Chapter 414, Walking in the Desert

 The maids were a little scared when they saw how fierce he was and refused to give him water.

Especially all the guards strictly abide by it. They don't dare to act recklessly and can only follow the rhythm of the large army.

Even the princess has to drink water at the same pace as everyone else, no one is an exception.

Sister Ying opened the corner of the car curtain and saw for the first time the strict side of Jing Shirong's work.

 In the past, when he was with her, he was always gentle and doting, or cunning and bad.

 But she has never seen such a strict side.

 But this is his job, and he should be strict.

For the sake of everyone's life, every step of walking in the desert must not go wrong. Otherwise, like the previous wedding party, people died when they died, and they didn't take care of them at all, which would be even more irresponsible.

In order to ensure that everyone in the **** team could reach the neighboring country safely, Jing Shirong was very strict along the way. His black eyes were widened. Anyone who tried to steal water would be given a cold glare by him and immediately stopped.

 Everyone was only allowed to drink two sips of water every time they walked, so it was inevitable to complain.

"Master Jing is so unkind. He brought a cart full of water, but he didn't let us drink more, and he wasn't afraid that we would die of thirst."

Other maids also said, "That's it. It's just a few sips of water, and it won't cause any harm after drinking it. This General Jing really doesn't know how to show mercy to women. Even the princess dares to treat her like this."

When the attendants heard how they arranged Jing Shirong, their faces immediately turned cold.

But Jing Shirong didn't care about these words and let everyone continue on their way.

 The end of this desert is a shortcut to neighboring countries.

 But they have been walking for half a month and have not seen the end yet.

Jing Shirong glanced at the map and asked everyone to continue on their way.

The spare water bags in the carriage are constantly decreasing, and they now have to find water lakes in the desert, otherwise there will not be enough water.

 The camels that accompanied them had been thirsty for a few days and began to use their sense of smell to find water sources.

Jing Shirong asked the camels to go in front and they followed behind.

 The road was not easy to walk at the beginning, especially after deviating from the direction on the map. The whole team felt like they were lost and began to lose their sense of direction.

The old nun in the palace saw that the desert road was getting harder and harder, and she was a little scared, so she asked Jing Shirong, "Sir, have we deviated from the route?" If we continue walking, don't get lost.

Getting lost in the desert is equivalent to entering a maze with no way out.

Jing Shirong's face was calm, so that the old nanny did not need to panic, "We have marked the road along the way. Just take the palace maid with you. If anything happens, we will notify you in advance."

The most taboo thing when taking this difficult road is panic. If you want to ensure the safety of everyone, everyone needs to obey orders and act.

They have been walking on the desert road for almost two months and have not yet left. The water source is almost running out, so they can only find water first.

 Wait until there is enough water before continuing forward. Otherwise, due to lack of water and high temperature, not to mention the guards, the maids will be in a coma.

 Happily, everyone has followed the rules in the past few months and strictly abides by how much water to drink at what time, so no one gets sick.

Even the princess is consistent with them, and there are rules for drinking water and sleeping.

Sister Ying was also very hot at first. I almost fainted from the heat.

The desert they were walking in had a temperature of over 40 degrees at noon, and the surface temperature was even higher. You could fry an egg without starting a fire by putting down the pot, which shows how hot it is.

This is also the first time Sister Ying has encountered such a hot temperature. If the carriage had not been improved in advance and the interior was sun-protective and breathable, she would have really fainted from the sun.

  Not only the girls, but also the guards shook their heads in excitement.

 Happily they had received training and wore sun protection hats, otherwise it would have been really difficult.

Jing Shirong led the team from the front. He looked extremely cold on his face, but in his heart he was also worried about whether his little wife could withstand such severe weather. Fortunately, there has been no news from Sister Ying's carriage, so we know that she is fine in the carriage.

But just because she didn't get the news, it doesn't mean she isn't feeling uncomfortable.

Jing Shirong guessed that she was enduring it.

This endurance lasted for two months. He had to admire his little wife's endurance.

Even a well-trained grown man like him would find such severe weather to make people faint from the heat. However, his little wife could grit her teeth and endure it, which made him feel sad and admired.

 At night, Jing Shirong raised his hand and motioned for everyone to rest where they were.

 The desert is very cold at night, sometimes reaching subzero temperatures, so the bride-to-be team needs to set up tents on the spot.

 Compared with the intense heat during the day, everyone has adapted to the cold at night.

 After all, the winter in Beijing is also very cold, and they are used to it.

 Sister Ying was sleeping in the carriage at night. Jing Shirong came over on patrol and looked around. Seeing that no one was looking this way, he got into the carriage.

Sister Ying was lying well, but when she saw him suddenly coming in, she giggled and said, "Why are you here?"

 Normally, he sleeps outside in order to respond to any emergencies outside.

 Suddenly came over at night. Sister Ying smiled and patted the place beside her, "Come and lie down for a while."

Jing Shirong hummed and lay down to check her face and lip color.

The originally rosy cherry mouth was now thirsty and pink, and no longer as tender as before.

Jing Shirong touched her slightly peeled lips with a distressed look on his face and regretted, "If I had known better, I wouldn't have let you follow me."

It is such a difficult road to walk, and bringing her here will simply make her suffer.

Sister Ying is very open-minded, "This is not called suffering, it is called accumulating social experience."

If she hadn't gone out this time, she wouldn't have experienced the harsh weather in the desert, and she wouldn't have known how hard it was for Jing Shirong to go out.

Jing Shirong saw that her little face was slightly red from the sun, and she was still thinking about his hard work on the road. He hugged her with emotion and lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

"Silly girl, I married you to make you happy, not to make you suffer. When you go back this time, you will stay at home well, okay?"

Sister Ying shook her head and held his cheek with her small hands, "I think it's good to go out with you. There are so many women who can't even go far away even if they want to, so I am one of the rare ones."

 They can be considered a couple traveling like this, which is quite interesting.

Although it is bitter, it will not always be bitter, and there will definitely be good times.

Jing Shirong saw that she had such a good attitude and couldn't help but admire her, "There's really nothing I can do about you. Then you can go to sleep. I have to go out and keep watch."

 Xiao Zi and Sister Ying slept together at night, while Jing Shirong was mostly outside.

Sister Ying was afraid that he would freeze for the first few times. Later, she saw that he was wearing a cloak obediently and the temperature in his neck was warm, so she was sure that he was not cold.

 On the second day.

The path the camels took was getting further and further away from the route on the sheepskin map. Although everyone didn't know what the route was, they could still feel the panic of the deviation.

However, when they saw that Jing Shirong had an old look on his face and that the guards were not flustered, they calmed down and set off with the large troops.

After walking for more than ten days, I finally saw Shuihu.

 (End of this chapter)

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