Chapter 389, Drunken Kitten

He walked closer to the bed and saw a little drunk cat lying on the bed. ’

The 'little drunk cat' fell on the bed with a drunken look on his face, his face was red, he was drunk from sleep, and his two little hands did not forget to hold the wine bottle.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to cover her with a quilt, took the wine bottle from her hand with one hand, shook the bottle, and found the bottom.

This jug looks quite big, but this girl actually drank it all? ?

Although the alcohol content of glutinous rice wine is not high, it has a strong stamina and you will still get drunk if you drink too much.

 Especially Sister Ying drank a lot.

Jing Shirong looked at the empty wine glass with helplessness and amusement.

He came over, tapped Sister Ying's sleeping red face with one hand, and said, "You. Why are you so greedy? I haven't even looked at you for a while, but you dare to drink secretly?"

I really wonder if she went out with Jing Han to fool around when she was alone in the capital?

Jing Han is always a bold and aggressive person, and it would only take a minute to lead their sister Ying into trouble.

Jing Shirong felt that she should tell Murong Yun in the future to keep an eye on Jing Han and not let her lead their sister Ying astray.

 “Well~don’t make any noise.”

Sister Ying, who was sleeping, seemed to hear his thoughts and waved her hand in the air in disgust, as if she was swatting away annoying mosquitoes.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily, "You are greedy for drinking, so you have the nerve to find me noisy?"

Even though he said this, he still kept quiet and did not dare to disturb her.

 He went to the table and asked his attendants to heat the meal. After dinner, he came over and lay down with her.

 At night, when the bonfire started outside, farmers came to invite Jing Shirong to come down.

Jing Shirong glanced at the sweet little lady who was sleeping sweetly in his arms, tugged at the corners of his lips, shook his head helplessly, and told others that he was a little tired, so he stopped going.

Tian Nongmen knew that he had been tired all day long and it was normal for him to want to sleep, so he didn't call again.

On the contrary, during the day, the girl from the village chief's family searched the crowd for a long time but did not see Jing Shirong himself. After asking, she found out that he had not come at night, so she came over.

As soon as she went upstairs, she was stopped by the entourage outside the door.

“Girl, stay here. We adults have gone to bed. If you need anything, please come back tomorrow.”

Hearing this, Cuihong was dubious, "Are you adults really asleep? So early?"

Although he was tired during the day, it was so lively at night, how could Mr. Jing go to bed so early?

Or is it that he didn't sleep at all and just didn't want to go to the bonfire party?

  But that’s not right either. Obviously he had promised everything that day, so there was no reason why he couldn't come.


  She suddenly remembered the strange "entourage" she had seen during the day. ’

I don’t know whether any of the attendants is male or female. What does it have to do with Mr. Jing?

Is it possible that Lord Jing is with that strange entourage?

 If that were the case, she would be even more curious.

But the attendant outside the door blocked her, and she couldn't get in. She could only shout outside, "Master Jing? Are you asleep?"

 “Master Jing?”

Jing Shirong heard this and replied, "I'm about to fall asleep. What do you want?"

Seeing him responding to her, Cuihong's face immediately turned red and she said very happily, "My name is Cuihong. I am the daughter of the village chief's family. I have met you before, do you remember?"

 She went to help in the fields before and even handed Jing Shirong a towel to wipe his sweat.

 He should still remember his own, right?

 But Jing Shirong had no impression at all and said directly, "If nothing happens, please go back first. I'm sleepy."

After saying that, he lay down and slept side by side with Sister Ying. He raised the quilt with one hand and covered her tightly.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Cuihong felt a little regretful, a little lost, and felt as if she had lost love.

She clearly handed him a sweat towel and a kettle that day, how could he forget her? Is she so unrecognizable?

 The two attendants outside the door glanced at her and thought to themselves, maybe they just didn’t recognize her.

This emerald red girl has an ordinary appearance and is considered delicate to the point of death. She is almost unrecognizable from their wife.

In addition, the Cuihong girl has yellow skin, so no matter how gorgeous she usually is, she always feels like something is missing.

Originally, yellow skin can look high-end if paired well, but every time she dresses up, she puts on all the jewelry. Her appearance, which was not very beautiful to begin with, suddenly becomes more vulgar.

Cuihong is not a stupid person either. When she saw that her followers all had unflattering expressions on their faces, she immediately glared at them angrily, "What are you looking at!"

 After saying that, he left angrily.

 At midnight, Sister Ying woke up in a daze.

She opened her eyes half asleep, sighed, stretched, and then began to whine in pain.

Jing Shirong was originally worried that she would have a headache after being drunk in the middle of the night. He didn't sleep too much, so when he saw her moaning, he knew she had a headache.

 He stood up, sat up, lit the candle, and asked her, "Do you have a headache?"

Sister Ying groaned, "Mr., my head hurts~"

This feeling of being drunk and having a headache in the middle of the night is really uncomfortable.

 My mouth is dry and my head feels heavy.

Jing Shirong was distressed and angry, "You, don't drink so much behind my back next time, it will make you feel uncomfortable."

 Teach her and rub her head at the same time.

 “Here, let’s drink some hangover soup to relieve the hangover.”

 Fortunately, he had prepared the hangover soup in advance. There was a stove in the house, so he could drink it after heating it up.

Jing Shirong poured the hangover soup and handed the cup to Sister Ying's mouth, "Drink it to warm your stomach."

Sister Ying hummed and drank the hangover soup in a daze.

 After drinking, she was in a daze for a while, rubbed her eyes, looked up at the man under the light, saw his gentle eyes, and then grinned stupidly.

 “Beautiful man? Hee hee~”

She stretched out her hand, cupped Jing Shirong's cheeks, and kissed her like a little nympho, "Well, good-looking young man, go home with your sister, I'll take care of you~"

Jing Shirong looked confused after being kissed? ?

He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but the little drunk cat in front of him lowered his head again and started teasing him with wine.

She lifted his chin and said like a gangster, "Young gentleman, I think you have a handsome face. Do you have a wife?"

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry, but he cooperated and said, "I already have a wife, but there is a drunkard at home who gets drunk every day and gives me a headache."

Sister Ying was half asleep, thinking that what he said was true, so she immediately picked his chin, and then wiped his handsome face, trying to eat others' tofu.

He said angrily, "Sister, I'm telling you, since your mother-in-law is so greedy, you might as well kick her out and hang out with your sister. She will help you eat well, make you rich and fly. I will ensure that you reach the top of the world."

Jing Shirong was speechless when he said this, and wanted to laugh.

 He thought for a moment and did not wake her up. Instead, he leaned over and blew into her ear, "How do you want to make me rich and fly, madam?"

"Or, what is the pinnacle of life? Madam, can you give me some advice?"

His eyebrows are handsome, and when he looks at people affectionately, his dark eyes are very attractive.

Especially because his hands were so big and he was holding her waist, it was difficult for Sister Ying not to be tempted.

 (End of this chapter)

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