The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 410: , escorting the princess to marry her

 Chapter 410, escorting the princess to get married

 On the second day.

When Sister Ying woke up, the man beside her was gone.

Jing Shirong entered the palace early and will be waiting for the emperor's instructions.

Seeing that he had done a good job, the emperor said, "The three-year marriage alliance between neighboring countries is about to begin. This time they will personally **** the princess over. We will also send the princess over. You can handle this matter."

 Speaking of the marriage between the two countries, it started from the generation of the late emperor.

Originally, it was once a year. Later, the late emperor was reluctant to marry the princess, so he negotiated with neighboring countries to marry one at a time.

 It is equivalent to the princesses of the two countries marrying each other's princes. In this way, everyone will be balanced and the father will be spared heartache.

 The two emperors later felt that marrying a princess once a year was a bit too frequent, so they changed it to once every three years.

Now that three years has come and the marriage has begun, the emperor does not want to destroy the peace between the two countries.

In today's peaceful and prosperous age, war is not good for anyone, so the emperor also wants to consider peace as the most important thing, so marriage is a marriage, which is better than fighting, which wastes people and money.

So this errand must be done carefully, so I wanted to ask Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to **** the princess to get married.

It was related to the peace between the two countries. Jing Shirong did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

The emperor told him, "On the way to the marriage three years ago, some gangsters came out to rob the bride and almost kidnapped the princess. Fortunately, the gangsters later did not succeed, otherwise the two countries would definitely have rifts."

“You **** the princess there this year. You’d better be careful on the way. Don’t let anyone kidnap the princess. Otherwise, the consequences may be to provoke conflicts between the two countries.”

 Originally, the purpose of the marriage was to maintain peace between the two countries.

If the princess is kidnapped or something happens, the neighboring countries will think it was done on purpose and will become suspicious, which may eventually turn into a war of arms.

 When the two countries are at war, not only the people are in dire straits, but also the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed. Therefore, the emperor hopes that there will be no problems on the road to peace.

Jing Shirong understood and nodded, "Wei Chen understands."

The emperor hummed, gave him a map to a neighboring country, and asked him to bring more men there.

Jing Shirong looked at the map and saw that the road was quite far. He was afraid that it would take more than half a year to walk there, and it would take a year to go back and forth.

 He was hesitating whether to take Sister Ying there?

 The road to peace may not be smooth. After all, there are many people who want to provoke conflicts between the two countries.

If he takes Sister Ying there and there is a gangster or something on the road, he is afraid that she will get hurt.

But if he doesn't take her there, it will take more than a year before we can meet him. He just agreed to take her last night. If he goes without telling her, she will probably be angry with herself.

Jing Shirong thought for a while and decided to go back and tell Sister Ying directly. He wanted to listen to her opinion first, so as not to be resented by her and make life really difficult in the future.

Seeing his serious expression, the emperor thought he was worried and wanted to marry him, so he gave him some advice, "In these peaceful and prosperous years, people with good intentions don't dare to do anything too obvious. As long as you are careful, you should be fine."

But Jing Shirong was thinking about his little wife's affairs. He made no sound on his face, clasped his fists in salute and left the palace.

Qi Yuanming saw him just as he entered the palace. Seeing that he was going back, he waved to him, indicating that we would talk in the evening.

Jing Shirong agreed and went back to find Sister Ying first.

As soon as he arrived at Jing's house, he went to the backyard to find Sister Ying.

Seeing him coming back, Sister Ying smiled and went over to greet him, "You're back?"

Jing Shirong nodded and asked Xiao Zi to close the door, while he talked to Sister Ying about the marriage in the room.

"Your Majesty asked me to **** the princess to a neighboring country for marriage. It will take more than a year to go back and forth. Do you want to come with me?"

Sister Ying was stunned, "Going to a neighboring country?" She has never been out of this country despite her age. I never thought that I would be able to visit neighboring countries in my lifetime. It seems quite magical.

 So she happily hugged Jing Shirong's arm and said, "I want to go."

Jing Shirong touched her head and said, "Look at the map, this road is not easy to walk."

Although the road ahead is a small town, after leaving the city gate, the roads are all dirt.

 Further ahead is the desert road.

The road in the desert is difficult to walk, not to mention the many winds and dust storms, and it is difficult to find water along the way.

A man can endure it for a while, but he is afraid that his little wife will not be able to endure the hardship.

When Sister Ying heard that the road was so difficult, she asked him for a map.

Jing Shirong took out the sheepskin map, put it on the table, and pointed it out to her.

"This is the city gate. After leaving the city, the road is not easy to walk. This is the desert. This road is closest to the neighboring countries, but it is also the most difficult to walk. I am considering whether to change the road."

 But it would take more than half a year to find another way, and I was afraid that the marriage would be delayed by then.

Sister Ying also felt that walking in the desert was a bit dangerous, so she said, "Has anyone walked this road before? Otherwise, let's take the people who have walked this road before together."

“Or bring some villagers who often walk in the desert together, so that we can discuss with each other any situation.”

Jing Shirong thought the same way, "Three years ago, we escorted the princess to a neighboring country by walking through this desert. I have asked your Majesty for people. Those who have walked this road will join us."

As for the villagers who are familiar with this kind of road, he will also pay to invite a few to go with him, so that someone with experience can give advice if there is an emergency.

Sister Ying saw that he had thought carefully and nodded. He said worriedly, "How about we bring more food?"

Since you are going to take this road, bring more food with you, so as not to starve to death if you can't find anything to eat in the desert halfway.

 As for water, it is also a big problem.

Looking at the desert route on the map, it seems quite long.

 At that time, there will be no water in the desert, and everyone will die of thirst. Let alone walking.

Jing Shirong also thought of this, so he pointed to a lake in the desert and said to Sister Ying, "Actually, there is a clear spring lake here. If you remember the way, you can get water here."

Not all deserts are without water. At least there is a clear spring lake on this road.

The guards who have been to this road in the past remember this lake, but they don't know if they can get lost in the desert.

However, they cannot predict these risks, so they can only wait and see.

Sister Ying grunted and came up with an idea, "Then I'll prepare some kettles. I'll bring more water with me when the time comes, so that I can get water to drink when I go to the desert.

Jing Shirong saw that she had thought about everything, but suddenly he was reluctant to take her there.

He hugged her and told her, "Why don't you go? Otherwise, you will suffer and be tired, which will make me feel bad. How about you wait for me to come back at home?"

This journey has been difficult, and she is reluctant to bear the hardship. So Jing Shirong also hoped that she wouldn't go.

Sister Ying pouted, but still wanted to go with him, so she hugged him without saying a word, staring straight at him with her big eyes, as if she would cry to him if he didn't take her with him.

Jing Shirong didn't understand why she wanted to go, but he still persuaded her, "It's not that I don't want to take you there, it's mainly that the road is difficult. We men are rough and it's okay to suffer a little, but I can't bear to have you eat sand with me." "

  In previous years, when the princess got married, she suffered a lot on the desert road. Some of them fainted from lack of water, not to mention his delicate little lady.

 (End of this chapter)

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