

Murong Yun didn't go home either and stayed in Yipinju.

The Jing family tried to persuade Jing Han, but the more Jing Han heard her parents say how outstanding Murong Yun was and that it was her honor to marry him, the angrier she became.

“You guys also think it’s me who is trying to get ahead? Do you think someone as stupid as me is not worthy of marrying Murong Yun?”

Jinghan's parents saw that she couldn't say a word, and they became angry on the spot and began to teach her a lesson.

"What's wrong with you kid? Which woman in the capital doesn't envy you? When you get married, you don't have a bad mother-in-law, you don't have to live with an old man, and you have a bunch of slaves. Which girl's life after marriage can be as good as yours? ?”

There are many prosperous and wealthy husband's families in the capital, but there are not many that can really make a girl's life comfortable after marriage.

 So Jinghan's parents always thought that their daughter would be lucky enough to marry such a good man as Murong Yun. Naturally, he spoke for Murong Yun.

 After all, Murong Yun was really good to Jing Han.

But Jinghan was so angry that he didn't want to hear his parents praising Rong Yun and belittling himself, so he immediately became angry again.

 Then the anger grew bigger and bigger.

 So much so that the couple stopped talking.

Sister Ying heard the whole story and understood the psychology of the two people.

She asked Jinghan, "Cousin, do you mind that your cousin-in-law thinks you are a fool? Or are you angry that you are useless?"

Jinghan touched her pregnant belly and sighed, "I don't know either."

On the one hand, she was really angry that Murong Yun looked down on her and belittled her low IQ.

On the other hand, I was also angry that I was useless and couldn't help him, and actually caused him trouble.

 In fact, she really wanted to help him share some of the work and make it easier for him.

 But she is so stupid that she can’t do anything well, and she was tricked by others. She still hasn’t gotten back the money for the piece of fabric.

"Sister Ying, what on earth do you think is wrong with me? Am I angry with myself, or am I angry with you? I'm confused now."

Sister Ying rubbed her temples and helped her sort out her emotions, "Actually, you should have been taken advantage of by others' emotions. Otherwise, think about it, you didn't know you were not smart before, why were you not angry before, but are you so now? angry?"

Everyone sometimes goes through the stage of being emotionally aroused by other people.

I originally knew very well what kind of person I was, but if I heard too many rumors, I would inevitably get angry, angry at myself and others, and feel why I was so useless!

Then you will get more and more into trouble, and slowly start to hate yourself and despise your own incompetence. Finally, your mood will fluctuate greatly, and the situation will become more and more negative.

Jinghan was really shocked when she heard Sister Ying's analysis.

 “Then, what should I do now?”

 She doesn’t want to get into trouble.

 I don’t want to become a harem with negative energy.

Sister Ying rubbed her temples and groomed her like a mentor, "Since my cousin is annoyed because of the 'useless' thing, it's better to start solving it from here."

 (End of this chapter)

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