The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 400: , come to the Wang family to propose marriage

Chapter 400: Come to the Wang family to propose marriage

"What? Madam said she likes my Fang'er?"

Wang thought she had heard wrongly, and looked Jing up and down, feeling that Jing's vision was really strange.

None of the ladies she knew liked the character of a eldest daughter. Why is Jing's taste so unique?

Jingshi smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good. The child is honest and can get by at first sight. I think she is a good match for our Jing Yu."

“I just don’t know, is your Fang Ning married to someone else?”

Mrs. Wang shook her head blankly, "That's not true, but are you sure that the person you like, Mrs. Jing, is my Fang Ning, not my little daughter?"

 At least her little daughter is lively and cute, has a sweet mouth, and is the pistachio of the family.

So Mrs. Wang thought that Mr. Jing had the wrong person.

Mrs. Jing was also afraid of admitting her mistake, so she said, "Why don't we let the two girls come out and drink tea with us to get to know each other so that we can get around in the future? My natal family also has many unmarried nieces. Let them play together when we have time." ”

Mrs. Wang knew the financial resources of the Jing family, and although she was not greedy for money, it would be good for her children to have more friends, so she agreed.

“Okay, then ask them to come out and say hello to you.”

 Having said that, let the maid go and invite the daughters out.

With so many girls in the family, it was very difficult for Mrs. Wang to worry about so many girls by herself, so she hoped that someone would take all the girls away so that she would not have a headache.

There are fifteen daughters in the family, but none of them are engaged. Mrs. Wang also hopes that her daughters will get married as soon as possible, so that she will not have to find husbands for them one by one.

At this moment, the maid went to call someone. Wang Fangning heard the maid calling in the room and asked her, "Who is coming to the house?"

Jing Yu said yesterday that he would come to propose marriage today. I wonder if he sent someone to come.

The maid replied, "It's Mrs. Jing's family and Mrs. Zhao's family who are here."

As soon as Wang Fangning heard about Mrs. Jing’s family, she knew that it was Jing Yu’s mother who was here.

 Unexpectedly, he actually called Mrs. Jing, which shows his sincerity in marrying her.

Wang Fangning's face turned slightly red, feeling moved by Jing Yu's determination.

 She looked in the mirror and paid attention to her appearance for the first time.

"Is this okay with me? Do you want to change into new clothes?"

The maid smiled and said, "What's wrong with Miss today? Why do you suddenly love beauty?"

Normally, I only have the three sets of clothes I wear. I never know how to dress up. Why do I pay attention to my appearance today?

Wang Fangning coughed and said seriously, "When you have guests, you have to pay attention to your appearance, lest my mother will say that I don't pay attention to my appearance and start talking about me again."

Every time a lady comes over to visit, Mrs. Wang has to ask the girls to dress up and have a sweeter mouth, in order to make the ladies like them so that they can marry them back as daughters-in-law.

Wang Fangning never knew how to dress up, which made Mrs. Wang feel embarrassed every time she saw her.

Today she knew how to dress up. Of course the maid was very happy and immediately changed her into a new dress.

“Then wear this firework pink outfit, it happens to be the brightest.”

The Wang family has many daughters, but there are not enough clothes and jewelry.

 Fortunately, Wang Fangning is the legitimate daughter, so she can still get one or two new sets of clothes, otherwise it would not be enough.

At this moment, Wang Fangning put on the fireworks pink clothes again. She usually only has a delicate appearance, but she still looks a bit like a little beauty.

 She looked in the mirror and felt a little uncomfortable with how she was dressed.

 “Why don’t you put some rouge on it? It seems a little too red.”

But the maid said, "It's not red. Miss's skin is white. It looks best if she rubs it like this." In addition, it took quite a while and it couldn't be too late.

“Miss, please go quickly, we’ve been late for a while.”

Wang Fangning did not panic, the old **** said, "Don't worry, Fanghong and the others must be dressing up too."

They are all about the same age. The sisters love beauty, and Wang Fangning is used to it.

 When they arrived in the back garden, Wang Fangning was indeed the first to arrive.

Jing saw her coming and waved to her with a smile, "Is this Fang Ning? Come and sit down."

 Mrs. Wang saw that her eldest daughter had become enlightened today and even knew how to apply rouge, so she nodded with rare satisfaction.

He asked her to come and sit down, "This is Mrs. Jing, and next to me is Mrs. Zhao."

Wang Fangning hummed, and for the first time, he bowed and greeted someone properly.

 In the past, when she greeted other ladies, she always had an expressionless face.

Now that she knew that Jing was Jing Yu's biological mother, she blushed for a moment, bowed her head and bowed shyly, and then walked aside.

Jing looked her up and down. Although she couldn't see anything different about this girl, her son liked her, so she could only help him make a decision.

Mrs. Jing smiled and said to Mrs. Wang, "I just said that you are a good girl. She seems to be someone who knows how to get along. I think she is a good match for my family Jing Yu. I just don't know if Mrs. Wang wants to have **** with my family Jing Yu." ”

Jingyu is also quite famous in the circle of ladies.

He is handsome and has a good family background. His maternal grandfather's family is also an imperial merchant who is highly valued by the emperor. Many people are thinking about Jing Yu.

Mrs. Wang naturally wanted to be in-laws with the Jing family, but she did not expect that the Jing family would fall in love with the dull and boring eldest daughter in the family, which really surprised and surprised her.

She didn't care about her appearance and asked out of curiosity, "What do you like about my Fang Ning? Every time this child is taken out, he doesn't please the ladies, otherwise he wouldn't have kept her until he was sixteen and no one came to propose marriage." ”

It's not that her mother is not anxious about her marriage, it's mainly that she can't go ahead and propose marriage if someone doesn't propose to her.

If word spread like this, the Wang family will be embarrassed, so they can only let it go like this.

But Jingshi said, "I think this child is quite good. Maybe it's because of a close relationship. Besides, our two families are close to each other. Even if she gets married, she can come back to see you, right?"

Parents like their daughters to marry close to each other so that they can take care of them easily.

Although Mrs. Wang does not care about her daughters, she is not that kind of vicious mother. Naturally, she also hopes that her daughters will be taken care of.

Since the Jing family has already said this, she will be a fool if she is not sure.

So she confirmed again and again, "Madam, do you really want to make a decision for our family, Fang Ning? Once you make a decision, you can't go back on it, right?"

  It would be unlucky if a girl is destined to be married and then regrets it.

Jing promised, "Are you still worried about me? We have known each other for at least ten years, not just twenty years, right? Our family has never had a bad reputation in this street, and you know that. "

"Besides, when we get married, we are naturally doing it for the sake of our children. I can guarantee this."

“As for substitution, that’s even more impossible. I can guarantee that.”

Mrs. Wang naturally knew that the Jing family had a good reputation. In addition, Jing Yu was indeed young, promising and handsome. He was the favorite of many girls' families.

 Wang Fangning was favored by the Jing family because she was lucky in her previous life.

Mrs. Wang thought for a moment and then decided, "Well, I'll ask our elder about this matter. If he agrees, then we can make a decision early. Our Fang Ning has indeed reached the age to get married."

 (End of this chapter)

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