The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 386: , the couple controls pests together

Chapter 386: The couple controls pests together

Sister Ying was touched by the sincerity on his face.

Hand out your hand to caress the side of his face, his handsome face is reflected in her peach blossom eyes, and her red lips are lightly parted.

“Don’t say anything depressing. We are both still young. How about living a good life? There is no such thing as death.”

“We don’t say we will live for a hundred years, but at least we will live until eighty-eight. Then we will have many children and grandchildren, and we will eat melon seeds together in the courtyard and watch the children play.”

Just thinking about that kind of warm picture makes me feel very beautiful.

Jing Shirong hummed in a deep voice, lowered his head, and placed his affectionate kiss on her forehead.


 The two of them laid their foreheads against each other's foreheads quietly for a while, and finally fell asleep slowly.

 In the evening, the entourage came to deliver food and knocked on the door.

"grown ups?"

Jing Shirong was highly alert and woke up immediately.

"What's up?"

Attendant outside the door: "Dinner is ready, will you eat it now?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "Send it in."

Sister Ying was still sleeping in his arms, her little face looked innocent as she slept.

Jing Shirong lovingly kissed her fragile side face, the more he looked at her, the more he liked her.

When the entourage saw that he was so quiet, they went out in a sour mood.

As soon as he went out, he said, "My lord is really awesome. He is always cold in front of us, without a smile on his face. I don't dare to look at him anymore."

“Who knew that in front of my wife, I could actually show such a darling expression? Oh, it makes me so sad.”

 The other attendants laughed loudly after hearing this and said to him, "What is there to be sour about you? My lady is pretty and beautiful. If I don't treat my dear wife, how could I treat you, a stinky **** who doesn't take a bath for a month? Hahaha."

 Others laughed too.

The attendant smelled the stench on his body, and it was indeed a bit stinky, so he also laughed.

Jing Shirong got up and looked at the food, which was all simple food.

 A pot of sweet potato porridge that was not very fragrant. The sweet potatoes inside were pitted and had been bitten by insects and then peeled off.

 The rice was also broken into pieces and didn’t taste good.

However, Jing Shirong was never picky about food when he went out, just because he was afraid that Sister Ying would not be used to it.

Sister Ying got up after catching up on her sleep and smelling the smell of sweet potato porridge.

She was half asleep and knew that the pot was sweet potato porridge.

 I muttered to myself, "Is the sweet potato porridge infested with worms? It smells like stinky sweet potatoes."

Jing Shirong lowered his head and smelled the sweet potato porridge. It was indeed a bit smelly and the sweet potatoes were mixed in.

 I didn’t expect that his wife could smell it even though she was so far away.

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes and let herself be in a daze for a while.

Jing Shirong came over with a smile and fixed her hair with one hand.

“Are you hungry? There is only sweet potato porridge and pickles. You can make do with it for now and see if I can roast a chicken for you tomorrow.”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Don't worry about me. I will eat whatever you eat. I will make up for it when I get back."

Jing Shirong also knew that it would be difficult to find good food, so he nodded, "Okay, then get up and drink some porridge to warm your stomach."

Sister Ying hummed and put on her cloak.

She came over and Jing Shirong touched her little hand with one hand to see if it was warm.

It was quite cold in the house. The weather was freezing at night. There was only a little charcoal fire in the house, which did not keep the room warm at all. Jing Shirong's physical fitness is not bad, but he is afraid that Sister Ying has never lived in such a harsh environment and may not be able to adapt to it.

Because of the insect plague here in Banxi, all the food has gone bad.

 Farmers will naturally become poor if they run out of food.

Even the inn was bare, and they, the big shots from the capital, couldn't eat any good food. The only luxury they had was insect-bitten porridge.

 Some farmers can’t even drink the stinky sweet potatoes.

Sister Ying asked while drinking, "How is the situation here now?"

Jing Shirong blew a sip of hot air from the bowl and replied, "I have seen the disaster, and it is indeed very serious."

“The vegetables and fruits in the field are all infested with insects, and the roots have been chewed up by insects.”

 Including the poisonous ants before, they actually also eat the seeds, roots, fruits, etc. of the vegetable fields, eating almost everything they can eat.

 Including the rice in the rice fields, there are insects. Experienced farmers say that the insects are called three-letter borer.

 The larvae of the stem borer will eat the rice stems, causing the seedlings to wither, let alone grow rice.

The villagers had used insecticide before, but it was of no use because the larvae were small and they didn't notice it at first.

 Nowadays, farmers have no harvest and cannot grow food, so they naturally have no income.

This is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that even vegetables and fruits are infested with insects, as if all the insects have been attracted overnight.

Now the seedlings are withered, and the vegetables and fruits are also infested with insects. Farmers can only peel the bad parts that have been bitten off and eat what they have.

However, things that have been bitten by poisonous ants will make your mouth numb after eating them, so you can't eat them at all. If you eat too much, you might die, so you don't dare to eat them.

They originally had some spare grain in the cellar, but it was all eaten up by the bugs.

 No matter how much the insect plague is cured, it will be impossible to grow food next year.

 Once food cannot be grown and farmers have no food to eat, famine will begin.

Famine will most likely cause riots and create refugees, so Jing Shirong has to cure the insect infestation while farmers still have food in stock, so that they can plant on the ground in early spring.

Sister Ying asked him while drinking porridge, "Does the Sinong you brought from the capital have any solution to this insect plague?"

Jing Shirong took a sip of the porridge and replied, "He has seen those bugs that eat vegetables and fruits, and he also brought the medicinal powder here. He has already tried it today and will see the effect tomorrow."

“As for the three-lettered borer that destroys rice seedlings, Sinong said he has never seen it before and doesn’t know if medicine will be effective. We’ll have to check again tomorrow.”

There are no lights in the fields at night, so you can’t see clearly, so you have to carry out the work during the day.

Sister Ying finished the hot porridge in the bowl, wiped her mouth, and then said, "I have seen the words about the three-hua borer in an old farm book before."

She vaguely remembered that this kind of insect can be treated by flooding rice piles with water for seven to ten days, which can kill overwintering larvae and pupae.

As soon as Jing Shirong heard this, he immediately called Sinong in to discuss it together.

The clerk of agriculture was a man, so Jing Shirong asked Sister Ying to go behind the curtain and listen to the government affairs.

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this and did not argue with him about it. She went to the back to get warm under the quilt.

After Sinong came in, Jing Shirong told him the method Sister Ying said. He also wanted to try this method, so he went to prepare.

 Wait until the next day.

Jing Shirong was injured and went to the fields.

Sister Ying also dressed up in disguise, put on a curtain hat, and went to the fields with him.

Jing Shirong originally refused to let her go, "The insects in the fields are very scary. I'm afraid you will be scared. Why don't you go?"

Normally Jing Xin screams when she sees bugs, and so do other girls, so Jing Shirong is afraid that Sister Ying will also scream.

Sister Ying's courage was still good, so she vowed that she was not afraid.

 But when I actually got to the field and saw the corpses of insects all over the ground that had been sprayed to death, I was still a little scared.

 (End of this chapter)

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