The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 390: , the old fox and the little drunk cat

Chapter 390, Old Fox and Little Drunk Cat


"I'll give you money…"

Sister Ying was caught by Jing Shirong's charming eyes, and immediately grinned silly.

 “I have money, lots and lots of money…”

Seeing her stupidity, Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth in a naughty manner and asked in her ear, "Do you mean to keep me under your care?"

Sister Ying’s face was blank, as if she was tempted, and she swallowed.

 “Okay, okay, I’ll support you...”

 Although she didn’t know why she wanted to support him, he was so good-looking that he deserved some money. He generously took out a one hundred tael silver note from his sleeve and handed it to him, "Take it, take it and spend it. Buy whatever you like."

Jing Shirong suddenly had bad thoughts when he saw her drunken state, so he approached her. He took the one hundred taels with a look of emotion on his face, "Since Madam is so kind to me, I can't let you down, so I'll let you wait for Madam to sleep late."

 Having said that, it’s time to unbutton Sister Ying’s coat.

Sister Ying was dazed and swaying. When he stretched out his hand, she still instinctively blocked it.

Jing Shirong smiled when he saw this, and said in an evil tone, "Don't you like me, madam? Why do you refuse me?"

Sister Ying's face was drunk and dull, "I, I don't need to wait for you, I can sleep by myself." She also burped.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth in a bad way, "That's not possible. My wife is so kind to me, so I can't be ungrateful. Of course I have to take good care of my wife."

After saying that, he continued to stretch out his big hand to help her take off her coat.

Sister Ying reached out to push his hand away, moaned, lowered her head and bit his hand, "No, don't take it off."

Just now I had vowed to take care of someone else, but now I am afraid that I will show my true nature. I have the heart but not the courage.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry when he saw her angrily biting herself.

He stretched his hand back and changed his routine. The handsome face of the big bad wolf suddenly turned into a fair-faced boy with a harmless look on his face. He pitifully leaned his handsome face on Sister Ying's shoulder and began to pretend to be weak.

"Madam, Xiaosheng sees that you are beautiful and charming, and you must have a bodhisattva heart. Please ask Madam to take me out of the fire pit. Our mother-in-law is very fierce. She beats people when she is drunk. Xiaosheng feels miserable."

"As long as Madam can save Xiaosheng from the pit of fire, I will definitely listen to Madam's words and work as a cow or horse for Madam, and I will repay Madam for the rest of my life."

 After saying that, he looked at Sister Ying with his deep black eyes, expecting her to be fooled.

Sister Ying was already half asleep, but when she saw him suddenly asking for help and showing weakness, she suddenly felt proud, as if she could really save him from danger.

So she patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I will save you from dire straits and won't let others bully you."

Jing Shirong was very angry, but he still said, "However, I heard that Madam already has a family, and there is a very handsome husband-in-law at home. I guess I am still a little behind compared to Madam's husband-in-law, right?" "

After saying that, he rested his head on Sister Ying's shoulder and rubbed it coquettishly.

Sister Ying was so coquettish by him that she had already become arrogant and said boldly, "What are you afraid of? I'm here to protect you. Brother Rong doesn't dare to say anything to you, so don't worry."

Jing Shirong couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said to himself, "You little sister Ying, you actually dare to go behind his back and find other pretty boys. You're going to **** him off to death."

 But when he was arguing with her, she was so confused that she probably didn’t even know what he was talking about.

But let’s not talk about her, he was very dissatisfied and felt that his little wife was too good-looking, so a beautiful young man deceived her away? It’s too easy to deceive!

Jing Shirong became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, but he couldn't bear to beat or scold her, so he could only punish her in another way.

He raised his charming and charming face, smiled seductively, and said in a low and seductive voice, "Madam~~ It's late at night, I'll wait for you to rest."

Sister Ying drunkenly looked at that charming and handsome face, her soul was taken away. Her face was flushed and her eyes were half-drunk and half-awake, "Okay, okay. But you can't take off your clothes." Good guy, he is greedy for sex, but he also knows that he can't take off his clothes.

Jing Shirong really smiled this time. He came over, put his arms around her waist, and asked her in a low voice, "Why can't you take off your clothes? If you don't feel comfortable sleeping with your clothes on, let Xiaosheng help you take off your clothes."

When Sister Ying heard that it was okay to take off her coat, she agreed with a drunk face.

She was dazed, and the more she looked at this handsome face, the more familiar it seemed, and she raised her hand to touch Jing Shirong's handsome face.

 “I seem to have seen you somewhere?”

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows, "Really? It seems that Xiaosheng and his wife are destined to be together."

 After saying that, he went to unbutton her buttons.

Sister Ying reacted slowly. She just came to her senses and wanted to reach out to stop him, but Jing Shirong said, "Madam, tell me, who is more handsome between me and your husband?"

 After saying that, his handsome face approached her with a charming look on his face.

Sister Ying was almost stunned by him, she grinned sillyly, "You, you are beautiful."

Jing Shirong was stunned for a moment and wanted to get jealous, but he listened to what she said. "Oh, no, it's my husband-in-law who is good-looking. He is as gentle as jade and has more temperament than you. You are so charming, like a wolf with a big tail."

But why does this face look so familiar? Totally her type.

Jing Shirong raised his lips with satisfaction when he saw that she finally chose him.

 “You are smart.”

A little girl, if she dares to choose another man, he will be angry.

 The consequences of the big bad wolf being angry can be serious.

 But Sister Ying didn’t know anything, and she stupidly tried to discredit herself, "But you are also very good-looking. Compared with you, Brother Rong, you are more of a hero."

  After all, the male protagonists are all domineering, cold and handsome.

Unlike her brother Rong, who looks like Pan An, is as gentle as jade, and looks like a harmless scholar. At first glance, he is a classic male lead.

Jing Shirong was so angry that he laughed, lowered his head and asked her, "So, do you like your brother Rong, or do you like me?"

Sister Ying hummed, looked up at him, then thought about her men, and finally grinned, "Only adults don't make choices, I want both!"

 It was a dream anyway, so it didn’t matter if she chose any of them. When she woke up, she just thought it was a dream, hahaha.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily when he saw her covering her mouth and giggling like a clumsy little mouse.

 “You little thing, do you still think this is a beautiful dream?”

So he lowered his head and came closer to her with a handsome face and blew into her ear, "Since the madam wants both of them, I won't be polite to you, young man."

 After saying that, lower your head and start punishing someone.

Sister Ying was shocked when she was kissed at first, so she hit her with her backhand, "Bold!"

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that she was a married woman. She glared and refused to let the handsome little thief in front of her get close to her.

  "You are so presumptuous, don't come near me again, my husband is, but you are."

Jing Shirong saw that her reflex arc was so long, and it took him a moment to react. He couldn't laugh or cry, "But what? What's wrong with your husband?"

 (End of this chapter)

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