Chapter 403: Treat everyone equally

Jing Yu heard from the side and his ears turned red, "I don't have any, don't talk nonsense."

 He ​​was not a jealous person to begin with. His mother treated all three brothers and sisters in the family equally. He had also been pampered since he was a child, so he naturally knew that Mr. Jing loved them.

Jingshi snorted, "You say no, but if you see me treating your wife badly someday, you should blame me."

Jing knew very well what three children were like.

Jing Xin is noisy, and he will speak out if he has any dissatisfaction.

Jing Yu looked at Wen Jing. Although he couldn’t say anything, if he was upset, he would not talk to you for several days.

Even Jing Shirong is the same.

Although he is the eldest son, he will also lose his temper with you when he is jealous.

 The two brothers didn't say anything on their faces, but they were just as jealous as they deserved.

Jing Yu and Jing Shirong were suddenly called out, and they coughed and pretended not to hear them.

Jing was busy with the marriage proposal and had no time to pay attention to them. He took Mrs. Zhao to the temple to choose a good day, and then prepared to go to the Wang family to propose marriage.

Mrs. Wang was notified in advance and prepared well in advance to ask relatives to help on the day of the proposal.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Jing brought the official media to the door.

Mrs. Wang didn’t expect to propose a marriage. Mrs. Jing actually brought someone here in person, and she immediately felt very dignified.

After all, the new mother-in-law came to propose marriage in person, but the importance she attached to her daughter-in-law would make her look good to the whole family.

No, when she saw Mr. Jing coming over with big and small bags, Mrs. Wang's face burst into laughter.

“Mrs. Jing, why are you here in person?”

Jingshi smiled and said, "Back then, I went to propose marriage to my eldest daughter-in-law in person. Now when she comes to Fang Ning, of course she must be treated equally."

Mrs. Wang felt reassured when she saw that she was not partial, and secretly thought that this in-laws were really good.

The two of them talked and laughed and settled on the marriage.

As today's protagonist, Wang Fangning has the aura of a protagonist for the first time. Many relatives and female family members were very curious when they heard the news that the Jing family came to propose marriage.

Especially when the two families decided on the marriage, relatives were full of praise for Wang Fangning.

 After all, no one expected that Wang Fangning could talk about marriage so quickly, and the Jing family was still well established.

Even Mrs. Wang couldn't help but ask, "What's going on with the Jing family? Why do you suddenly fall in love with that girl Fang Ning?"

Since ancient times, children who are not sweet-mouthed have not been favored by the elderly. Mrs. Wang has no affection for this eldest granddaughter. Naturally, she wonders why the Jing family fell in love with Wang Fangning.

Mrs. Wang was not very happy when her mother-in-law said this about her daughter.

It is one thing for her to dislike her daughter, but hearing her mother-in-law dislike her makes her unhappy. Then he retorted, "Everyone likes radish and cabbage. I think our Fangning is pretty good. After all, it's your Wang family's seed, right?"

 It means that if you continue to despise my daughter, you will despise yourself.

Mrs. Wang didn't expect that she would dare to confront her so head-on, and said angrily, "De Xing! She's so arrogant just after the decision was made. She's really short-sighted."

 After saying that, he went back angrily.

Mrs. Wang also snorted and didn't give chase. It didn't matter whether the old woman was angry or not.

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often quarreled over the fact that they did not have a son. The conflicts have been accumulating for a long time, and they can quarrel over the smallest things.

 Fortunately, everyone is used to it and did not try to dissuade her. They all told Mrs. Wang to be happy. Today is a happy day.

 Mrs. Wang became happy after her anger subsided. She smiled and asked everyone to stay for dinner.

“You’ll stay for a meal later. I’ve ordered the food in advance. Let’s talk together today.”

The other relatives and the female family members smiled and said, "Okay, let's chat together today." Wang Fangning, as today's protagonist, was also among the female family members.

  It was rare for her to be praised by the stars once, and she was a little uncomfortable for a while.

“Fang Ning, do you know that Young Master Jing Er? Tell us quickly.”

Wang Fangning was surrounded by relatives and female family members and asked questions. She frowned and wanted to refuse to answer, but her mother was staring at her from the side. She was afraid of being scolded, so she could only say something neutral.


 The other female relatives looked at each other after hearing this?

 “What does it mean to be okay?”

What they wanted to ask was how she and Jing Yu met. What kind of answer was "fine"? Everyone was deceived.

Mrs. Wang was afraid that her boring daughter would make the atmosphere tense, so she quickly broke the deadlock and sent Wang Fangning back to the house.

“Okay, you can go back and embroider women’s red. It would also be nice to make a scarf or a pair of socks for your mother-in-law.”

Wang Fangning nodded, thinking that this was a good idea, so she said yes, turned around and went back, which was called a clean one.

The other female relatives have long been accustomed to her tough temperament, so they don't care about it and sit back again to chat.

On the other hand, the girls from the Wang family were very jealous and resentful, "Then why did the Jing family choose the eldest sister?" They were obviously better than the eldest sister, so why did they fall in love with the eldest sister?

The fifth girl of the Wang family was even more angry, "Did Mrs. Jing choose the wrong person? The eldest sister is not lovable at all, how could she be chosen?"

She is obviously more beautiful and more lively. She is the kind of person that adults like. Why didn't the Jing family choose her?

Other ladies are also very depressed.

They all think that they are better than their eldest sister. No matter how the Jing family chooses, they should not choose Wang Fangning. What is going on?

 “Let’s go and ask her.”

 It can’t be unclear, it’s really confusing.

 “Yes, go and ask and find out what’s going on.”

 The other girls agreed and went to Wang Fangning's room to ask questions.

Wang Fangning was choosing materials for making scarves in the house. When she saw them coming, she knew what they were doing without having to guess.

She didn't care about them, she chose the ingredients herself and waited for them to speak.

The fifth girl couldn't hide her question and asked immediately, "Sister, did you go to find Brother Jingyu secretly behind our back?"

 Otherwise why would Mrs. Jing settle on the eldest sister? The eldest sister must have confessed her love to brother Jing Yu. Otherwise, Mrs. Jing knew the eldest sister. The eldest sister must have asked for it herself.

Wang Fangning hesitated and admitted generously, "What? Didn't you say that no one wants me? Then I will find one myself."

That careless look made several sisters angry to death.

“I don’t believe it, how could brother Jingyu like you so easily? Do you have any tricks up your sleeve?”

 It must be a trick they don't know, otherwise brother Jingyu wouldn't like her.

Wang Fangning shrugged indifferently, "I can get married anyway, so I won't block your marriage path. You should thank me even more."

 After saying that, he waited for their thanks with a serious look on his face.

 It seems that the biggest beneficiaries of this incident are the younger sisters, not her.


Several other ladies were also confused, "We are not telling you this, but we are asking you how you got the Jing family to propose marriage to you?"

Wang Fangning was furious and said, "I won't tell you, just guess it yourself."

She and Jing Yu got to know each other and fall in love only through quarreling and eye-rolling. She would not tell such a shameful thing to these gossiping sisters.

 Otherwise, she would be extremely embarrassed if the news got out someday. She didn’t want to get it.

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 (End of this chapter)

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