Chapter 380, Letter from home

Mrs. Wu saw that Mrs. Liang had gone to play next door, and also went to the fields to see how the crops and pigs were growing.

 Waiting until night, she took up a pen to send a letter to Sister Ying, and sent a letter to Sister Ying about all the family members.

After Sister Ying received the letter, the corners of her mouth raised.

 The family is still so lively, and the two younger brothers are also studying and practicing martial arts very seriously.

Sister Yang is also becoming more and more interested in medicine, and she goes out with Gu to treat others. There is a vague desire to be a miracle doctor.

 Seng Geer has also made some achievements in martial arts.

 He now not only practices swordplay in the backyard, but also goes out to compete with others every day.

Although I am injured every day, I have gained more experience.

 The old man gave him a martial arts secret book and asked him to understand it on his own.

If he can understand every move in the secret book, his kung fu will definitely be good in the future.

 And Kang Geer was more focused on reading.

He originally studied at both ends, studying literature in the morning and martial arts in the afternoon, but doing both at the same time seemed to make him more tired and delayed his studies at both ends.

 In the end, I can only choose one of them and concentrate on studying.

As for Mei Xianer, she can also open a snack shop on her own.

    Mrs. Wu once revealed to Madam Lu that she wanted to book Mei Xianer.

Mrs. Lu was quite satisfied with Brother Kang, but she didn’t think that Brother Kang was younger than Xiaomei Xian’er and had no official title at the moment. He seemed to be unable to support the family, so he didn’t agree.

Mrs. Wu was afraid that he would refuse, so she said she would give Kang Geer a chance and wait until the next spring to let Kang Geer try again.

Mr. Lu also had contact with Kang Geer and knew that he was of good character. He also knew that Mrs. Wu was of good character and would be a good mother-in-law in the future, so he did not refuse immediately, but wanted to wait and see.

 So Kang Geer is studying very hard for Mei Xianer.

After reading the letter from home, Sister Ying felt better. She immediately wrote four or five letters to her family and sent them back.

They have carrier pigeons and can receive letters every month. Having letters from home makes them feel good.

Jinghan saw that she was happy after seeing the letter from home, so he took her to Yipinzhai the next day.

This time they came over and specially chose the women's private room on the third floor.

 In addition to high-end private rooms, Yipinzhai also has elegantly decorated women's private rooms, specially designed for ladies who like exquisiteness.

Jinghan wanted to try what Sister Ying said before, to see if he could resist the sarcastic remarks, so he specifically chose the private rooms next to those often visited by Princess Lianyi.

She specifically inquired about Princess Lianyi. This princess was high-spirited and had high vision. Even though she was twenty this year, she still couldn't get married because her vision was too high.

 She also found out that the old woman was thinking about her man.

Sister Ying asked, "Who told me about this, cousin? Is it reliable?"

 Don't just spread it blindly. If you misunderstand someone, it will be difficult to deal with the consequences.

Jing Han patted his chest and assured, "Of course this is true. Even if people pass it on to each other, I have sharp eyes."

The way Princess Lianyi looked at Murong Yun was one of love, appreciation and liking.

 As a woman, it would be strange if she didn’t understand that look.

 Because Murong Yun looked at her with that look before marriage, and he liked her very much.

Now that other women look at him like that, it's not because they like that **** Murong Yun.

Sister Ying snorted, "Then what do you want to do?"

You are the princess after all, so you can't be tough, right?

After Jing Han regained his senses, he stopped being impulsive and said to Sister Ying, "Don't worry, I won't do anything random." "Don't Princess Lianyi think that she is superior and that she is a perfect match for Murong Yun? "

“Then I will show her who is Murong Yun’s real wife.”

 Hmph, she lost her mind before, and when someone provoked her emotions, she jumped around like a madman.

Now that she has calmed down, she realizes that these rumors may have been spread by Princess Lianyi, and the purpose may be to destroy her relationship with Murong Yun.

As long as she breaks up with Murong Yun, won't the mastermind behind the scenes have a chance to marry Murong Yun?


 She just won’t be fooled!

Not only did she not make peace with Murong Yun, she also wanted to hold him tightly! See how other women take advantage of this.

Sister Ying asked, "Have you thought of any good ideas?"

Murong Yun nodded, "Yes. Just wait. Today I will show you that your best friend is not a fool and can be manipulated at will."

Isn’t Princess Lianyi self-righteous? Let her see who is the one who is really slapped in the face.

As he was saying this, someone entered the private room next door.

The group of people who came were none other than Princess Lianyi.

Princess Lianyi and other ladies came in chatting and laughing one after another, and they seemed to be chatting happily.

 There were flatterers among them who went out of their way to report gossip to Princess Lianyi.

"Princess, I heard that the big-breasted and brainless Jing Han seems to have run away from home. Even Murong Yun has not returned home. This matter seems to be quite serious. I don't know if this couple will The gang will break up."

The other ladies looked at each other but didn't say anything.

They all knew what Princess Lianyi was thinking. Princess Lianyi loved Murong Yun, but she despised Murong Yun's low background. Although Murong Yun was now the legitimate son in the name of his legitimate mother, her mother's status was not high, so this was the case for Princess Lianyi. The point that the Lord dislikes.

 But other than this, Murong Yun was impeccable in other aspects. He and Jing Shirong were both selected as the two most handsome men in the capital, and they were very popular among the girls.

It's a pity that Princess Lianyi is still nit-picking. She feels that although Murong Yun is rich, he is at most an imperial businessman. Compared with serious officials, he still embarrasses her, so she just waits and waits. Want to consider it.

Who would have known that before she could decide whether to marry Murong Yun, Murong Yun actually went to the Jing family to propose marriage.

This made her very angry.

 How can she give up the person she likes to other women?

 But the marriage was already decided, and she didn’t know until later that it was already too late.

  This matter could have been done or not, but she was cut off on the way, making it impossible for her to take a breath.

Especially when she saw Murong Yun doting on Jinghan so much, she felt sour in her heart. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She wished that Murong Yun would divorce Jinghan right away.

 But she went to Murong Yun to test him several times, but got no response. This man didn't even look at her, let alone flirt with her.

She thought that Murong Yun didn't want to abandon his wife, so he had to do it himself.

As long as she can get Jing Han to propose divorce, she and Murong Yun will be together naturally.

 So those rumors about Jing Han were indeed spread by her.

 She has so many bad guys at her disposal, and those who want to curry favor with her will naturally do it for her.

Even if the matter is exposed, she is not the one who spread the word, and it is also on her head.

At this moment, the **** in the private room was still talking about Jing Han running away from home, and Princess Lianyi felt quite satisfied after hearing this.

  I secretly thought that this couple should be breaking up soon, right?

How many times have you been there? We are already 34, so hot



 (End of this chapter)

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