Chapter 411: Unity between husband and wife

Jing Shirong really couldn't bear to let her go and suffer, so he thought of letting her stay at home.

Although they will be separated for more than a year, he is relieved that she can enjoy herself at home.

But Sister Ying looked at him with her lips pouted. Seeing that he didn't respond, her lips pouted higher and higher, and she could hang a bottle of oil. "I want to go. I want to go with you."

 Although there will be hardships on the road, she is not afraid.

She wouldn't be able to appreciate his hard work unless she went out with him, so she wanted to accompany him to experience the hard work he went out to do errands. No matter what, I have to go with him.

 Otherwise, if we haven’t seen each other for more than a year, I won’t be able to sleep even if I think about him.

Jing Shirong saw her seriousness and sighed, "Really want to go? Are you not afraid of hardship?"

Sister Ying nodded seriously, "I want to go. I'm afraid of hardship, but I can overcome it."

People always have to adapt to the environment. If a man can endure hardship, there is no reason why she cannot.

Jing Shirong still thinks she is naive, but he doesn’t talk about her anymore. He just wants to take her with him.

 Let her suffer once, and she will definitely not dare to go with him next time.

Seeing that he agreed, Sister Ying immediately turned around happily.

"Then I'll prepare some water bags and bring more with me so that I can stock up on water when the time comes."

Jing Shirong asked, "How do you want to stock up?"

Sister Ying showed him the drawings with pen and paper, "This kind of water bag is like the water bag you use to hold kumiss. It is small in size, but enough for three days of drinking. As long as it fills two carriages, there is no need to worry about leakage or water leakage." Take a seat.”

 Drinking water does not necessarily require a large amount, but it is necessary to drink it every day, as long as you can maintain no shortage of water.

Jing Shirong thought this was a good idea, so he sent someone to the store to buy all the water bags.

The princess also needs to load a few carriages for her wedding. Jing Shirong plans to let Sister Ying ride in a carriage as well.

 Put all the quilts and clothes in the carriage so that you can lie down and sleep comfortably during the journey.

Seeing that he agreed to go by herself, Sister Ying felt embarrassed and asked, "Will anyone tell me if I go there?"

While she was reluctant to be separated from him, she was also worried about the impact it would have on him.

Jing Shirong hugged her and said it was okay, "There is a palace maid in the accompanying team. You can change into the palace maid's casual clothes and sit in the carriage to look at your luggage. Others won't notice anything."

Even if they saw something, no one else in the team he led dared to say anything.

Sister Ying turned around and hugged his neck, and said to him, "I have recently developed some eyebrow pencils that are not easy to melt. When the time comes, the flaws will not be seen after I change my appearance."

Otherwise, her appearance is quite eye-catching. If she changes her makeup and looks like an ordinary person, people won't notice anything.

Jing Shirong saw that her little head was very smart, so he lowered his head and kissed her, "Okay, then you can put on your eyebrow pencil. Then, you can make it look ugly so that it won't make people worry."

 Such a beautiful little lady, not to mention men, all women feel envious when they see her.

Sister Ying gave him a shy look, "You can't be so exaggerated."

Jing Shirong hugged her and raised his head with a smile, "It's not my fault, the lady's skin is more delicate and white than the princesses. If the princesses see this, they will be jealous to death."

Sister Ying was so proud that she wanted to laugh when he praised her for her beauty.

She hugged Jing Shirong’s neck and asked, “Which princess is this time?”

They all said that life was difficult for the princess, but this was the court's decision and there was nothing they could do about it.

Jing Shirong replied to her, "She is the sixteenth princess."

  Most of the princesses who got married in previous years were of low origin, and most of them were princesses born to palace maids.

 Because of the low status of their mother's clan, the status of this group of princesses in the palace is also low.

 So the princess candidates for each marriage are selected from these princesses.

 Just like neighboring countries. Princesses married from neighboring countries are also of low origin. Otherwise, the family’s maternal clan would definitely not agree.

After hearing this, Sister Ying said directly, "It seems that with a low status, there are relatively few choices." Especially in this feudal era where status is important.

 If the mother clan is not strong, the children can only become victims.

Jing Shirong said with emotion, "So we must become stronger so that our children can grow up healthy and happy."

Sister Ying nodded, "This is indeed very important. From now on, you will be responsible for seeking power, and I will be responsible for seeking money. Once we become a powerful couple, our children will be able to grow up in a comfortable environment."

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

“But now is not the time to talk about this, let’s pack our bags first.”

Sister Ying hummed and hurriedly packed up the things she was going to take with her.

She went to discuss it with Jing first, and asked the stewards of the dowry to go to the capital to open a delivery inn under Jing's introduction.

 Then ask Xiao Zi to pack her things and go together.

 Xiao Zi is strong and very useful as a bodyguard.

Jing Shirong also assigned ten secret guards to Sister Ying, all of whom were masters.

The couple went to pack their things, and Qi Yuanming came over in the evening.

 He has not yet married a wife this year, and since one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, he will come out of the palace and go straight to the Jing family.

Jingshi asked him to stay at home for dinner, and Qi Yuanming agreed with a smile.

 The whole family had dinner together in the evening. Qi Yuanming was very familiar with it, so he sat down and started eating.

“Aunt Jing, it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten your food, and it still tastes so good.”

It’s not like the food at his home. Every time I go back, it’s good, but when it’s time to eat, it starts to make noise.

The reason for the quarrel was simply that his mother said that he was too old to marry a wife. She had to read it every time she went back, which made his ears go numb.

Jingshi smiled and said, "Then you should find one quickly, so that your mother will not miss you every day."

Qi Yuanming picked his ears and felt a headache. “I have to have time to look for it.”

He only runs out every three days and is not at home even a day, so how can he get a wife?

 Besides, the girls his mother introduced to him were not his cup of tea at all.

He didn't even think about holding hands with someone, let alone marrying someone, so he naturally pushed it away.

The angry Mrs. Qi always scolded him for being too picky, having too high standards, and saying that he had a weird temper.

Qi Yuanming died unjustly, "It's true for my mother, too many generals are not married even in their thirties, why should she be anxious?"

“Besides, I don’t like any of the ones she introduced to me, so why can’t I find one I like?”

How can we get married if we don’t even like it? Is it possible to marry by force?

Jingshi smiled and said, "Then tell me, what are you looking for? Your mother has shown you a lot of portraits, why don't you like any of them?"

Qi Yuanming took a mouthful of rice and sighed, "Well, I don't know what I like. But I just don't like those portraits."

 Looking at those portraits, he really didn't feel any emotion at all.

For this reason, Mrs. Qi specially called a group of ladies to drink tea and chat together, and then asked Qi Yuanming to go to the roof to let him see the real girl, so that he would not say that he had no feelings for the portrait.

But Qi Yuanming looked around on the roof and saw that the girls were all ordinary, and he really didn't feel excited.

  Occasionally, one or two beautiful people don’t have much impact on him, and he just doesn’t feel it in his heart.

 There is no blushing or heartbeat as people say. That's why he refused them all.

 (End of this chapter)

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