Chapter 387, Controlling Pests

Jing Shirong couldn't help laughing when he saw that she was so frightened that she almost crawled on top of him.

 “Didn’t you still swear that you weren’t afraid when you came out?”

Look at this moment, her feet don’t even dare to touch the ground, and her whole body is almost hanging on him.

Sister Ying snorted, but her little hand grabbed him and wouldn't let go.

Jing Shirong smiled, but his other uninjured hand hugged her and let her little feet stand on his instep.

 “Just step on it, and you won’t let bugs crawl on your feet.”

Sister Ying was too embarrassed to step on his feet, but when she wanted to come down, Jing Shirong said, "Don't move. We are going up and down like this. What do people think we are doing? Just stay there."

Sister Ying blushed and glared at him, "What are you talking about?"

This is still outside, and both of them are still wearing men's clothing. It will be misunderstood, really.

Jing Shirong laughed when he heard this, "If you want to keep a low profile, just listen to me and stay still.

Sister Ying snorted softly, then stood obediently on his thick boots and didn't move any more.

Jing Shirong held her with one hand, like a cat, as light as a cat.

At this moment, the field was crowded with people, all of whom came to watch the farmer control the insects.

Sinong followed Sister Ying's instructions and asked the farmers to pour water into the ditches, preparing to fill them for seven days to drown all the larvae of the three-lettered borer.

The farmers didn’t know if this method would work, so they hesitated and said, “Sir, is this method really feasible?”

Not long after, the insects were not drowned, but the seedlings were soaked to death.

Sinong replied, "Try it first. You must get rid of these pests, otherwise the seedlings will not survive."

The farmers looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Seeing this, Jing Shirong said, "Listen to Si Nong. We have also inspected these seedlings in the past few days. All these seedlings are infested with insects. Even if the seedlings are soaked with water, it is better than the insects spreading continuously and eventually destroying the rice fields." No gain.”

“Since we want to cure it, we must eradicate it. Otherwise, there will still be insects next year, and you won’t need to plant food.”

After hearing this, the farmers understood that this was the truth. If the insects were not eradicated, even if the rice grew, it would be eaten into holes. The rice would be broken into pieces and could not be sold at all. There would not be enough for them to eat. So the first priority now is pest control.

So the farmers united, picked up their hoes, and started filling the fields with water.

Jing Shirong also took Sister Ying over to take a look at the remaining vegetable orchards.

Before coming here, Jing Shirong gave Sister Ying’s insecticide prescription to Sinong. After reading it, Sinong gave it to the doctor. Now the medicine has been prepared.

Farmers will be pouring insecticides on the fields.

 Everything was carried out in an orderly manner. Jing Shirong carried Sister Ying up to the observation deck to observe the working conditions below.

Sister Ying also looked into the distance. At a glance, there was a large rice field below, and it was almost impossible to see the edge. It was no wonder that the rice here was so popular, there were so many paddy fields.

Jing Shirong hummed, "I'm glad I brought a lot of insecticide with me this time, otherwise it wouldn't be enough."

 with also the cooperation of the farmers, they use their own land to do the work, which is much more efficient.

  Pest control is a big project, and it takes several days to observe the situation.

Jing Shirong asked the farmer to find some ladybugs and put them in the vegetable garden so that the ladybugs can deal with vegetable aphids.

The farmers heard the words and went to catch some. They put many in every ditch.

 After a few days, there were indeed a lot less aphids on the vegetables.

 As for the rice fields, irrigation has also had an effect, and the number of insects is slowly decreasing.

Seeing that the insect control was effective, the farmers worked more energetically. They went to the fields every day before dawn to check on the situation. A month later, the situation really improved a lot.

 Si Nong suggested that on a sunny day, burn all the withered leaves and rice straw in the field and start a new fire.

The farmers saw that their words were effective, so they naturally followed them.

So they picked a nice sunny day, lit a fire, and burned the insect corpses together to fertilize the soil.

Seeing the fire started, the farmers breathed a sigh of relief and let go of all the worries and fears they had suffered for months.

“Shall we have a bonfire party together tonight?”

Every year when the food is plentiful, everyone will gather together. Each household will prepare three dishes, set them up on a long table, and then eat and chat around the fire, wishing for a bumper harvest next year.

Although there was no harvest this time, at least the fields were saved and the insects were eliminated.

As long as the insects can be eliminated and the land can be planted, there is no need to worry about running out of food.

So the farmers happily agreed, "Okay, let's have a bonfire party to get rid of the bad luck."

 “Yes, let’s do it.”

Jing Shirong and his party were also warmly invited by the farmers.

 “Adults, please come and join in the fun.”

Although the grain in the cellar was gnawed into pits, it was still edible after peeling.

In addition, the wine in the cellar is well preserved and will be ready to drink tomorrow night.

So the farmers in high spirits asked Jing Shirong and his group to attend the bonfire party together.

Jing Shirong saw that their tense hearts had finally subsided and he was not disappointed. He nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's go together. But don't prepare too many things. You should reserve some spare food and don't make too much food."

The farmers smiled and said, "I know you have our best interests at heart, so don't worry, we know how to handle it."

Jing Shirong felt relieved that they were sensible, and turned back to the inn to find Sister Ying.

This month, Sister Ying accompanied him to the fields every day for inspection. For fear that the insecticides would not work, she even wrote to Sister Yang overnight to ask for advice.

 Later, she received the formula from Sister Yang, and she worked with Sinong and the doctor to develop it.

  Pesticides are relatively poisonous, so the three of them studied it together, all wearing masks and gloves, and being careful.

Jing Shirong was watching with fear and wanted to help her with one hand.

The pesticide will be prepared later, so as long as it doesn't splash into your eyes, mouth and nose, you'll be fine.

Si Nong told farmers to be careful, not to rub their eyes after spraying, and to wash their hands first.

Farmers know that pesticides are poisonous, so they dare not be careless. They also tell their children not to touch things in the fields.

As for how to get rid of the red fire ants, Sister Yang asked Gutou for advice. Gutou couldn't get rid of the red fire ants, so she wrote to another expert in the world.

Two eccentric old men are still together because of an insect plague.

At that time, Sister Yang also went to attend the class. After learning that the other party was an expert on Cordyceps, Sister Yang pestered him for the secret book on Cordyceps.

The old man didn’t give it to her, so he asked her to make some special dishes to go with the wine, and then brought the good wine from home. Within three days, the three of them were drinking and chatting together.

Sister Yang didn’t expect that these old men would be so easy to bribe, and they would give her Cordyceps Collection with just some wine and food. She was really overjoyed.

When Sister Ying learned about this, she was also happy for her and asked her to send a few more pages of secret recipes for pest control.

Sister Yang studied the results of insect control and sent the secret recipe.

 (End of this chapter)

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