Chapter 388: Drinking secretly

 With the secret recipe, the pest control effect will be even better.

Seeing that the weather has improved and the insects have been cured, the farmers began to turn the soil and burn fertilizer in preparation for planting new grains.

As for the red fire ants, Sister Yang’s suggestion is to try irrigating them with white wine to see the effect.

However, this method has certain risks. After all, fire ants are poisonous and extremely harmful, so you still need protective tools to handle them.

So Sister Ying designed several sets of clothes to prevent being bitten and peeping, and asked the tailor to make them overnight.

After a few days of wearing anti-bite suits, Jing Shirong took Sinong and several others to treat red fire ants.

Sister Ying didn’t go that day because Jing Shirong wouldn’t let her go.

He asked her to wait at the inn, but Sister Ying couldn't resist him, so she had to wait at the inn.

 She sat in the room for a while, then felt bored, so she lay back on the bed to keep warm.

While I was in a daze, there was a knock on the door.

“Knock knock knock. Mr. Jing, are you in the house?”

“I am the village chief’s daughter, my name is Cuihong. I am here to bring you food today.”

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and asked, "The village chief's daughter?" Someone who came specifically to deliver food to Jing Shirong?

 Perhaps he is here to express his love.

Sister Ying cleared her throat, tried her best to make a rough voice, and replied outside, "Our adults are not here, please put down the food and go back first. I am cleaning up the room for you, and I will go get the food later."

It's a pity that the emerald green scene outside the door, Shirong, is not here.

“When will the lord come back?”

Jing Shirong’s handsome face fascinated little girls. When he first came to Banxi, he charmed many girls from rural families.

 Including Qi Yuanming, there is also a market.

These two brothers, one is tall and strong, the other is as pure as jade. No matter how you look at it, they are both good candidates to be husbands.

But Qi Yuanming is going to arrest the local officials now, and he won't be able to come back for a while.

Because the county magistrate here did not report the news, he immediately packed up his bags and ran away when he learned that someone was coming from above.

Qi Yuanming put down the grain and seeds and chased after him on horseback. He should be back in a few days.

However, the girl at the door is obviously targeting Jing Shirong, not Qi Yuanming.

 Because she kept carrying the food box and didn't say to put it down, she just stood at the door and refused to leave.

Seeing that she refused to leave, Sister Ying could only get up and put on male makeup, thickening her eyebrows and making her skin a little yellower.

Hair also grew into the appearance of a follower, but she still put on a curtain and hat, lest the girl's family would notice that she was disguised as a man.

 After she finished dressing up, she went over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Cuihong looked at her.

The two of them looked at each other. The other girl glanced at her up and down and said strangely, "I haven't asked for advice yet. Are you Mr. Jing's?"

Jing Shirong has been with Sister Ying these past few days. The two of them go almost everywhere together, but no one else feels any difference.

 After all, Jing Shirong took Sinong, the doctor, and his entourage with him every day. He was never alone, so the people didn't find it strange.

 It is the village chief's girl who thinks Sister Ying is a bit strange.

That day, she saw this man hanging on Jing Shirong from a distance, and she didn't know what the relationship between the two was.

 So she asked tentatively, "What is your relationship with Mr. Jing? I don't think I have seen you before."

As soon as Sister Ying heard her tone, she knew that she was attracted to their brother Rong.

However, she is not angry either. Anyway, Jing Shirong is so good, there will definitely be many women who like him.

 The person in front of her was not threatening, so she was not jealous.

Instead, he pretended to be acting and said, "I am Lord Jing's personal attendant, sent by the Jing family to protect you. What does Miss Cuihong have to do with our Lord?"

She was dressed in men's clothes and wore a curtain hat, so no one could tell the difference, so Cuihong couldn't distinguish her appearance. Although it is impossible to tell, women still have intuition.

Although Cuihong felt that Sister Ying's identity was suspicious, she couldn't bring it up outright. After all, her identity had nothing to do with her.

 But if you don’t ask clearly, you will feel uncomfortable.

So she tentatively said, "Girl, I guess you are a relative of Mr. Jing? Judging from your figure, you don't look like a man. You should be from a girl's family."

 If it is really the girl’s family, who should it be from Mr. Jing’s family?

Is it possible that Mr. Jing is already married? ?

Seeing that she had guessed it, Sister Ying neither admitted nor denied it. She just smiled and reached out to take her food box.

“Since it’s for our adults, please leave it to me and I’ll feed it to you later.”

Cuihong saw her reaching out for the food box and suddenly didn't want to give it to her.

“Let’s wait until the adults come back to give this to me. I’m afraid my sister won’t be able to do it.”

Anyway, she was convinced that the hooded attendant in front of her must be a girl, so she didn't want to give her the food box.

 She wanted to hand it over to Lord Jing with her own hands.

She came over specially to dress up today. When Master Jing sees her, he might even fall in love with her.

Her father said that Mr. Jing was a very talented person, and if she could marry him as his wife, she would be blessed in eight lifetimes, so she wanted to give it a try.

Other girls also wanted to give it a try, but were dissuaded by their parents.

 After all, there is a huge status difference and family status cannot be crossed, so the other parents feel that there is no chance and naturally they will not let their daughters come over.

Just one or two girls who want to try it out.

Sister Ying saw that she refused to give him a suitable hand, so she stretched out her hand and pulled hard, and the other party also tried hard.

So the two of them grabbed the handle of the food box one after another and did not let go.

Sister Ying could smell the aroma of the wine inside, and she started to show off her face and said, "Girl, you know how hard we have worked this month. I guess this wine is specially given to us, so I will accept it for everyone." ”

 Speaking, he grabbed the food box with a clever move.

 “Alas you.”

Cuihong saw that she was so shameless that she actually grabbed the food box and wanted to reason with her, but what she said was right.

This group of people has helped in the fields every day. They are indeed their great benefactors. A pot of wine is nothing.

So she snorted and rolled her eyes in her heart, but she also knew how to show off her face, "Since you like it, just drink it. I will give some to you later. After all, you have worked so hard this month."

 It means that I actually want to give it away again.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, but she didn't say anything else. Anyway, it would be useless even if she did it a hundred times.

The secret guards on the roof who were protecting Sister Ying looked at each other after hearing this. Their eyes seemed to say, "Here comes another person who overestimates his capabilities."

Sister Ying took the food box and went back to the house.

At night, Jing Shirong came back and as soon as he opened the door, he smelled the aroma of wine inside.

 He sniffed his nose and said, "Glutinous rice wine?"

Jing Shirong knew it was the farmer’s home-brewed glutinous rice wine as soon as he smelled the faint aroma of sweet wine.

 He closed the door and looked around, "Sister Ying?"

 Why can’t I just smell the aroma of wine and not see anyone?

Jing Shirong walked in to take a look and called out, "Sister Ying?"

 But no one responded to him.

July is counting down~(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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