Chapter 412: Bullying Qi Yuanming

Hearing his description, Jing seemed to know that his situation was the same as that of Jing Shirong before.

 These children have to feel what they feel every day. As elders, they naturally don’t understand.

It’s not the fault that Mrs. Qi wants to scold Qi Yuanming, it’s mainly because she doesn’t understand what Qi Yuanming wants, so she naturally scolds him for choosing.

Qi Yuanming was really speechless, "My mother clearly asked me to choose the one I like. So if I don't like those girls, I won't choose them. If she still scolds me like this, I'm even more unjust than Dou E."

 Since he is allowed to choose, if he cannot choose what he wants, he has no choice but to give up.

If he is still being scolded like this, there is nothing he can do about it.

Jing Shi saw him looking indignant while eating, feeling funny and helpless at the same time.

 “Okay, you eat first, and then we’ll talk after you’re full.”

“As for your mother, I’ll try to persuade her when I have time.”

Qi Yuanming was happy when he heard that Jing was willing to help him, "Okay, then auntie can help me persuade my mother when she has time, and ask her to stop scolding me all the time. She is still chasing after me and scolding me even though I am so old. It's embarrassing. died."

The old couple of the Qi family are upright and upright, and they educate their children to produce filial sons with a stick. They will hit them when they deserve it, and they will not be soft-hearted at all.

Even if the children in the family are older, they can still beat them and chase them down the street, beating and scolding them, embarrassing them to death.

Qi Yuanming believed that his thick skin was the result of being beaten and scolded by his own parents. He had long since stopped caring about other people's opinions, otherwise he would have become famous in the capital.

Jingshi and Sister Ying couldn’t help laughing when they heard this, but they also told him to eat more.

Qi Yuanming complained while eating, "If I had known earlier, I might as well not have come back and go to the border."

Since there are so many singles at the border, everyone is alone there, so there is no need to make fun of anyone.

Jingshi said to him, "You can't think like that. You know your parents want you to stay in Beijing, but you go to the border to make them sad."

“If you don’t like the girls introduced by your mother, next time my aunt will carefully select a few for you. Tell me what kind of girls you like. Auntie will find them for you according to your wishes.”

 Qi Yuanming bit his chopsticks and thought for a while, "Well, I want that kind of thing."

 He thought for a long time, but he didn't seem to have a standard for the girl he liked, and he just couldn't express his feelings.

Qi Yuanming couldn't think of anything he liked, so he asked Jing Shirong.

“A Jing, what kind of girl did you like before marrying Sister Ying?”

Jing Shirong was suddenly called upon, and his hand stopped when he was drinking the soup, and he almost choked.

Sister Ying also stared directly at him and stared at his next words.

"Yes, what did you like before marrying me? I also want to know."

If she dares to let her know that he still has Bai Yueguang, she will kill him.

Jing Shirong held the soup bowl with his head numb and explained, "Before I married you, I never liked anyone else."

 He is trained and ordered around every day, so he has no time to like any girl.

 Furthermore, his emotional faculties are not very developed, and he doesn’t feel anything when he sees a girl. It’s like seeing a big carrot, and he doesn’t feel any fondness for her.

Sister Ying didn't believe it, so she turned to Qi Yuanming and asked, "Brother Qi, tell me, before going to Jiangnan, which girl did Brother Rong frequent?"

“Or which girl has he cared more about?”

Qi Yuanming bit his chopsticks and thought for a while, "Well, it seems that there is indeed one."

Jing Shirong was stunned and widened his eyes, "Don't talk nonsense." How could he?

Qi Yuanming recalled, "I remember that you seemed to have saved a girl before. The girl was quite beautiful, and she would call you Brother Jing. At that time, we all thought that the girl liked you."

 As for whether Jing Shirong likes her or not, they don't know.

However, Jing Shirong didn't seem to have much love for other girls. He helped her twice that time, so Qi Yuanming was deeply impressed. Before Jing Shirong could put down his hand on the chopsticks, he felt the gaze of a tigress beside him.

He hurriedly explained, "Madam, please listen to my explanation. That time was purely a coincidence."

 Before he went to Jiangnan, he did save a girl twice.

The first time was when the girl lost her father and sold herself on the street to bury him.

At that time, Jing Shirong glanced at the girl's profile from a distance and felt that she looked familiar. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that her face looked a bit like Sister Ying's when she was a child. Then he felt compassion.

So he rode over, gave the girl money to bury her father, and then rode away.

The girl saw that he was young and handsome and wanted to chase him, but he had disappeared.

The second time they met was when Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were leaving the city gate, and they happened to meet the girl there.

When the girl finished her father's funeral, she went to look for work outside the city.

She is young and beautiful. As soon as she goes out to work, she is greeted by many local gangsters.

At that time, she was washing dishes on the street and was teased by some gangsters.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming happened to be passing by, so they went over to help.

They didn't go to help because the girl was pretty, they just saw the ruffian's disgusting attitude and didn't like it, so they couldn't stand it and went to help.

Who would have thought that the same person was helped twice.

The girl was deeply impressed by Jing Shirong. After being rescued by Jing Shirong for the second time, she became more and more enamored of Jing Shirong.

 Later, she went to inquire about Jing Shirong's life background, and then waited for him at the city gate again and again, hoping to meet him by chance.

But later Shi Rong went to Jiangnan, and the girl was introduced to a family by her family and got married, so the matter was settled.

Sister Ying was dubious when she heard this, and asked Qi Yuanming, "Is this true?" Is it just a coincidence?

Qi Yuanming suddenly felt the sharp gaze of her tigress, and moved aside a little fearfully, "Then what, this may be a coincidence."

 Although they all teased Jing Shirong at first, saying that he was very beautiful and blessed.

 But it seems that it may be a coincidence.

Especially since the other ladies have already married into the family. If he continues talking, Qi Yuanming is afraid that he will be beaten to death by Jing Shirong, so he quickly explains.

“What’s that, Sister Xiaoying, don’t be angry, I just talked nonsense. Isn’t this because you and your wife are in love and jealous. Don’t think too much, everything is just a coincidence.”

Sister Ying snorted and dismissed him, "Of course I know you are envious and jealous. I'll just forgive you once."

"Otherwise, you would be alone, and I would be acquainted with you. That would be too much of a bully for a single person."

Qi Yuanming.

So, he was destined to be no match for this couple in his life, so he accepted it.

From now on, it is better to avoid this big and small fox, so as not to be fooled without even knowing it.

Jing Shi also found it funny when she saw Sister Ying teasing Qi Yuanming so much, but she also said something for Qi Yuanming.

“Okay, stop bullying him. He is already stupid. If you bully him again, I will feel pity for you.”

Qi Yuanming had a backer, so he immediately said, "That's right, don't bully me. I'm stupid to begin with."

“Oh, no, aunt, why am I so stupid?”

Does this help him or hurt him? Qi Yuanming wanted to cry but had no tears.

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 (End of this chapter)

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