Chapter 394: The gossiping bandit

The bandits agreed and went to register with Qi Yuanming's men.

Qi Yuanming saw that each of them was young and strong and could do with some training, so he asked again, "Besides you, are there any other bandits on the mountain?"

The second master nodded, "There are more than a dozen people on the mountain, and our boss is also there. Why don't I go back and ask?"

Qi Yuanming was worried about him going up, so he immediately took others with him.

"go together."

 He didn't want this group of people to subdue, but the other group ran away.

So Qi Yuanming took the second in charge and several of his subordinates to go up the mountain and bring those people down.

Jing Shirong and the others walked forward and waited for him in front.

Sister Ying was riding a horse with him. She looked at the sudden appearance of people behind her and found it inexplicably funny.

 “Is this how you usually recruit people?”

 There was a group of people when we came, and there was another group of people when we returned.

Jing Shirong also laughed when he heard this, "It's just right."

 Otherwise, bandits would be controlled by local magistrates. They are busy with affairs and cannot control such a large area.

 If he and Qi Yuanming had to deal with everything, they would not be able to do anything at the same time. This time it was just a coincidence.

Sister Ying also understands this truth. When she feels tired, she leans on him to rest for a while.

The other bandits saw the two of them sitting on the same horse, so close, and asked the other soldiers a little strangely, "Brother, the big guy just now is your general, what about the one in front?"

The soldier replied, "Those are our generals too, but the division of labor is different. You just need to respect them more. Our two generals are very powerful, and you will know in the future."

 The bandits nodded, and they could also see Qi Yuanming's extraordinary temperament.

What they are more curious about now is, "Who is the person riding on the same horse as General Jing?"

Sister Ying was wearing a curtain hat and black men's clothing, and they couldn't tell whether she was a boy or a girl.

But judging from his body shape, he is quite slender. I guess he is not a man, right?

The soldiers saw them asking questions and answered impatiently, telling them to be quiet, "Don't talk so much from now on, just do it when you have something to do, and just be there if you have nothing to do. If you talk too much, you will be penalized."

The other bandits didn’t understand what a demerit was, so they started to ask questions again.

Jing Shirong glanced back. The soldiers immediately returned to their serious appearance, lined up neatly, shut up and set off.

Seeing that they suddenly became so serious, the bandits did not dare to talk nonsense. They could only follow their example and walk forward with their heads held high.

Qi Yuanming went up the mountain and quickly brought down a dozen other bandits.

These bandits have no relatives or wives. They are all singles. Because their families are poor and have many brothers and sisters, they came out to work early.

But because he came from a bad background and was not very smart, he was hit hard at every turn. In the end, he simply gave up and went up to the mountains to become a bandit.

 Because he has no real skills, it is not easy to be a bandit, and sometimes he does not have enough to eat.

At this time, I heard that if I followed the large army, I could have enough food and clothing, so I didn’t struggle and followed them obediently.

Qi Yuanming brought the people over and asked his men to register their names, and then he came to join Jing Shirong.

They took the pastoral road at first, and then turned to the mountain road.

On the way up the mountain, Qi Yuanming sent the bandits to get some food to cook over the fire in the evening.

 The bandits were already familiar with survival in the mountains, so they immediately went to get food.

Sister Ying was wearing men's clothing and a curtain hat, and was sitting with Jing Shirong. Jing Shirong didn't want to take her to hang out in front of the group of bandits, so he walked in front.

The bandits saw that they were always inseparable and would gossip, "Tell me, who are the people around Master Jing?"

 Why did we ride on the same horse all the way? I am not afraid that the horse will be too tired,

Qi Yuanming glared at him, "What's wrong with riding on the same horse? I also rode on the same horse with Master Jing. Is there any problem?"

"If you want to know so much, ride on a horse with me tomorrow and see what it feels like."

The gossip bandit didn't dare to ride on the same horse with Qi Yuanming, so he immediately said he didn't dare anymore.

Qi Yuan Mingqie said, "Don't gossip like this to me in the military camp from now on, or else get out of here. There are so many people who want to enter the military camp. If you don't obey, get out of here."

“Besides, they’re not the only ones riding the same horse. Didn’t you see other people riding the same horse?”

Like the several officials and the peasants, they all rode on the same horse. It's not like Jing Shirong.

After hearing this, the other bandits realized that this was indeed the case, so they stopped gossiping and started talking about other things.

“General, can we wear the same clothes as you when we go to the military camp?”

In the past few days, they have seen the soldiers wearing the same clothes and headgear, and they are a little envious. They want to become as handsome as them.

Qi Yuanming took a sip of wine and snorted, "It's not easy to be like them. You have to wait until you pass the exam."

The soldiers who just came in were wearing blue clothes, and they could only change to red after passing the review, and they would go up one level at a time.

 After hearing this, the bandits also wanted to work hard.

 In the evening, when the night was cold and windy, Jing Shirong held Sister Ying in his arms on a big tree and whispered.

Jing Shirong said, "We'll hit the road tomorrow. How about getting you a carriage?"

He had brought a cart with grain and grass before, but no one could sit in it. The weather had become cold these days, and he was afraid that she would catch a cold.

Sister Ying shook her head and said no, "Forget it, my coming here is enough to attract attention. If I ride in the carriage later, I might be gossiped about."

In the past few days, the group of bandits watched her riding a horse with Jing Shirong every day with a gossipy look on her face. If she rode in the carriage again, the identity of the woman dressed as a woman would be known to the group of gossiping bandits.

Sister Ying is not afraid of anything, but these bandits are too talkative and untrained, so she is afraid that they will talk nonsense.

Originally, the capital was relatively strict on women, and she didn't want to cause trouble for Jing Shirong.

Especially after this, they are no longer curious or gossiping, so they don’t want to change.

Jing Shirong sighed, "Why are you more cautious than me?"

 He would rather she could be happier and more relaxed, instead of being cautious and tiring, which made him feel sad.

Sister Ying mainly didn't want to cause trouble for him. She thought it would be better to have one less thing to do than to do more, and it didn't matter anyway.

Seeing that it is not far from the capital, you can also take a carriage when you get to the capital soon.

Jing Shirong said, "Listen to me. You and Sinong will ride in the carriage tomorrow. Then I will go to the military camp first and ask Xiaowu and the others to take you back. You can wait for me at home."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Sister Ying could only nod, "That's good."

  Knowing that he was doing her best in his heart, she was of course happy. She immediately hugged his waist and rested her head in his arms.

Jing Shirong also hugged her tightly and wrapped her in a cloak.

On the second day, Jing Shirong went to find a carriage and asked Sister Ying to ride in the carriage with several doctors and Sinong.

Sister Ying took a car by herself. Jing Shirong asked Xiao Wu, who was the most skilled in martial arts, to **** her back, while he and Qi Yuanming returned to the military camp first.

It’s rainy season. Is it raining in your place?



 (End of this chapter)

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