The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 415: , not an easy desert journey

Chapter 415: A difficult journey into the desert

Jing Shirong was riding a horse and saw an oasis not far away. He sniffed his nose and confirmed that it smelled like water, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, they have often seen water lakes in the past few days, but they are all mirages and there is no water lake at all.

The group was frightened many times, but when they saw the lake again they were not so surprised and thought it was fake again.

 Fortunately, camels have a very keen sense of smell. When they see the water, they run forward excitedly, one after another, so excited.

When the others saw all the camels coming out, they realized, "Oh my God, that's not a real lake, is it?"

 Otherwise, how could a camel run so fast?

Jing Shirong also smiled when he heard this, "This time it's true."

Mirages have appeared before, and they were the only ones who were excited. The camels were very calm, and they had obviously experienced mirages.

 But this time the camels ran so fast, and the smell of clear water in their breaths was so obvious, it was obvious that this time it must be real.

 Seeing the water lake getting closer and closer, everyone seemed to start to realize that the water lake was real, and they suddenly couldn't believe it, "Oh my god, this water lake is real, I can smell the water."

Other guards were also very happy and rode over one after another.

 The palace maid was even more happy.

 “Great, finally there is water.”

 There was no water in their water bags. Even the spare water bags on the carriage were empty. If they couldn't find water anymore, they would die of thirst.

At this moment, the water lake was in front. Everyone dismounted happily and ran to the water lake excitedly.

Sitting in the carriage, Sister Ying also smelled the smell of water. When she opened the curtain, she saw the maids happily running to the lake to wash their faces.

The guards were also filling water bags with water bags. After filling one bag after another, they stopped to drink their own.

Jing Shirong looked at the situation around him on the horse, but he did not relax when everyone relaxed.

 Qi Yuanming sent a letter from Feiying last month, saying that a group of suspicious people were found in an ambush in the cave ahead.

He went to deal with it now, but he hasn't sent any news back yet.

Jing Shirong was afraid that there would be an ambush here, so he didn't dare to relax easily.

Sister Ying saw that he was so serious about his work, so she helped him look around and stood guard with him.

Jing Shirong sat on the horse and took the horse to drink water. When he looked up, he saw the little head wearing a curtain looking around, looking quite cute.

 He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled inaudibly. Ride over to find her.

Sister Ying saw him coming out, raised her little face and smiled at him, "Mr.

Jing Shirong's heart softened when she called her husband.

Hand out his hand, he pulled her onto the horse and took her to the back of the lake, so that she could wash her face.

There are several trees at this location, which just block their figures.

Jing Shirong dismounted, took Sister Ying down, and asked her, "Would you like to take a bath? The water is very clean."

Sister Ying looked around, but she didn't have the guts to take a bath in the open, so she said, "I'll just wipe it off."

 After not taking a shower for two months, I almost stink.

 Luckily she doesn't smell bad and her sweat stains don't stink either, otherwise it would be really annoying.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and sniffed her body, "Well, it still smells good."

Sister Ying looked at him shyly and said, "Go, go, wash up too. I'll keep an eye on it for you."

Jing Shirong was indeed sweating, so he was not polite. He immediately took off his clothes, jumped into the water, and quickly washed himself off.

He moved quickly and washed vigorously, not daring to waste time. He came up after washing thoroughly.

Sister Ying glared at him and said, "Quickly wipe off and put on your clothes."

This guy is really rude, he washes when asked, and he dares to take off his clothes. Fortunately, there are a few big trees in the way, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Jing Shirong quickly put on her clothes, and when she saw that she no longer smelled bad, he picked her up and got on the horse. "What they can't see, don't worry, I will only show it to you."

These words made Sister Ying feel ashamed and helpless, "Go, go, don't feel ashamed."

Jing Shirong laughed happily when he saw her shy little face.

Others heard it and were surprised, "Who is laughing? Is it the adults who are laughing?"

But the laughter passed away in a flash, and everyone thought they were hearing hallucinations, so they didn’t think anything of it and went to take a shower.

The guards can take a quick bath, but the maids can only set up a curtain and take a shower secretly.

 The princess herself also wanted to take a bath, so of course she was the first to do so.

Sister Ying also set up a curtain with Xiao Zi, and the two of them quickly washed their heads and took a shower.

 Start washing clothes after washing.

 Xiao Zi has quick hands and washed all the clothes quickly.

 After several months of training, the other maids also speeded up and washed all their changes of clothes.

Jing Shirong asked everyone to rest where they were for a while, and then start again when their clothes were dry.

Now that the water was filled and the showers were taken, everyone set out on the road briskly and in a much more relaxed mood than the previous few days.

Jing Shirong led the team to continue walking in the direction on the map.

  Qi Yuanming drew a map for him before, starting from the side of the lake.

However, there has been no news from Qi Yuanming. He doesn't know what is going on ahead, so he can only be vigilant.

They walked north by themselves, and finally emerged from the desert area after walking for more than a month.

 Once out of the desert area, the atmosphere of the entire team was obviously very high.

 A palace maid asked, "Master Jing, have we left the desert?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. We are out of the desert now, but there may be gangsters on the way. Everyone should be vigilant and don't be too careless."

As soon as the maids heard this, they came out of the desert and met gangsters again. It was really a disaster.

 The mood that was exciting just now suddenly faded away again.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw them like that. "Since we can get out of the desert safely, it means that we are not far from the palace of the neighboring country. When we get to the palace, you can have a good rest."

 When everyone heard what he said, they thought it was so reasonable, and they immediately became happy again.

Sister Ying was also very happy when she saw a normal dirt road on the carriage.

She no longer rode in the carriage, but got off the carriage, changed into guard uniform, wore a curtain hat and rode a horse, and walked up to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong turned around and saw her, and was startled. He came over and asked in a low voice, "Why are you down here?"

Sister Ying moved her sore limbs, "Before, I was afraid of getting dizzy from the sun before riding in a carriage. Now I won't be in the sun anymore, so of course I have to ride a horse."

 Otherwise, if you lie down in the carriage every day, you will get rusty.

Jing Shirong couldn't bear to leave her lying there because her back was sore, so she said, "Okay, then you follow me. Don't lean too far forward."

 Otherwise, if assassins or gangsters come over soon, something terrible will happen.

Sister Ying waved her hand to reassure him, "I have learned martial arts from Gu Gu. Even if you can't beat someone, you are still very good at escaping."

 She may not be able to defeat a master, but her escape skills are still very good.

  In ancient times, they were taught martial arts based on their talents.

Sister Yang is very flexible with her hands. She specializes in using needles. She can stun someone with just a tap.

 She has a light body, and all she has learned is escaping.

 If something happened and she couldn't help, she would definitely run ahead to avoid burdening Jing Shirong.

 (End of this chapter)

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