Chapter 378: Just be happy

Jinghan nodded in agreement.

“You are right, people who don’t like you will not like you no matter how good you are.”

 And some women have very strange ideas. Even though they don't know each other, they will hate you along with other women, as if they hate you.

 It doesn’t matter whether it’s right or wrong, it’s just being led by the nose.

 So you have to keep an open mind on this matter. After all, the brain is in other people's bodies, and you can't control what they think.

 All they can do is take care of themselves and not let their emotions be affected by others. The most important thing is to be happy.

Seeing that she finally figured it out, Sister Ying flattered her like she was admiring her, "My cousin is really amazing. She can tell you everything at once. Who says you're not smart? You have too little vision."

“Besides, being smart does not necessarily have to be defined by being able to do big things. If we have a little wisdom, it can be considered a little clever.”

Jinghan liked hearing these words, raised his head and laughed, which made the gloom of the past few months go away.

Jing was very impressed when she saw that Sister Ying was able to persuade Jing Han, who had been depressed for several months, to get better.

"Okay, now that we've said it, how about calling Ayun back to have dinner together tonight?" The couple had been in a cold war for so long, and it was time for them to reconcile.

 But Jinghan refused, "No. I'm angry with myself, but I'm not angry with him yet."

 It was one thing for her to turn away from herself, but she was still angry about Murong Yun's cold war with her, so she didn't want to forgive him so quickly.

Jingshi was still waiting for persuasion, but Sister Ying waved her hand at Jingshi.

Jing understood what she meant and stopped trying to persuade her. "Okay, I won't talk anymore. You two can talk slowly." After that, she left.

Seeing Jing Shi leave, Sister Ying came over and patted Jing Han's hand, "Okay, don't be angry. It doesn't matter whether you reconcile with your cousin-in-law or not. I'm on your side anyway."

Jinghan was very happy when he saw her supporting him so much, "Sister Xiaoying, I like you so much. There is no one in the world who helps me unconditionally like you. I'm so happy."

Let alone Murong Yun, even her parents would only catch her and teach her a lesson. Unlike Sister Ying, she stands by her in everything.

“It is said that it is difficult to find a close friend in life, but I have met one. You must not despise me in the future.”

Sister Ying has crooked eyebrows and a playful face, "Then what if I dislike you?"

Seeing her sly smile, Jing Han also laughed, "Then I don't care whether you like it or dislike it. Anyway, I am relying on you. If I can't get along with Murong Yun in the future, I will come to you. Let's Let’s live together.”

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Okay, it's good to be with my sisters in their old age, but there's also Brother Rong squeezed in the middle. I'm afraid he will dislike you, hahaha."

Jinghan also laughed, "Then kick him out. What's the use of having a man? He's just here to make you angry. It's better to live by yourself."

  That said, she really couldn't do it if she were asked to leave Murong Yun.

Sister Ying did not expose her and took her to play cards.

 Four women sat down to play cards in the evening, and the atmosphere was lively.

Sister Ying has also played cards with Wu and others in Jiangnan, but the gameplay is different in each place. This is her first time learning to play cards.

Jing Han saw that it was her first time to play this kind of card, and immediately said proudly, "Since it's your first time to play, I have to beat you a few more times while you still don't know how, otherwise I won't have a chance." Yes, hahaha.”

Sister Ying is not afraid of her. Although she lost the first few times, once she gets started, the winning rate will be very good.

Jing Han was defeated in just the third game.

Later, Jing Han lost more and more miserably and said, "I won't play anymore. I'm really not suitable to be with smart people."

Her husband is a smart person, but she didn’t expect that her best friend is also smart. I wonder if smart people like to be with stupid people? Otherwise, why would she be surrounded by smart heads? After hearing this, Sister Ying raised the corners of her mouth while shuffling the cards, and said proudly, "Smart people choose friends based on their own happiness, not on whether they are stupid or not."

 Besides, she's not that smart, she just has a better learning ability.

Seeing her modesty, Jinghan widened his eyes exaggeratedly and looked down upon her, "You're the only one who can pay for it a little bit? Then don't the rest of the people who claim to be smart have to go to heaven?"

Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing both laughed, and all four of them were happy.

 Jinghan slept with Sister Ying at night. The two of them lay on the bed together and talked about their parents' affairs.

Jinghan asked Sister Ying, "You are new to the capital, are you getting used to it?"

Sister Ying nodded, "I'm getting used to it, but I miss my parents a little bit."

Sister Ying’s nose felt sore when she talked about her parents.

 After all, she is a daughter who has been brought up by a treasure, but she is still not willing to leave her parents all at once.

Jing Han saw her nose was red and felt heartbroken immediately.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Nowadays, the waterway is convenient. Even if you want to go back to see your parents, you can go back. Next time, shall I take you back to Jiangnan? I know the route."

 She often ran up and down with Murong Yun in the past few years. She also went to Jiangnan several times and already knew the route.

“And our family has our own boat that can go to Jiangnan. When the time comes, I will take you there, and we will go to your mother’s house to stay for a few days.”

Sister Ying was immediately happy when she heard that she could go back, "Really?"

 But wouldn’t it be inappropriate to go back after just a few days in Beijing?

Mainly, her parents-in-law are very nice and dote on her, and they are not evil mother-in-laws, so she will be embarrassed to go back to her parents' home.

If her parents-in-law are not good, she will just kick off and leave without waiting for her.

However, Mrs. Jing and her father were very nice to her, and they made her feel comfortable talking to each other. It was just like going to her grandmother's house. She lived very comfortably without any discomfort.

 So she wanted to go back to her natal family, but she was embarrassed to say so.

Jing Han gave her an idea, "What's there to worry about? Don't you still have a chance to come back? If A Jing doesn't come back by then, we'll go back to your parents' house together. I also want to go out and relax." "

Sister Ying nodded, thinking this was a good idea.

 On the other side, the Liang family in Jiangnan.

Since Sister Ying got married, Ms. Wu has felt strange every day when she wakes up, as if she can't feel well anywhere.

The same goes for Mrs. Liang. When Sister Ying was at home, she would go to her boudoir every day to see if she was awake.

In the afternoon, the two of them basked in the sun together in the yard, petted the orange cat, and talked and laughed together.

Now that Sister Ying has gone to the capital, there are only two boys left in the family, and Sister Yang, who is half a tomboy, has no one to play with her at all, and she is feeling lonely.

Seeing her talking about her loneliness every day, Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "How about I find you a companion?"

Old Mrs. Liang choked, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm already old, so don't embarrass me to death. If you tell me, I'll be embarrassed."

It is common for widows to remarry in the countryside, but it is unheard of for old ladies to remarry.

Old Mrs. Liang is also a face-saving person. How could she remarry because of her loneliness? If the neighbors find out, she will not want this old face anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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