Chapter 379, lovely old lady Liang

Seeing her shy look, Mrs. Wu couldn't help but laugh.

 “I know, I’m just teasing you.”

“If you are really bored, just go to the house next door and play cards with other old ladies. Aren’t there people sitting in the house next door every day?”

What the old ladies on this street like to do most every day is to get together, drink tea, eat melon seeds, and talk about their parents' affairs. They talk endlessly every day.

Old Mrs. Liang hasn't been there these past few days, mainly because she had a quarrel with the old lady next door, so she didn't go there.

Mrs. Wu asked curiously, "What's going on? Why did you quarrel with others? Why didn't I hear you say this?"

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and said with a guilty conscience, "Actually, it's nothing, just some small things."

  Wu looked over and said, "Huh?"

 Old Mrs. Liang immediately felt guilty.

“Hey, it wasn’t that day. The daughter of the Zhou family was getting married, and I went over to watch the fun. A group of old ladies sat down and talked, and I also chatted with them.”

At that time, several old ladies were talking about how well their granddaughter married and how filial her grandson-in-law was.

Among them, the old lady of the Zhou family bore the brunt. She felt that her granddaughter was the most perfect in marriage, so she wanted to be the best among all the old ladies, so she praised her grandson-in-law to the sky.

Old Mrs. Liang is also a person who loves to join in the fun. When she saw Old Mrs. Zhou praising her grandson-in-law so much, she immediately refused to admit defeat and praised Jing Shirong so much.

Their grandson-in-law treats her sister Ying first and foremost. He gives all his gold and silver jewelry to her sister Ying, but he is also very obedient. Whatever her sister Ying says, Jing Shirong just No matter what I heard, there was not a word of rebuttal.

Even the Jing family was praised to the heavens by her, "My in-laws used to be neighbors to my family. The two children were childhood sweethearts. My in-laws are also very good to their children. Your daughter's mother-in-law must not be as good as my in-laws." OK."

 After hearing this, everyone was not convinced, but the one who was the most unconvinced was Mrs. Zhou.

 After all, Mrs. Zhou was marrying her granddaughter that day, and her son-in-law was also doing well. It was her proud time.

Who would have expected that Mrs. Liang would not only ignore her proud days, but also compete with her for today's glory. She was so angry that she slapped the table and never wanted to talk to Mrs. Liang again.

Mrs. Liang was frightened by her slap on the table, and suddenly realized that she had indeed exaggerated.

 But she didn’t mean it.

 It was the other old ladies who started the conversation first, and they all started to praise their grandson-in-law or son-in-law.

Then she is the prefect’s wife after all, so she can’t lose to others, why not praise her son-in-law and son-in-law Su to the heavens.

Who would have thought that Old Mrs. Zhou would be angry when she said she was angry? She was also helpless.

 No, Mrs. Zhou has been neglecting her for several days.

These days, there are lively voices from the house next door every day, but no one comes to invite her. Isn't she lonely?

Originally, life in old age was quite rich, but no one had played with her these days, so she was naturally lonely, empty and cold.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu couldn’t laugh or cry, “You are just so impulsive.”

Every time she saw someone talking about her son having an heir, Mrs. Liang felt as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood. She was so happy that she didn't see any envy or jealousy from the other old ladies. She was still talking very happily.

But there is no harm in the old ladies being together, after all, birds of a feather flock together.

Those old ladies who can play well with Mrs. Liang also have similar personalities.

So Mrs. Wu basically doesn’t care who Old Mrs. Liang hangs out with. Who would have thought that she would actually have a quarrel with Old Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "What should we do now? Do you want to go over and give me a step? Or do you want to stop interacting with them in the future?"

Old Mrs. Liang wanted to save face, so she immediately slammed the table and swore, "How could I go over and pass the steps? I'm obviously more noble than them, but it's enough for them to hand me the steps." It's been several days, and those dead old ladies haven't come yet. Asking her really **** her off.

Does Mrs. Wu still know the temperaments of the other old ladies?

Those old ladies are not very old, and several of their grandchildren are very young, but they all have childlike tempers and are very troublesome.

 Old Mrs. Zhou was naturally angry because she was robbed of the limelight by Mrs. Liang.

 The two of them were fine as one person the day before, but as soon as they had an argument, they stopped talking to each other.

Seeing the quarrel between the two of them, the other old ladies tried to persuade them, "I say it, Mrs. Zhou, otherwise let's forget it? I don't think Mrs. Liang did it on purpose. She just likes to brag. Maybe what she said is true." It’s fake.”

They all know that Sister Ying is marrying to the capital. As for the family she is marrying into, and whether her grandson-in-law is a high official, they have never seen it with their own eyes, so naturally they don't know whether it is true or not.

"It's not like your grandson-in-law, but he is a real Jinshi. He may be promoted and make a fortune next year, but then your grandson-in-law will definitely be the better one."

Old Mrs. Zhou liked hearing this, and immediately hummed, feeling a little proud.

"You are right. Mrs. Liang has never told us what her grandson-in-law does. She only said that he works as an errand for His Majesty. Who knows what kind of errand he is, maybe he is just a little follower." Otherwise, why not follow? They talk?

  It must be that her son-in-law’s official position is not high, so he has no face to talk about it.

 Other old ladies nodded in agreement, "Maybe that's true."

Otherwise, it would not be as good as what Mrs. Liang boasted about. She would give away all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry, and also give them to the courtyard. The more she said, the more outrageous she became.

 Their son-in-law and grandson-in-law gave jewelry as gifts, but not to the yard. After all, housing prices in Jiangnan are not low. Not to mention the prices in Beijing.

It can be seen that Mrs. Liang is still bragging.

Mrs. Zhou nodded in agreement, "That's right, I didn't want to expose her in the first place, but she blew it so vigorously that I was too embarrassed to pour cold water on her, otherwise she would still be angry with me."

 Other old ladies agreed.

"So, don't get angry with her. If she doesn't come these days, I feel like something is missing. It's not lively anymore."

“That’s right, Mrs. Liang can chat on weekdays. It’s fun to listen to her talk. With her around, I haven’t heard any laughter.”

 Old Mrs. Zhou nodded, agreeing with this.

The old ladies used to get together regularly, but suddenly they were not used to missing one of them, so she said, "Otherwise, how about we invite her here? Is this a step down for her?"

Otherwise, there seems to be no point in quarreling all the time.

Other old ladies nodded, "That's right, call Mrs. Liang here, it won't be fun without her talking."

Mrs. Zhou reluctantly agreed and asked her servants to go to the Liang family to invite her.

Original Mrs. Liang had vowed never to go over and talk to Mrs. Zhou’s group.

As a result, as soon as the maid came to invite her, she stood up immediately and walked over.

Mrs. Wu looked behind and shook her head, "Mom? You can't say it, can't you?"

Mrs. Liang pretended not to hear, "Don't wait for me for dinner. I ate it at Zhou's house."


   This old lady, in addition to bragging, is also an afterthought.

One second she was so angry that she wanted to break off the relationship with her, and the next second she just said a word and ran away with him. She was still lonely like this.

 (End of this chapter)

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