The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 407: , the princess who wants to become white

Chapter 407, The princess who wants to become white

However, compared to other girls with yellow or dark yellow skin, the Twelve Princess is relatively white.

She was originally very proud that she had white skin, but she didn't expect that when compared with the back of Sister Ying's hand, it turned out to be yellow skin.

She seemed to be in disbelief, and quickly lifted up her sleeves to see how different the skin color of the two was.

Sister Ying saw her lifting her sleeves and followed suit.

The contrast between the yellow and white skin color was so obvious that when the Twelve Princess saw it, she instantly lost her momentum.

"how so."

  Compared to other palace maids, she is obviously much fairer.

Even if she is not very fair compared to other princesses, she will definitely not look so dark.

 “Have you powdered your face?”

The Twelve Princess couldn't believe that she was so dark compared to this vixen. She immediately rubbed Sister Ying's arm to see if she had applied powder.

 But after rubbing it again and again, there is no trace of powder on Sister Ying's hands?

  The Twelve Princess’s eyes widened, “What’s going on with your skin? Why is it so white?”

Sister Ying said, "I don't know about this. Maybe the water and soil in the south of the Yangtze River make girls white. Anyway, many girls over there are fair. Maybe they are born."

 Look at the tone of Versailles, it made the Twelve Princess so angry.

“Don’t fool me. There are so many fair-skinned girls. You must have used some method, otherwise you wouldn’t be so white.”

It is said that women from Jiangnan are very hydrated. They must rely on some kind of maintenance, otherwise they would not be so hydrated.

 They in the north are dry and their skin is not as supple as that of girls in the south, so they need to apply moisturizer in winter.

 Some skin is naturally fair and tender. Even if you apply moisturizer every day, no one will just wash it off to make it white and tender.

Sister Ying saw that she felt uncomfortable staring at her skin. She pulled Jing Shirong over in a daze, lifted his arm, and said green tea to the Twelve Princesses.

“Princess, you see, it’s actually very easy to have fair skin. Look, my husband-in-law is also fair-skinned, isn’t he?”

 Speaking, comparing Jing Shirong's white arms with the yellow and white handwriting of the Twelve Princess, there is indeed a big difference.

 The Twelve Princess was shocked, with a grimace on her face, "Why is Brother Ajing so white?"

 How come both of them are whiter than her?

Even if this little vixen is fairer than her, why is Brother Ajing, a grown man, fairer than her?

 The twelfth princess was really traumatized both physically and mentally. Why did she feel so dark? ?

 Fortunately, she was still complacent before that she was fairer than any other palace maid.

As a result, anyone who casually rolled up their sleeves was much whiter than her.

 Is she really too dark?

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh when she saw her dumbfounded, looking stupid and doubting her life.

Jing Shirong looked at her and smiled too.

 The couple are like two foxes, one big and one small, very wilted.

The palace maid looked on with distress and helplessness, secretly thinking that her princess was so clumsy that she was no match for others.

 The Twelve Princess thought for a while and decided to whiten her skin first.

So she completely forgot what she had to do before coming, and directly pulled Sister Ying aside and asked, "How did you manage to have such skin? Don't tell me that rice is naturally white, I don't believe it." There are also white skins, but not many are so delicate and beautiful.

Although some white skin is white, it looks a little green and a little sick. With such milky white milky skin, it looks a little pink, and she looks rosy and healthy at first glance. The twelve princesses are somewhat envious.

She is still a young girl. Like other girls, she spends a lot of time dressing herself up every day. Naturally, she hopes to be more beautiful.

She originally had the title of the most beautiful princess in the capital. If one day she suddenly loses her beauty, she cannot accept it.

Especially since the beauty pageant on the 15th of next month is about to begin, she must of course take good care of herself first before she can continue to be the most beautiful beauty princess in Beijing this year.

 She doesn’t want to lose to the Wu family’s pitiful Green Tea lady.

  In previous years, when she won the title of the most beautiful woman in the capital, people said that she won because of her title of princess.

He also said that the judges did not dare to give the princess a low score, so she was able to get first place every year.

The Twelve Princesses didn’t like hearing this.

 She is obviously prettier than the Wu girl, and her eyes are bigger than hers.

She has an even slimmer figure, and her eyelashes and eyebrows are naturally black, just like in the painting, lifelike. Why did she win just because of the title of princess?

Then the Miss Wu family is a little fairer than her? Miss Wu seemed to feel aggrieved because she was flattered by those ladies every day, and they were told behind her back that she relied on her status as a princess to allow the judges to give her the title of No. 1 Beauty.

The twelfth princess heard these words behind her back every time, and she was so angry that she wanted to argue with that group of people.

But Mammy said that the more she argued, the more people felt that she was bullying others. If the news came to the emperor, she might be scolded, so she tolerated it.

Seeing that this year's beauty pageant was about to begin, she wanted to improve her skin first and become fairer before participating, so that she could shut up the mouths of those ladies.

So she put Jing Shirong aside for now and asked Sister Ying for the secret whitening recipe.

Sister Ying did not expect that she would suddenly take a turn, becoming angry and funny.

 “Princess wants to become white?”

Princess Twelve nodded, "Yes. If you have any method, please hand it over to me as soon as possible. If it works, I will give you a reward."

Sister Ying held her chin with one hand, thinking, "It's not easy to become white, but I dare not admit that the method will be effective."

The Twelve Princess felt that she clearly wanted to hide something secret, and said angrily, "The worst I can do is, I will buy the secret recipe from you, but you will say how much you are willing to sell?"

Sister Ying waved her hand, "That's not what I mean. The key is that whitening is not effective for everyone. It depends on the individual's skin type."

The Twelve Princess was impatient and asked her anxiously, "Can you give me a try first? I will participate in the beauty pageant next month."

 Princesses love to participate in beauty pageants every year.

 In the first three years, the eighth princess won the first place. After that, the eighth princess did not participate after she got married.

 She had been the winner for the past three years, so naturally she couldn't bear to be second.

 After all, she lost before she even got married. Wouldn’t that be very shameful?

If she gets married, it's okay not to participate, but if she gets second place before she gets married, how will she get along in the princess circle in the future?

Sister Ying smiled when she saw her childish expression, "Okay, I'll write the secret recipe to the princess in a minute, and she will treat it as a favor to me."

"As for the effect, it depends on the individual's skin type. If the princess can become white, it is a blessing for the princess. If not, then there is nothing I can do about it."

 The Twelve Princess looked at her suspiciously.

  “You are not favored by me, are you?”

 How come they are also love rivals? Will this little vixen really help her?

 Perhaps she wrote a fake secret recipe for herself to disfigure herself?

Sister Ying.

“If the princess wants to think so, then I will never write down the secret recipe, lest any problems may arise later. If the twelve princesses all rely on my wife, then I will die unjustly.”

 (End of this chapter)

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