Chapter 377, figured it out

 “How to solve it? Can you help me become smarter?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Cousin, do you really want to be smart that much?"

Jinghan said, "Of course I do. Who doesn't want to become smarter?"

Sister Ying asked her, "If my cousin becomes smarter, what do you want to do? Is it to help my cousin's husband share the business affairs?"

Jinghan nodded without thinking, "Of course, I wanted to be smart because I wanted to help him, otherwise it would be useless for me to be smart."

 She has no worries about food and clothing, and she doesn’t expect much from life. She lives a wealthy life if she can, and lives an ordinary life if she can’t live the life of a rich person. She is a very accepting person.

If she didn't want to help Murong Yun, there was no need for her to think about these things.

Sister Ying asked her, "My cousin thinks so, but what about my cousin-in-law? Does he also hope that you can become smarter and help him? Not necessarily?"

Jing Han has never thought about this.

 She was really wrong before, thinking that everyone thought she was stupid, that's why Murong Yun hated her and felt that she had embarrassed him.

 But is this really the case?

When Murong Yun met her, she was originally stupid, not too stupid, but not smart either.

 They have known each other since childhood and are very familiar with each other's personalities.

If Murong Yun liked a smart woman, he would not marry her.

“So, that **** Murong Yun doesn’t like me being smart??”

Jinghan seemed to have come to his senses. He looked at Sister Ying with a surprised look on his face, as if he was confirming with her.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, my cousin-in-law likes your stupidity. You have known each other for many years, and it's not the first day he has met you. How could he dislike you because you are not smart?"

 So this quarrel between the couple was completely provoked by the emotions of passers-by.

Coupled with Murong Yun's lack of expression, the two refused to communicate because of the quarrel, but the quarrel got worse.

Jinghan seems to understand a little bit.

“So I’m just asking for trouble.”

Since Murong Yun likes her who is stupid, why does she worry about not being smart? Isn't that just looking for trouble?

Sister Ying nodded in agreement, "So, this is a trivial matter to begin with, but it's surprising that it caused such a big fuss between you two."

“Others may see it as a joke, but look at your client, do you feel uncomfortable?”

Murong Yun originally liked Jinghan's innocence and simplicity, even a bit clumsy.

 But because Jinghan heard other women praise Murong Yun and belittle her, her psychological confidence fell and she began to doubt herself.

This typical emotional out-of-control situation is clearly provoked by others.

 The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't help herself, and of course she lost control of her emotions.

Now that she can figure this out, it will be easy to handle.

“So cousin, I think it’s better for you to return to your original self. What you were like to your cousin-in-law before can be what you are now.”

"Shouldn't husband and wife get along comfortably? Otherwise, how can they live their lives with a bad face every day?"

“If the child saw it, he would definitely think too much about it.”

Jinghan thought deeply for a while and felt that he was really stupid before. He was led by others and quarreled with his beloved husband. He was really stupid.

So she slapped the table to release all the negative energy, and said with an imposing manner, "You are right, I was really too stupid before, and let others lead me by the nose, and Murong Yun and I had such a quarrel after just a few words. , I’m so stupid.”

"I will definitely not listen to what others say in the future. Only fools listen to other people's nonsense. I won't listen to it next time!"

Sister Ying clapped her little hands in agreement. "Yes. Insinuations are something we hear in one ear and out the other. We just pretend that the person is not us. In this way, it is useless for anyone to say anything. We just have to strengthen our beliefs."

The more Jinghan thought about it, the more he realized that he had been confused before.

She patted the table, her thoughts becoming fresher and clearer, "I figured it out, just be stupid if you're stupid, and it's okay to boldly admit your shortcomings. Anyway, what Murong Yun liked in the beginning was my lack of intelligence, and he may not like it if I suddenly become smarter. "

She hypothesized that if she suddenly became smarter, Murong Yun would be confused for the first time and wouldn't even know how to get along with her, and the couple might become more and more estranged.

Jinghan thought about it carefully and said to Sister Ying, "I figured it out. I'd better not be smart. I think this is good."

She never wanted to do what smart women do. She had no ambitions. At most, she wanted to travel around the world and have fun.

 Even if she becomes a female boss, she has no interest in doing business.

 It was okay to have a busy person like Murong Yun at home, but she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

  It’s better to stay at home and spend time with your son.

 Everyone has their own ambitions, and she was indeed confused by her emotions before.

Seeing that she finally figured it out, Sister Ying was also happy, "Okay, let's go out for a walk tomorrow and try the effect."

Jinghan didn’t understand, “What effect?”

Sister Ying, "Didn't you say that you won't listen to other people's rumors in the future? If you don't go out and listen to them again, how will you know the effect?"

Jinghan nodded, agreeing with it.

“Okay, let’s go to Yipinzhai to try again tomorrow.”

 Yipinzhai has distinguished guests every day.

Those who go there are some royal family members, or eldest young masters or eldest ladies from wealthy families. They go to Yipinzhai gatherings every now and then to drink afternoon tea and chat about recent interesting things. "

They are not just playing. They mainly chat together and get some other information, which is also good for the family.

Jinghan didn't want to go to Yipinzhai before because he was afraid of being seen by those young ladies, so as to avoid being insinuated.

She knew that she was of high status and could not be offended. She was always sulky and did not dare to lose her temper for fear of causing trouble for Murong Yun.

 So she never wanted to go to Yipinzhai in the future. Unless she wanted to see Murong Yun, she would not go there.

Sister Dan Ying said that only by hearing people ridicule her again and see if she gets angry again can she prove that she has really figured it out and doesn't care what others think.

So she made an appointment with Sister Ying to go to Yipinzhai the next day.

Of course Sister Ying will accompany her, but she also has to tell Jing.

After hearing this, Jing didn’t want her to go.

 Once she lets Sister Ying and Jing Han go over, it will be serious if they start to quarrel.

Even if there is no quarrel, later on people will hate Jinghan and also hate Sister Ying. Sister Ying will be sad, right?

 But Sister Ying shook her head, thinking very clearly.

“Birds of a feather flock together, so don’t worry, mother.”

Whether she is with Jinghan or not, if people don't like her, they may not like her even if she is with the princess.

 If someone likes her, they won't care about her life experience or origin, or who she is with.

 (End of this chapter)

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