Chapter 401, The Annoying Daughter

Jing Shi nodded, "Okay, let's make an agreement then. You can ask your master tonight. If he agrees, you can send someone to my house to inform me, and I will bring an official matchmaker to propose marriage tomorrow."

Mrs. Wang was surprised, "Are you coming to propose marriage so soon?" Is it too late?

Of course, Mrs. Jing knew that she was in too much of a hurry, and she couldn't say that her son was in a hurry to marry your daughter, so she said, "Look at me, I think our two families are destined, and I can't wait to get married right away, so I got a little excited."

After saying that, he turned to Wang Fangning and asked, "Fangning, do you think this marriage should be done faster or slower?"

Wang Fangning also heard Jing's embarrassment and looked at the roof in front of her. When she saw Jing Yu looking straight at her, she felt embarrassed for the first time and could only cough.

“Otherwise, Madam, go back and choose an auspicious day.”

Since she has made up her mind to marry Jing Yu, let them make the arrangements. She just needs to stay at home and wait for her marriage.

Jing was relieved to see that she had the intention to marry Jing Yu.

 She was originally afraid that Wang Fangning would not be willing, but she did not expect that this girl was also willing.

Since they are in love with each other, it is easy to handle.

Mrs. Wang also noticed that her daughter was unusual, but she couldn't ask her in front of Mrs. Jing. She could only wait until Mrs. Jing left before asking her.

After Mr. Jing finished this matter, he took Mrs. Zhao back first.

 Mrs. Wang waited until they left before asking Wang Fangning, "Do you know Jing Yu?"

Wang Fangning said expressionlessly, "We know each other."

  She wouldn't tell her mother in too much detail anyway, lest she would have to talk about it again later.

Mrs. Wang saw that she was still looking like this, and she couldn't figure out what the Jing family saw in this daughter.

 It’s rigid, boring, and really unlikable.

But forget it, as long as the eldest daughter can be married off, the subsequent daughters can also be married off.

After all, when the eldest daughter marries the Jing family, other families will think that their daughter must have some extraordinary abilities, and they will come to propose marriage one after another.

As soon as the mother and daughter finished asking questions, other ladies came over.

Five of the girls asked, "Mom, where is Mrs. Jing?"

Didn’t you say that Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Zhao are here today?

Mrs. Wang raised her chin and said, "Let's go, who told you to come so late."

As soon as the other girls heard that Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Zhao had left, they immediately sighed, "Why don't you let them sit for a while longer?"

Jingyu is so handsome, they still want to marry Jingyu.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang asked, "Do you like Jing Yu?"

She has heard from other ladies that Jing Yu is young and promising. Although he is working in the Hanlin Academy and has not yet been promoted, he is quite valued by the emperor.

Especially because the Jing family has deep roots in the capital. Even if they have left the capital before, they will still stand firm when they come back.

Especially because Jingwai Gong's family is so rich, but after several emperors, their status is still very solid, which shows that they have good means.

 So the girls are also very fond of Jing Yu’s family background.

Especially Jingyu’s handsome face, which pleases the girls even more.

Mrs. Wang saw that they were attracted by Jing Yu's handsome face, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, okay, you are also the daughters of a high-ranking official, so you should read more books to enrich yourself."

As long as you are talented, are you afraid that no one will ask you to marry you?

It's a pity that these girls in the Wang family don't like to study, they only like to dress up, which gives Mrs. Wang a headache.

 It’s also her fault that she didn’t educate these daughters well before and just focused on having sons. Now that the children are older, it’s too late to educate them.

The other girls were also very frustrated after hearing this, "But none of us have the talent to read, and didn't my grandmother say that a woman's lack of talent is virtuous?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang got angry and said, "People say that a woman's lack of talent is virtuous. It means that women are "talented, but they think they are nothing." It doesn't mean that you really don't study, you idiot!"

Although she doesn’t know how to educate children, her mother-in-law is even worse.

“Read more books in the future and don’t listen to your grandmother. Is it possible that I will harm you?”

 Besides, her mother-in-law reads a lot of books.

 Since ancient times, which daughter of an official’s family can’t read?

 Let alone the daughters of officials, even the daughters of merchants, and the daughters of poor scholars can all study. Not to mention other powerful families.

 It is said that it is virtue for a woman to have no talent. It is only because she cannot afford to study.

Even her mother-in-law can read the Four Books and Five Classics, not to mention other poems and songs. She still has the nerve to tell her five daughters not to study. No wonder the children are dumber each one, and they all blame her mother-in-law for their indiscipline!

After hearing this, several ladies of the Wang family stuck out their tongues, secretly thinking that their mother was really angry when she was angry.

But they were still curious, "Mom, you haven't told me why Mrs. Jing is here? Is she here to propose marriage?"

Mr. Wang’s rank is the fourth grade, neither high nor low, and his family is not considered wealthy. The advantage is that he has been an official for a long time and has some foundation.

However, it is still far behind those of the royal family, nobles and first-rank officials.

 In addition, several girls from the Wang family are indeed not outstanding, so the number of outstanding candidates to propose marriage will naturally decrease.

Now when the girls see Jing coming, they will naturally look forward to Jing coming to propose marriage.

Mrs. Wang glanced at her eldest daughter, who was sitting there in a daze, and coughed, "No, I'm just a guest. You go back to work as female celebrities and practice your skills. You can please your mother-in-law when you go to her house in the future."

 Other ladies would just forget it if they didn't tell their mother-in-law when they met her.

 After all the daughters left, Mrs. Wang asked Wang Fangning, "What's going on between you and the Jing family?"

Wang Fangning looked at Mrs. Wang seriously, "Everyone has their own preferences for radish and cabbage. What's wrong with Mrs. Jing liking her daughter? Isn't that allowed?"

She said it so bluntly that Mrs. Wang was annoyed, "Okay, okay, you can go back and become a female celebrity. You know how to make me angry every day. If someone can take a fancy to you, they must have made a mistake."

“I think there’s no need to wait for this marriage. I’ll marry you as soon as possible, lest I regret it later.”

Wang Fangning was disliked by her own mother, but it didn't matter. She said expressionlessly, "It's okay. Anyway, you have prepared the dowry for the marriage proposal, so that she won't regret it. Don't blame me for blocking my sisters' marriage."

 Mrs. Wang: “You!”

 This stinky girl is going to **** her off to death.

"Okay, okay, get out of here, I'll make you angry."

Even though she gave birth to her daughter, she was not cute at all. Seeing this daughter every day, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but want to lose her temper.

Seeing that she was angry again, Wang Fangning added, "If you don't like it, you will be alive. You will not survive because of your own misfortune."

 After saying that, he ran away quickly.

 Mrs. Wang, “You **** girl!!”

  It was really natural to make her angry.

The old nanny advised from the side, "Okay, okay, madam, don't be angry. After all, it came out of your own belly. It's your own child, so don't be like her."

Mrs. Wang couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Of the five girls I gave birth to, none of them made me worry."

Especially Wang Fangning, every day I hate her, I almost get mad at her.

The old mama smiled and said, "It's not good. The Jing family is here to propose marriage. Let's marry the eldest daughter as early as possible. You will be relieved that your husband's family will take care of her."

 (End of this chapter)

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