Chapter 392: Two horses fighting


Jing Shirong nodded, "Of course. As soon as I see the open space, I'll let you run around."

Sister Ying was dubious, "Okay then."

Qi Yuanming saw the two of them riding on the same horse, and snorted arrogantly. He didn't want to see them show off their affection, so he walked ahead.

But after a while, he got bored and went back on his own.

He started chattering, "Ajing, I heard that there is a mountain of bandits in front of me. They just moved here from the top of the mountain. I heard what the people said when I went to arrest people. Do you think we should take care of it?"

Jing Shirong glanced at the mountains in the distance and asked him, "Are there many people?"

  If bandits are stationed, they must be taken care of.

Otherwise, a bandit appears just after the insect infestation here is cured, and the emperor will still send them over by then. It is better to deal with it now.

Qi Yuanming thought so too.

"I asked on the road, and the villagers in the lower river said that the group of bandits seemed to have come from afar. It is said that there are two bandit dens on the other side of the mountain. The bandits who moved here this time lost the fight. I had no choice but to make room and move here.”

As for why I moved here, I must have heard that there are a lot of fields here. In the future, I can grab some food without grabbing money, so I found a hill here and set up camp.

Jing Shirong thought for a while and then wrote back to the emperor, planning to camp nearby for a few days to see the situation.

 If these bandits are extremely vicious, they must be dealt with on the spot.

If the opponent is not so cruel, if you can recruit him, then recruit him. It just so happened that the barracks was still short of people.

Qi Yuanming also thought the same way, "When the time comes to bring people back, they can be trained and trained, but they can't be trained and dragged to work as coolies."

 Although bandits have a bad background, they can still develop if they are clever and cultivated.

Jing Shirong hummed, and then he took Sister Ying to find an open space, dismounted, and let Sister Ying ride alone for a while.

“It’s a big place here, do you want me to run around by myself?”

Sister Ying reached out and grabbed the horse rope, eager to try, "Okay, I want to run around."

 After saying that, he pulled up the horse's rope, said "drive~", and started running.

Jing Shirong was startled and quickly mounted another horse to chase after him.


 He didn’t even tell me what to pay attention to, so why did he run away?

Sister Ying also forgot to listen to what he said about precautions. She just thought that she would be able to run freely for a while, so she started running without thinking.


 She was riding the little black horse that she had raised with Jing Shirong when she was a child, and it ran very steadily.

Little Dark Horse was trained by Jing Shirong. He is very spiritual and knows how to read people's faces.

Now that Sister Ying was riding it, it knew that Sister Ying was playing with him, and immediately spread its hooves and ran very happily.

Sister Ying also rode very happily.

At first, one person and one horse played well, but Xiao Hei is a highly intelligent horse. Seeing that Jing Shirong was not around, he trotted to the river on Sister Ying, wanting to play in the water.

Jing Shirong saw the horse’s **** from behind and knew what it wanted to do, so he immediately chased it.

 “Xiao Hei, come back here!”

 But Xiao Hei didn't listen, so he speeded up and took Sister Ying to a small stream near the river.

The river was still cold at the moment. Sister Ying didn't want to tread water, so she held on to the horse's rope and said, "Don't go, Xiao Hei. The river is too cold. Let's go ashore."

But Xiao Hei didn't listen, and the four horse hooves were "tap, tap, tap", which was very happy.

 “Xiao Hei, stop kicking.”

The cold river water splashed onto Sister Ying's face.

Jing Shirong chased after him on a red horse, his dark eyes widened, and his voice lowered, "Jing Xiaohei! Come here." Such a serious voice made the little black horse immediately know that he was unhappy, so he limped back.

 It did come ashore, but it was unwilling to do so.

When Jing Shirong wanted to ride it again, it behaved like a child and was unwilling to let him ride.

Sister Ying laughed loudly while watching on horseback, and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

“Brother Rong, Xiaohei won’t let you ride, so don’t come up.”

Jing Shirong snorted and said childishly, "If you don't let me, I won't let you." He glared at Xiao Hei, "If you don't let me ride, then I'll ride Xiao Hong!"

 After saying that, he got on Xiao Hong’s horseback, and Xiao Hong also said “huu~” very proudly, as if she was showing off to Xiao Hei.

When Xiao Hei saw this, he felt unhappy and kicked the little red horse in anger.

Sister Ying grabbed the horse's rope with both hands and wanted to stop it. However, animals don't listen to advice when they fight. The two big horses, one red and one black, jumped up directly. They both wanted to kick each other with a "hush~" sound.

Sister Ying was knocked backwards, "Ah!" Jing Shirong quickly jumped over and hugged her.

 Finally, he changed to a docile white horse to ride on. Then he glared at the little black and little red horses and stopped looking at them.

The little black horse and the little red horse seemed to know that they were in trouble, so they immediately approached Jing Shirong and rubbed their heads against his calves.

 But Jing Shirong took Sister Ying on a white horse and didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

These two horses are also very intelligent, and they are particularly good at reading their faces.

Seeing Jing Shirong became angry and clung to him all day long, acting very disrespectful.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Brother Rong, these two horses have become spirits, and they still know how to please you. It's so funny."

Jing Shirong also laughed when he heard this, "Animals are like children, they have tempers that come as they please."

 When he is good, he is really good, and when he is angry, he is also very irritating.

Seeing the excitement among them, Qi Yuanming also came over to join in, "Xiao Hei, A Jing doesn't want you. Come and find me. I'm much better than your master. I can eat with my brother, or you can follow me." go home."

Xiao Hei seemed to understand his bribe. He raised his black horse's head proudly, grunted, and walked forward without paying any attention to Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming was so angry that he said, "Oh, you."

What kind of owner and what kind of horse is that? He's a stinky little black guy, and he's pretty cool.

It's really eye -catching, how good he is, don't.

Sister Ying saw that Qi Yuanming’s character was so funny that she couldn’t help laughing for a long time.

At this time, the bandits on the hilltop heard the noise and stuck their heads out to take a look.

 “Boss, there seems to be someone at the bottom of the mountain.”

The old bandit lady said with pain in her hand, "Go and see how many people there are and whether there is any money."

If you have money, you can open a business and get a business, which can be regarded as the first prize for moving to a new place.

 After hearing this, the other brothers became energetic.

“Okay, let’s go take a look first and see if there’s anything good we can grab.”

 If you can get money, you can buy something.

 Even if you have no money, you can still grab some food.

So a few young bandits went down the mountain, intending to see how many of Sister Ying and others there were.

Jing Shirong could hear their footsteps from afar, and secretly wondered, are these bandits so bad at martial arts? ?

 The sound of walking was so loud that when the feet stepped on the dead leaves, the crunching sound immediately sounded. Everyone who is not deaf can hear it.

 Especially those who practice martial arts.

 Including the young soldiers, they all heard someone coming down the mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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