Chapter 413, setting out for the wedding ceremony

Sister Ying was amused by Qi Yuanming's pitiful appearance.

 Put down the chopsticks and couldn't help but cover your mouth and giggle.

Jing Shirong also couldn't help laughing, and the whole family laughed too.

Qi Yuanming was teased by them and snorted without getting angry. He turned his grief and anger into appetite and said, "One more bowl!"

The maid smiled and served him another bowl of rice, and the whole family ate happily.

 After dinner, they went to the pavilion to make tea.

Qi Yuanming took a sip of tea and said, "This time, Your Majesty asked me to explore the way first. You guys will take the lead. I will set off tomorrow. If anything happens, I will fly an eagle to send you a message. You should be careful on the way."

 After so many years of peace and prosperity, there are always bad people who want to destroy the peace between the two countries.

 So something will definitely happen on the way to the marriage. The emperor has this concern, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong also have this concern.

Jing Shirong saw that he wanted to explore the road first and asked him, "Bring more water bags, otherwise there will be no water shortage on the road."

“Bring along the guards who went to the desert three years ago. They know where the desert lake is. Remember not to take the wrong path.”

 In previous years, few of the wedding teams that went to the desert came out.

Usually the princess escorts them to the destination, but those who come back get lost along the way, and only a few of them come out in the end.

 So Jing Shirong was also worried that something else would happen if Qi Yuanming went to explore the road.

Qi Yuanming waved his hands and said in a good mood, "Don't worry, I have been through all kinds of roads in these years and I have adapted to it."

During the years he went to the military camp, he walked through cliffs and cliffs, not to mention going up mountains of swords and seas of fire.

As for whether something will happen, no one can guarantee this. We can only try to be cautious and pay attention to safety.

Jing Shirong asked him, "Bring more signal eggs and seek help as soon as possible if there is an emergency."

   After all, are brothers who have been playing together since childhood, or are they still worried about each other?

Qi Yuanming was moved in his heart, but he still waved his hands magnanimously, "It's okay, I can't die. Besides, aren't you the one who will take care of me?"

They will set off one after another, and they will not be too far apart. It will be good to contact each other when the situation arises.

Jing Shirong nodded and asked him, "Okay, then you go back early and bring more water bags tomorrow. Be sure to prepare enough water on the desert road."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "I understand, then I'll go back first."

Jing Shirong watched him leave and took Sister Ying back to the house.

 After the couple washed up, they went back to bed and chatted face to face.

Jing Shirong frowned and said, "Madam, I always feel that something will happen during this trip, and I feel a little uneasy."

 Not only women have a sixth sense, men also have a sixth sense.

 Their sixth sense comes more from the awareness of danger and the fear of encountering any danger.

Sister Ying pinched his fingers and played with them, her eyes firm, "If something bad is going to happen, then I will follow him even more."

  It would be really uncomfortable if she heard the news that something had happened to him at home and she couldn't do anything. It's better to just go with them and figure out a solution together when something happens.

Jing Shirong originally wanted to persuade her to leave, but who knew that not only was she not afraid, but she even wanted to go.

He had no choice but to sigh and compromise, "Okay, then you pack your things tomorrow. When the palace is ready, we should set off."

Sister Ying hummed, hugged him, and then fell asleep.

 The next day, Sister Ying got up early and started packing her things.

  She brought some clothes that could be changed into hot or cold weather, and enough pills for headaches and fever.

 Even the mask, veil, etc. are enough. I am afraid that I will eat a mouthful of sand on the desert road, so I simply put on the gauze hat to protect against wind, dust and sun.

Seeing how well prepared she was, Jing Shirong smiled and praised her, "My wife is still thoughtful." Sister Ying said proudly, "That's right."

 She also prepared some dry food and dried chili peppers. When the weather is cold, you can make soup to warm your stomach.

 The desert has a large temperature difference between morning and evening, and the temperature is extremely high during the day, making people's hair dry due to the heat.

It was extremely cold at night, as cold as winter, so Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong, "Go and tell your men to wear cloaks. It's very cold in the desert at night."

 “It’s best to wear a curtain hat too, because it’s very hot during the day.”

Jing Shirong asked strangely, "How do you know?"

He himself has never been to the desert, so he doesn't know the big temperature difference between day and night in the desert.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I saw it in the book."

 She used to watch acrobatics tours with her little aunt when she was a child, and she also knew some of the characteristics of the area.

Like the desert, there is a big temperature difference at night. Some unfriendly people will either be dehydrated by the sun during the day or shivering by the cold at night.

 So wear a sun-proof hat and a cold-proof cloak.

Jing Shirong naturally believed her and immediately sent someone to order everyone to wear curtains and cloaks.

As for Qi Yuanming, Jing Shirong also sent someone to ask him to put on his hat and cloak.

Hearing this, Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and said, "After A Jing got married, he became more and more pretentious. What kind of curtain hat does a grown man wear? What a girl."

But when he actually arrived in the desert where the sun would kill anyone, he said with emotion, "Sister Xiaoying is indeed very smart. It is right to wear a hat, otherwise her face will be cracked by the sun."

Especially when the temperature drops at night, if you don’t have a cloak to cover you, you will be shaken into a sieve.

 Happily, Sister Ying explained carefully and brought a cloak to the horse, otherwise the horse would be cold.

Qi Yuanming and the others also bought a few camels. With the camels leading the way, they could still find water and the road would be easier to walk.

 When the palace is tidied up, the bride-to-be team is ready to leave.

On the day of departure, Sister Ying and Xiao Zi dressed up in palace maid costumes and sat in their own carriage.

The two of them are responsible for looking after the water bags. They don't have to squeeze into a carriage with other palace maids, and they have a spacious place to sleep at night.

Jing Shirong led the team to the front, with the princess carriage in the middle, followed by a long line of guards.

I have brought the camels and villagers from the desert with me to see if the road is good.

 At the beginning when we left the city gate, the road was smooth.

 The difficulties begin when we actually reach the desert.

 There are piles of sand in the desert, which are soft when people step on them.

 At first, the palace maids thought it was fun, but as the sun got bigger and the temperature rose higher and higher, everyone's curiosity was suddenly dizzy and they suddenly became exhausted.

Jing Shirong asked people to explain that you should only drink two glasses of water every time you are thirsty. Don't drink all the water at once. You must keep the rhythm of drinking water so that you will not be short of water.

The guards are all trained and can naturally drink two sips of water at a time.

 But the maids had never experienced such hardship, so they did not listen to the advice and even drank several sips of water.

Jing Shirong saw that they did not follow the order and looked at them coldly, "If you don't follow the order and drink all the water, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

 In order to ensure that no one would die from lack of water, Jing Shirong had calculated the amount of water.

  If one of them disobeys the advice and drinks all the water, he will have to use another person's water to replenish the water. This will only harm one person.

 Therefore, those who do not listen to advice will be thirsty when they need to be!

 (End of this chapter)

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