Chapter 416, Mirage

Jing Shirong saw that she was so confident. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, he was still very pleased that she had the ability to escape.

“Then when something happens, remember to run faster. I’ll be relieved when you’re not around and I can give it a try. So run faster and don’t stop, you know?”

Sister Ying knew that he was worried about her, so she hummed obediently, "I know, I won't hold you back, don't worry."

The two looked at each other affectionately, and it wasn't until Xiao Zi coughed that they reluctantly separated.

Xiao Zi was also dressing up in men's clothes. When she saw Sister Ying on the horse, she also climbed on the horse to ride on the same horse as Sister Ying.

That horse is another horse raised by Jing Shirong. It has a docile personality, but its shortcoming is that it is timid.

 This horse was specially chosen by Jing Shirong for Sister Ying.

Horses are tall, powerful, and very strong. Although they are timid, the advantage of being timid is that they can run fast when something happens.

 Once it breaks out, no other gangsters can catch up.

 In addition, this horse is a bit delicate, and he is only willing to let Sister Ying ride it alone.

No, as soon as Xiao Zi stepped up, the little white horse jumped back unhappily in protest.

Xiao Zi cursed angrily, "I'm not heavy, what's the matter with just riding you?"

The little white horse purred twice, but was still unhappy.

It even rolled its eyes and glanced at Xiao Zi's strong body. The look in his eyes seemed to say, you are so fat, you are so fat that you have the nerve to say you are not fat.

 Xiao Zi was speechless, "Me."

 Well, she is a little bit strong, but just a little bit. Anyway, she has not reached 200 kilograms, and 150 kilograms is not considered fat.

 Little white horse.

It grunted twice and jumped up and down without throwing Xiao Zi away. In the end, it could only accept its fate and carry her.

Sister Ying smiled and touched its horse ears. "Don't be angry. I will buy you carrots at the market later."

 The little white horse had eaten carrots and knew the word carrot, so he calmed down.

Jing Shirong saw that they were having fun and led the team to move forward.

According to the map, further ahead are the villages and towns of neighboring countries.

 The two countries have been in contact for many years, and the envoys have already clearly marked the people, land and culture between the two countries.

 The people of Shuilin Kingdom like flowers, plants and trees, especially vegetables and fruits. They seem to like green things very much, thinking that green symbolizes vitality.

 So as soon as you walk into the town, you can see the green fruit trees on both sides of the road.

The fruit trees are still full of seasonal fruits.

The palace maids accompanying him had not eaten fruit for several months and were all very greedy.

Upon seeing this, Jing Shirong asked the guards to buy a basket of fruits, giving two to each person.

The maids had fruits to eat, and they felt that the usually cold Lord Jing was not so aloof, and was quite nice, so the maids became infatuated one after another.

“Actually, Mr. Jing is quite nice. He is good-looking and kind-hearted. However, he is usually cold and not easy to get close to.”

The maids nodded, "Yes, at first I thought he was unkind, but unexpectedly he turned out to be cold-faced and kind-hearted. It seems we have misunderstood you, sir."

 Other maids nodded.

Even the sixteenth princess in the carriage thought so.

But it's a pity that she can't marry such a good man.

 At this time, we have all reached the neighboring country. If we walk a little further, we will probably reach the palace of the neighboring country.

Seeing that the sixteenth princess was in a low mood, the old mama comforted her and said, "Don't be sad, princess. It's better to be a princess in a neighboring country than to be wronged here."

Princesses born from palace girls have a low status and suffer many injustices in the palace.

 Now she can marry into a neighboring country and become a prince’s concubine, and she is also a royal concubine.

In the future, I will give the prince another son and a half daughters. Not only will it be a great honor, but the treatment will not be too bad, it can be regarded as a different kind of compensation. Princess Sixteen thought so too.

  In any case, in the name of friendship between the two countries, the princes of neighboring countries did not dare to do anything to her.

Even if you don’t like her, you still have to make a show of it, and you won’t be without her in terms of food and clothing.

  When she has children in the future, she will take good care of her children so that she will not have to worry about not being blessed when she gets old.

Seeing that she was thinking openly, the old mama smiled with satisfaction, "Yes, it's good if the princess can think so."

 With the princesses who were married in previous years, I didn’t hear them say how bad their life was. At most, they just missed their hometown and nothing else mattered.

 After all, the two countries came to make peace in the name of being good friends, and they did not send the princess over because they had no choice due to the war. The two meanings are different.

 So the princesses who get married every year have a good life.

The old mama also advised, "You can also go and see the princesses we married before, and ask for advice about the local people and culture, so that you can have company."

 Princess Sixteen nodded, "Well, I think so too. I just hope that I can arrive safely all the way."

 After all, in recent years, several small countries have wanted to provoke disputes between the two big countries, and they have wreaked havoc on the road to peace.

 She was also afraid that she would be robbed and her reputation would be ruined.

 The old mama asked her to relax, "Master Jing is here, it will be okay."

She has been in the palace for many years and knows some gossip.

 Master Jing never showed his face before entering or leaving the palace, so no one knew what he was capable of.

But the old mama has heard of his deeds, "I heard that Master Jing is capable of both literary and military skills, and is brave and good at fighting. If he leads the team, you should rest assured."

 Princess Sixteen was doubtful, "I hope so."

Sister Ying heard their conversation not far away, and it was not easy to be a secret princess.

Although your status is higher than ordinary people at birth, you can enjoy the glory and wealth that ordinary people cannot enjoy.

 But the corresponding price to pay is also not small. Whatever treatment you want to enjoy, you have to pay the price.

 For example, she can't shirk the marriage and kiss. After all, the princess also has a princess' mission.

Xiao Zi also said, "It's better for us ordinary people. We don't have to leave our hometown and marry here, otherwise I won't be able to bear the big desert."

Sister Ying turned around and glanced at her, dumbfounded, "You can't stand it anymore, why don't you come here?"

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Compared to the desert, people can't bear to be separated from the lady. I feel uncomfortable thinking about it."

The two have been together for many years and have developed a deep master-servant relationship. Even if the desert was difficult this time, Xiao Zi didn't complain at all.

 She is very able to endure hardships and has the tenacity to move forward.

Of course, the premise is that she is willing to move forward only if Sister Ying rushes forward, otherwise she will not want to move.

Sister Ying sighed and said to her, "How can you be so clingy to me? What will you do if you get married in the future?"

Xiao Zi is good at everything, but she is a child at heart and will follow her no matter what.

 If you don't let her follow, she will remain depressed.

Sister Ying sometimes feels that if this girl is so clingy, how can she get married in the future?

Xiao Zi, however, was very indifferent, "The worst case scenario is that I won't get married. Anyway, this life was given by the madam and the young lady, so Xiao Zi will follow Miss Ding and serve the young lady for the rest of her life."

 As for marrying someone or not, it doesn't matter to her.

Sister Ying said quickly, "No, you should get married."

This girl is about the same age as her. When a suitable candidate comes, Sister Ying still wants to find a home for her.

 (End of this chapter)

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