The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 385: , are you willing to remarry?

Chapter 385: Are you willing to remarry?

Jing Shirong fully agreed with his mother-in-law’s opinions.

He lowered his head and kissed Sister Ying on the forehead, and said, "Mother-in-law is right. Having more skills is not a burden. Especially for girls, it is always good to learn more."

Even if you don’t use those talents to make a living, you can at least save yourself at critical moments.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "But studying is very tiring, especially with so many talents and skills. If you want to learn them all, you have to suffer a lot."

For example, when she first went to learn martial arts, even though she only practiced escape skills, she fell countless times.

 If an ordinary girl had fallen so many times, she would have been in pain long ago.

 Thanks to her and Sister Yang comforting each other and gritting their teeth and persevering, otherwise they would not be able to continue learning.

Especially learning martial arts is really not as simple as what is written in the book.

Like Seng Geer, when he first started learning, he broke his arms twice and injured his knees countless times.

Had Liang Jin not agreed to his insistence, Wu might have relented and said not to learn.

 Fortunately, Brother Seng persisted, and his martial arts skills are getting better and better now.

Jing Shirong nodded and agreed, "If you want to learn martial arts, you have to endure hardship. If you can persevere, you will be able to protect yourself in the future even if you are not the best in the world."

Sister Ying played with his hair and asked him, "If we have children in the future, will you also teach them martial arts?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's natural."

 Whatever he knows, he will naturally give it to the children.

Especially martial arts, which are very practical. Not to mention hitting others, but when others hit you, you can at least defend yourself legitimately.

Sister Ying was amused, "You still know how to defend yourself."

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's natural."

No matter what era, a person who is beaten for no reason is not a fool, so he naturally knows how to defend himself.

Especially for girls, it is infuriating to think about being bullied but unable to resist.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "In the future, if your daughter is spoiled, will you be willing to let her suffer the hardship of learning martial arts?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and asked, "My daughter?"

 He looked at Sister Ying’s belly and said, “You have it?”

Sister Ying.

 “What are you thinking about? No!”

 The couple have only been married for a long time, how can they be married so quickly?

Jing Shirong sighed after hearing this, "It's my fault."

 “It’s my fault that I don’t spend enough time with you.”

Sister Ying.

  "You're almost done, don't say any more. I'm so embarrassed."

Jing Shirong saw that her face was red, obviously ashamed, and she immediately smiled like a dog, with her white teeth exposed. "Hahaha."

 The entourage outside the house saw how happy Jing Shirong was inside, and secretly thought that the young lady was really amazing. She made an adult who was in a bad mood so happy as soon as she arrived.

Some followers also said, "I just took a quick look at my wife. She is really more beautiful than Ruhua in our village. She is really comparable to Ruhua."

 Other followers

 “Wang Ergouzi, please read more books.” I can’t praise anyone.

People praise beautiful people, they are all bright eyes and white teeth, charming a country or a city, or they are as gorgeous as peaches and plums, with ice-cold muscles and jade bones.

Whoever is with the king and the two dogs die, the match is like a flower.

Wang Ergouzi scratched his head and said, "Anyway, I think the Ruhua from our village chief's house is the prettiest, but my wife is more beautiful than Ruhua, so naturally she is Sai Ruhua."

 Other followers

   It's better not to tell him this, lest the lady hear it and be embarrassed.

Sister Ying in the room did not hear their conversation, but was lying on the bed chatting with Jing Shirong.

"By the way, how did you get bitten by poisonous ants? Where were you bitten?" Jing Shirong recalled, "In the field."

“Then I went to the fields with the villagers to investigate the insect infestation, and found this kind of poisonous ant with a strange color, so I wanted to catch it to see what happened, but I was accidentally bitten.”

It turns out that there are not only other grain-eating bugs in the field, but also this kind of strange poisonous ant. Jing Shirong wanted to check it out so that he could prescribe the right medicine.

 Unexpectedly, I was accidentally bitten by a poisonous ant, and my skin would burn and blister later.

Jing Shirong didn’t dare to take it lightly when he was bitten, so he immediately took the antidote pills given by the doctor.

Who would have expected that the poisonous ants were so poisonous that his usually strong body almost collapsed.

 Fortunately, I took the antidote in time and Sister Ying came in time, so everything was fine.

Sister Ying was quite frightened when she thought of this.

“Most of the insects, ants, and snakes in the world are poisonous. You’d better avoid them in the future to avoid being bitten again.”

She only has one life. If she is poisoned, where will she cry?

Jing Shirong is also a little scared. He has never married a wife in the past, and he feels that if he dies, he will be sorry for his parents and cannot show filial piety to them.

 Now that I have a wife, the feeling of guilt is even deeper.

He also didn’t want to die and leave his newlywed wife as a widow at a young age.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You don't want me to be a widow for you? How about I remarry?"

Jing Shirong frowned at first, then let go, then looked at her seriously, with firm black eyes, "Yeah. If something happens to me one day, just remarry. My parents won't stop you."

 He said this very seriously, and her shadow was all in his deep black eyes.

Sister Ying was stunned by his seriousness and immediately slapped him, "Fuck you, why should I listen to you?"

“Oh, you can marry if you want, and if you want me to remarry, you can remarry? Aren’t you afraid that after my second marriage, I will marry the wrong person and be bullied?”

"Do you think there are so many good husbands in the world? If I marry anyone, they will treat me like a treasure?"

 Jing Shirong had forgotten this.

 The men in his family respected their wives, and he didn't think much about it, just assuming that everyone was like this.

 But after seeing many big and small things over the years, he also knew that not every man in the family respects his wife.

 There are many families who beat and scold their wives, and even seek money or death from their wives. This happens in all families.

Especially some evil mothers-in-law, there are many who suppress their daughters-in-law.

Jing Shirong just thinks about Sister Ying remarrying in the future. If the person she marries has an evil mother-in-law and an evil father-in-law, wouldn’t his Sister Ying be beaten and scolded? Killed for money?

If that were the case, he would be so angry that he would come out from the ground to avenge her.

Seeing his angry look, Sister Ying smiled and squeezed his thin handsome face, "Then do you still dare to die? If you die, people will beat me and scold me, and then lock me up." , sell it to someone as a plaything, don’t you feel bad when you think about it?”

Jing Shirong was not only distressed, but also heartbroken.

His beloved girl was not willing to be trampled on, so she immediately said angrily, "I won't die!"

"I will take you with me from now on. If something happens to me, you will be the first one."

 If you finish it first, there will be nothing more to say.

Sister Ying asked curiously, "What first?"

 “Kill me first? Then you die?”

Jing Shirong murmured, "Me."

He imagined the scene in his mind, the sword in his hand, and he couldn't bear to aim it at her neck. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

 He sighed, unable to do anything, "Forget it, if something happens to me, I will ask someone to take you back to the Liang family. Your mother will take good care of you."

 (End of this chapter)

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