The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 408: , mother-in-law takes daughter-in-law

Chapter 408: Mother-in-law takes care of daughter-in-law

 “Alas, you.”

Princess Twelve did not expect that she would say this, and said angrily, "I didn't say anything to you. Why are you in a hurry!"

She just imagined whether this little vixen would harm herself.

I didn’t say it out loud, why are you making such a fuss?

Sister Ying laughed, "In this case, write it down in black and white. If the whitening method is not effective for the princess, it is a problem with the princess's constitution, and she cannot rely on my wife."

“Furthermore, if the princess develops allergies, redness or swelling while using the secret recipe, she can’t rely on my wife.”

“Anyway, it is written in black and white that the princess will use a secret recipe and bear all the consequences on her own, and my wife will not be held responsible.”

 Princess Twelve, "you."

Isn’t whitening a trivial matter? Why did she say it was so scary?

Or, "Do you think I will deliberately use your secret recipe to frame you?" Is she that boring?

Sister Ying said bluntly, "Then I don't know."

"Anyway, if the princess wants the secret recipe, she will write it down in black and white. After leaving this door, the princess will be responsible for all the consequences, otherwise I will not write it down."

The Twelve Princess was speechless, "Why are you so mean-spirited!"

 Though she might indeed bite the little vixen in turn. But she can't be so accurate! This was so embarrassing for her.

Sister Ying doesn’t care what she thinks. Anyway, write down the matter first so as not to be taken advantage of by someone who wants to do it later.

This stupid princess seems to have insufficient IQ. If someone comes to deal with this stupid princess and drags her into the water, it will not be worth it.

The Twelve Princess said angrily, "Why are you so mean-spirited and think so bad of others?"

Sister Ying shrugged nonchalantly, "Otherwise, the princess wouldn't want to be whitened. She would have to be tanned anyway, so it would be better not to be white."

 The Twelve Princesses didn’t listen to this fallacy.

"You are obviously afraid that I will be more beautiful than you after I become whiter than you. You are just afraid that I will become white."

 She thought Sister Ying would be so angry that she would tell her the secret recipe.

  It just happened that others didn’t have it.

 Instead, he looked like an old god.

The peach-blossom face was very contemptuous, "It's not that I am boasting. Even if my wife is yellow-skinned, she is more beautiful and charming than the princess."

“The so-called beauty is in the skin and bones, and temperament is something that cannot be erased.”

This Chi Guoguo's show off tone can make the Twelve Princess sour.

  "Come on, you, with your charming appearance, people will only call you a vixen. No one will think you are beautiful." They will only think that your beauty is a disaster.

 Although the last sentence was not spoken, this is what the Twelve Princess meant.

Sister Ying shrugged nonchalantly, "Beauty is a disaster. If you are not beautiful, how can you be a disaster? To put it bluntly, why don't you praise me for my beauty?"

  Twelve Princesses

“Well, I can’t tell you anyway. Just tell me whether you can give me the secret to whitening.”

Sister Ying doesn't want to mind the whitening method for her. As for the effect, she just leaves it to fate.

"Okay, I'll write the secret recipe to the princess later. I can't control whether it will be paid for or not."

After saying that, he asked his servants to bring them paper and pen, and wrote down some whitening methods.

The twelfth princess picked it up and looked at it, "Wash your face with milk? Is this possible?" She had also heard in the palace that drinking goat milk could beautify the skin. As for whether it was true, she didn't know, but after drinking it, she felt good. It will be better.

As for washing your face with milk, you can give this a try.

Sister Ying told her, "Before washing, princess, please test first to see if you are allergic. If your face becomes red and rashes after washing, just wash it with water, and don't wash your face with milk after that."

 Allergies mainly depend on personal constitution.

For example, eggs themselves are not poisonous, but some people will be allergic to them if they eat them. You have to pay attention to this.

 Princess Twelve took note of it carefully and then looked at the second item, "Eat more fruits?"

 She doesn't usually like to eat fruits, but she does like snacks and the like.

Sister Ying told her, "Eating more fruits is good for your skin. My wife drinks fruit and goat's milk regularly. It's good for your skin."

Like Mrs. Wu, she is a mother of four children and is very insistent on maintenance. She has to take fruit, goat's milk and milk every two or three days.

The Twelve Princess was dubious and said, "Okay, let's try your method first. If it doesn't work, I'll find you."

Sister Ying didn’t care about the after-sales service, she said in advance, “This kind of whitening method will take many years to have an effect. Princess, if you only take it for a year or a month, it won’t have any big effect.”

"If it doesn't work then, don't come to me. My wife is not responsible for this."

After saying that, he walked over to find Jing Shirong and sat lazily on his lap, obviously tired.

Jing Shirong took advantage of the opportunity to give her a shoulder squeeze, which was very awkward.

The Twelve Princess saw that they were tired of being together again. Thinking about the beauty pageant next month, she stopped being familiar with this little vixen.

So she snorted, turned around and went back to Gong Meibai.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows when he saw her leaving, picked up Sister Ying and went back to the house.

 In the evening, Mrs. Jing went to the temple to ask for a fortune and came back. The family had dinner together, and Mrs. Jing talked while eating.

“Today I went to ask for a good fortune. People say that October 18th is a happy day and a good time to get married. Then Jingyu will marry his bride on the 18th day.”

In this way, the younger son's marriage was settled. Jing was relieved for a moment. She felt relieved that both children were married.

Jing's father nodded in agreement, "It's good. If you need anything, just take Sister Ying to take care of it. Don't do too much work alone."

After that, he glanced at Sister Ying and told her, "Your mother is a worrier. She worries about this and that every day. You should pay more attention to her. If she is too busy, you should also help share the burden, otherwise she will get sick. Well, it’s you who are tired.”

Sister Ying nodded obediently, knowing that Jing's father was afraid that Jing would be exhausted, so she hurriedly said, "I understand, my daughter-in-law will look after my mother."

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Jing family, she must help Jing. Otherwise, if Jing is exhausted, she will be the one who is tired.

Jing Shirong also said, "If mom needs anything, just take Sister Ying with you. She is smart and knows how to give you advice, so you won't be too busy and confused."

“Besides, she is a new daughter-in-law and she doesn’t understand many things and needs you to teach her. You should also take care of her more so that she can become familiar with things in the house.”

Seeing that they had this intention, Mrs. Jing smiled with satisfaction and said, "I know. I originally wanted to take her with me, but I was afraid that her new wife would be too thin-skinned to be embarrassed to go out with me."

Jing Shirong held Sister Ying's hand under the table and said trustingly to Jing, "Don't you protect her? What are you afraid of? I can rest assured if I leave her to you."

His mother still has some real abilities. Sister Ying can still learn a lot from such a smart and tenacious mother-in-law.

Jing also wanted to take Sister Ying to familiarize herself with things at home. This was because she was worried that she might not get used to it when she first arrived, and she wanted her to rest more.

 (End of this chapter)

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