The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 402: , the impartial mother-in-law

Chapter 402: The unbiased mother-in-law

“Besides, if the eldest lady gets married, the other girls’ marriages will definitely go smoothly. From now on, you can just wait and enjoy the blessings of a son-in-law.”

It is said that after the eldest daughter gets married, the remaining daughters can be married off one by one.

 So people usually start the marriage of the eldest daughter first, so that the marriage of the following children can be smoother.

Mrs. Wang also thought, "Send someone to tell the master later and ask him to come back early."

Although I don’t know why the Jing family is interested in this eldest daughter who is so angry that she will not pay for her life, at least someone is interested in her, and she should marry her as soon as possible to avoid having to deal with Ye Changmengduo.

The old mama smiled and said, "Okay, I will ask the old slave to send someone to find the master later. You can discuss it in the evening. We will marry the eldest daughter this morning. Our family has not held a happy event for a long time."

Mrs. Wang thought about it and said, "Yes, there are many children in the family who have not yet been engaged. It is indeed time to hold a happy event as a good start."

As long as the eldest daughter's marriage goes smoothly, the marriages of the subsequent children will definitely go well too.

The old mama nodded, "But you can discuss this matter with the master yourself. Let the master talk to the old lady."

 Mrs. Wang nodded, "That's exactly the reason."

Her mother-in-law was very strange. Every time she went over to say something, Mrs. Wang would always contradict her, and she would get mad to death.

So she stopped talking about her eldest daughter's marriage. The old woman in the province deliberately went against her and made her daughter unable to get married, which is why she was really angry to death.

 This head.


Jing and Mrs. Zhao came out of Wang’s house and went directly back to Jing’s house.

Mrs. Zhao may not have been a guest at her house for a long time. As soon as she came over, the two of them went to the main room to chat.

Sister Ying just woke up, and she and Jing Shirong slept until Sangan. When he woke up and found that Jing was not there, he knew that she had gone to Wang's house.

The couple went out to eat at this moment, holding hands and looking very affectionate.

Mrs. Zhao saw them from a distance and said with a smile, "Hey, the young couple are awake?"

This teasing tone made Sister Ying blush, "Hello, madam."

Jingshi smiled and introduced her, "This is Mrs. Zhao, my close friend. From now on, you can just call her Aunt Zhao."

Sister Ying nodded obediently, "Aunt Zhao."

This was the first time Mrs. Zhao saw Sister Ying's face. She couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise and praised, "Ah Jing has such a good sense. He actually married such a beautiful young lady. You are the real one."

Jing Shirong proudly replied, "That's right."

 He was also familiar with Mrs. Zhao and brought Sister Ying over to sit together.

Sister Ying sat next to Mrs. Zhao, who was extremely envious of her.

She held Sister Ying's hand and looked her up and down. The more she looked at her, the more she liked her. "Your name is Sister Ying, right? Are there other sisters at home?"

Sister Ying nodded, "There is also a younger sister named Sister Yang, but Sister Yang hasn't even gotten hairpins yet."

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a hairpin. My youngest son is only fifteen. He's just a brat who comes to my house without knowing whether your sister can see it or not."

Mrs. Zhao gets upset just thinking about her son's disgusting appearance.

Jingshi smiled and said, "My three boys are quite good. Don't always dislike them." It was as if they were not your biological children.

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said, "I don't want to dislike them. The key point is that they are really not cute at all. It is better to have a daughter. I am missing a daughter in my life, which is why I am so sorry."

People are like this. If they have a son, they still want a daughter. If they have a daughter, they still want a son.

Jingshi also smiled, "You will understand it when you have a granddaughter in the future. Just wait, your blessing is still to come."

Mrs. Zhao is also looking forward to it, "Okay, don't talk about me first, let's talk about your family Jingyu."

Jing Shi hummed and sat down to discuss with her.

“You think, should we have this auspicious day closer or later?”

 Getting married is a big deal and must be done step by step. Jing Yu's proposal was sudden, and she hadn't even prepared the betrothal gift yet.

 If you get married in a hurry, people will feel strange when they see you.

Mrs. Zhao nodded in agreement, "That's right. Don't be too anxious. You can get engaged first and then take it step by step. People in the province will think something happened to our two families, so we are in such a hurry."

Jingshi said humbly, "Yes, first choose an auspicious day to propose marriage, and then finalize the marriage."

 After that, the betrothal gift must be prepared one by one, and it will take more than half a year.

Jingyu happened to be back at this time and heard them talking about this.

Jingshi saw him and called him in, "You should also come and listen to our opinions."

Jing Yu saw that what his mother said made sense and said, "If Fang Ning doesn't have any objection, I can do it."

The meaning of these words actually depends entirely on Miss Wang’s intention.

Jing couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Look at your potential. You were eaten to death before you even got married. I'm not sure what will happen in the future."

Jingyu shrugged nonchalantly, "Isn't life like that anyway? Dad is eaten to death by you." He was just following your example.

 “Oh, you kid.”

Jingshi glared at him angrily when he turned an army against him.

Mrs. Zhao laughed loudly when she saw it, and pulled Jing, "Okay, don't be like him, let's go to the temple to pick a good day, and then we can breathe a sigh of relief after we finalize the marriage."

Jingshi hummed, "Same."

 As for the Wang family.

After Mr. Wang returned home, Mrs. Wang told him about the Jing family coming to propose marriage. Mr. Wang was also very surprised after hearing this.

“Then the Jing family really has a crush on Fang Ning?”

Mrs. Wang nodded, "It's absolutely true, she just likes Fang Ning."

Mr. Wang is a boring person, but he is not a bad person.

He was still happy when his eldest daughter was born, and he also paid some attention to Wang Fangning.

The Jing family had good connections and Mr. Jing’s character was trustworthy. It would be a good match for his daughter to marry him. He thought about it and agreed.

"I think it's okay. If the Jing family comes to propose marriage, then go ahead. Jing Yu is a very nice guy."

 He had also led Jing Yu for a period of time before, and he was indeed eager to learn and willing to work.

  If my daughter marries him in the future, she will have no worries about her future.

Seeing that he agreed, Mrs. Wang's heart settled, "If Fang Ning's marriage is settled, the other children will be able to get married one after another in the future. It will be a joy to watch."

If all fifteen daughters are married, there will be fifteen more sons-in-law, which is exciting just thinking about it.

Mr. Wang also smiled and said, "It's quite good."

If the daughters all marry well, it will also be good for the Wang family. It will be a win-win situation, and he will be happy to see it happen.

On the eighth day of the next month, the Jing family brought an official matchmaker to the Wang family to propose marriage.

In order not to be biased, Jing also went to propose marriage in person this time.

Since Wang Fangning has become her daughter-in-law, she naturally has to treat Sister Ying equally to avoid any disagreements between the two daughters-in-law in the future.

Sister Ying saw that her mother-in-law was so fair, so she smiled to reassure her. "Don't worry, I won't be jealous, I'm the eldest sister-in-law."

But Jing said, "I should favor you, after all, I watched you grow up."

“But Fang Ning is the girl that Jing Yu likes, so I can’t be too obvious about it. I have to treat everyone equally, lest Jing Yu say I bully his wife.”

Update at 10am on the 2nd~^_^



 (End of this chapter)

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