The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 393: , the bandit who met the three-legged cat

Chapter 393: The bandit who met the three-legged cat

“General, have the bandits on the mountain come down?” Why are the footsteps so loud? Don't you want to hide it?

Qi Yuanming was happy when he heard this, "These bandits are not good at it. Their Qinggong is so bad. It seems that I can make you meritorious this time. If you perform well in a while, you can get big red flowers when you go back."

 The military camp has monthly assessments, and good performance will be rewarded with small red flowers.

The more little red flowers there are on the notice board, it means that each competition has high scores, and those who can get the little red flowers are the envy of the brothers.

So the soldiers immediately became energetic, and everyone wanted to catch the bandits and make meritorious deeds.

Jing Shirong moved his ears, estimated the number of bandits, and gestured to the soldiers to silence them.

The soldiers were well-trained and immediately silenced themselves. The foot soldiers divided into two groups, intending to outflank the group of bandits front and rear.

 The atmosphere that was lively just now suddenly became quiet.

The group of bandits who were going down the mountain also felt the sudden silence and stopped immediately.

 “Stop for a moment, something seems wrong.”

 The other bandits looked at each other, "Boss, we won't meet a master, right?"

 They can't handle it if they are experts.

Their kung fu is okay against ordinary people, but it feels a bit inferior against masters.

So the bandits were a little frightened and asked the bandit leader, "Second Master, how about we go back to the mountain?" They were beaten to a pulp by Dao Scar and the others last time, and after being beaten again this time, they were no longer shameless to be bandits.

The second master also felt a little embarrassed when he heard this.

They used to be bandits on a hilltop, and those who robbed were weak scholars who were going to the capital to take exams.

 The money required is not much each time, at least a little is needed.

 But this time the hilltop was occupied, and they were no longer worthy of the opponent's force, so they could only run away in despair.

This time I specially found such a good mountain, and wanted to rob the villagers at the foot of the mountain, or steal some food.

The main reason we went down the mountain just now was to get a good start. But now, when the mountain suddenly becomes quiet, they will be afraid.

 I'm afraid that the opponent is a group of experts. It would be too tragic if we lose before we even fight them.

The second master was also a little hesitant and wanted to speak back, but he felt that it would be too cowardly to go back as soon as he came down.

Just as he was hesitating, Jing Shirong and others had already surrounded him.

When the second master was about to say something about going back, Jing Shirong had already appeared behind them.

 “Don’t move!”

The bandits were startled and immediately took a step back.

But standing back was Qi Yuanming. Qi Yuanming was riding on the horse and smiled, "Little brother, where are you going?"

The group of bandits did not expect that in just a short time, they would be surrounded from both sides, and they were instantly stunned.

 “Second in charge, what should we do?”

It's really a bad start.

 Having just moved here, are you going to be kicked out?

The second master is the boss after all. He coughed and tried to calm down.

 “Who are you? We are just passing through.”

Although they want to be tough, looking at the weapons in their hands, they seem to be very sharp. They are still considered to be heroes who know the current affairs.

Qi Yuanming laughed, "Brother, you are also a bandit after all. Why did you give in before the fight? I also want my soldiers to practice with you. Don't be a coward."     those The soldiers had long wanted to try using force. Now they were sharpening their knives at the pigs and sheep, staring at the group of bandits with eagerness to try.

This group of bandits didn't have high martial arts skills or a high IQ. When they saw so many weapons in their hands, they immediately became intimidated.

They will form a circle now, trying to protect themselves, but Jing Shirong and others are obviously tall and powerful, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance.

The second master was also afraid that his life would be in danger if he used real swords and guns, so he immediately clasped his fists and begged for peace, "Everyone, we are just a group of ordinary little bandits. We usually only need a little toll. We have never done anything. If you do something that is harmful to the world, just show your dignity and let us go."

 Just like this, even if you are a bandit, you can still look down on them.

Qi Yuanming didn’t expect this group of bandits to be so useless, and was immediately speechless, “Ajing, what do you think?”

 It’s so useless, harvesting it is a waste of food.

But if we let them go up the mountain, they might come down and rob the people of their food.

Jing Shirong also thought of this and said, "Forget it, take him back and work as a cook."

It happens that the military camp is short of cooks and people who carry food and grass. These bandits can be taken back and trained well, and they can also be good cooks.

Qi Yuanming nodded and thought it was okay. He sat on his horse and shouted loudly to the group of bandits, "I think you guys have no future as bandits here. Why don't you follow me, General?"

"I don't say I will make you rich and powerful, but I will provide you with food and clothing, which will be good for future generations. I can also marry you a wife. If you agree, put down your arms and follow me."

"If you don't agree, let our soldiers practice with you. If you are arrested, you will not go to the military camp, but to the prison cell. You can choose for yourself."

The group of bandits looked at each other and said, "Go to the military camp?"

“Could it be that they are from the military camp?”

The bandits were very surprised and asked the second boss, "Second boss, they seem to be from the military camp or generals. Why don't we go with them?"

Everyone knows that being able to go to the military camp is a matter of honoring one's ancestors. If one can go to the military camp and work as an official, the graves of the ancestors will be covered with smoke.

Even if you can't hold a part-time official position, you can at least have enough to eat. You can also get rid of this layer of bandit skin. You don't have to worry about being caught when you marry a wife and have children in the future.

So the bandits were moved and said, "Second Master, let's go with them."

 Otherwise, I don’t know if I can have enough to eat if I stay here.

The second master was also hesitant and asked Qi Yuanming, "If we come with you, can you really help us arrange our lives?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's natural. I don't need to lie to you. You don't have anything for me to do."

 It's not like he's a peerless master, so he doesn't care about it.

 If he didn’t want to run twice, he wouldn’t bother.

The second master saw the disdain on his face and knew that they might not care about them that much, so he didn't hesitate and wanted to follow him immediately.

"Okay, then we will hang out with the general from now on. As long as the general can treat our brothers well, we will definitely run errands for the general."

Qi Yuanming is also a heroic person and immediately agreed, "Don't worry, as long as you work hard, even if you can't get promoted and make a fortune in the future, it will still be better than being a bandit."

A group of bandits who don't even have any light skills will be embarrassed if they go out. They might as well work as cooks in the military camp and still have enough to eat.

 The second master also felt that his group was indeed a little weak, so he discussed it with his brothers and finally decided to go with Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming counted their number and asked, "Please register your names later and tell us about your family situation so that I can arrange work for you."

 (End of this chapter)

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