Chapter 417, there is an ambush

Xiao Zi shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, I will listen to whatever the lady says. If you want me to marry, I will marry you. If you don't let me marry, I will be a slave and serve you all my life."

 Looking at this loyalty, Sister Ying even laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know you are loyal. I will find you a handsome man in the future so that I can live up to your loyalty to me. Is that okay?"

Xiao Zi laughed immediately when she saw that she could understand him.

 “He who knows me is a master.”

Although she wants to serve Sister Ying for the rest of her life, looking at the love between Sister Ying and Jing Shirong, even a girl would inevitably be envious.

Especially when Sister Ying said she wanted to find a handsome man for her, Xiao Zi was so happy that she could not help but shake her **** while riding the horse.

Sister Ying knew that this girl had a lot of clever ideas. She said she was loyal, but in fact she wanted a handsome boy. She was a little girl with a devilish spirit.

Jing Shirong saw them talking and laughing under the tree, so he followed them to take a look.

"What laughing?"

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "No, let's talk about it when we get back." It's not convenient to make noise here.

Jing Shirong hummed, rode over, and handed a bag from his sleeve to her, "There are meat buns and soy pig ears in here. You can go back to the carriage to eat."

Sister Ying looked at the food bag in his hand and sniffed, "It smells so good~"

Jing Shirong smiled fondly. It was not convenient to touch her head outside, so he could only ask her to go back to the carriage, "You go to the carriage to eat and have a sleep. It's not hot today, so it's easy to sleep."

Sister Ying hummed, "That's okay."

Originally, she wanted to stroll around this street alone, but it was not good to break away from the large group, so she could only go back to the carriage and have something to eat.

Jing Shirong watched her return to the carriage and continued on her way.

When he reached a big inn, he asked people to go to the inn to order food, and asked everyone to sit down and eat a bowl of hot noodle soup.

Everyone has been eating dry food for several months, and they are all very happy to be able to eat hot noodle soup.

This inn is large and the food is sufficient, but Jing Shirong looked around and felt something was strange.

 They had been attacked when eating out in the past, so this weird feeling was obvious to him.

While eating, he looked around the inn with sharp black eyes. Although he couldn't find any suspicious person, he was still very vigilant.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi were watching from the sidelines. Seeing how vigilant he was, they immediately followed him and looked around vigilantly.

 The master and servant finished their noodles quickly, winked at Jing Shirong, and left the inn first.

 The secret guards also followed in the dark.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi quietly walked to the back door of the inn and glanced at the kitchen warily.

I saw that the people in the back kitchen were mechanically making soup noodles at the moment, but they had scars on their faces and cold eyes. They didn't look like ordinary cooks.

Sister Ying had confidence in her heart and immediately left with Xiao Zi in a hurry.

The two of them left the inn one after another. When they passed by Jing Shirong, they quietly gave him a look and told him that the inn had been replaced and the noodles could no longer be eaten.

Jing Shirong understood, and immediately gestured with his hands, asking someone to take away the sixteenth princess dressed as a palace maid first, and the others would follow.

 The princess knew it was bad when she saw this posture, and immediately left with Sister Ying.

Sister Ying took the princess dressed as a palace maid and quietly hid in the pigsty behind the inn.

This was the first time the princess smelled such a smelly pig excrement, and she couldn't help but want to vomit.

Sister Ying gave her a fragrant bead and asked her to endure it.

"Princess, if you don't want to be caught, just be patient. There is a scam in that inn."

 Princess Sixteen nodded, not daring to complain anymore.

After a while, when the palace maids finished eating the noodle soup and wanted to have another bowl, Jing Shirong made a gesture, which meant that they could not eat it.

The maids had been with him for a few months, and they immediately understood what he meant and stopped eating.

Jing Shirong told them, "Hurry as quickly as possible while it's still dark. You all can get in the carriage and we'll be leaving soon." Seeing his cold face, as if something was about to happen, the maids immediately walked back quickly. in the car.

 The guards were also alert.

 The killers who were in the back kitchen at the moment saw that they were not eating, and their lower hands twitched, obviously reacting.


Jing Shirong asked the guards to take the maids away. He stayed behind with his capable men.

The group of killers quickly chased them out. They were all dressed in black and had black hoods on their heads, making it difficult to see their faces.

Jing Shirong took a quick look at them, but couldn't tell where they were killers. This showed that the people who sent these killers had deep intentions.

The group of killers did not expect that they would be waiting at the intersection, and they immediately gestured, "Kill!"

Jing Shirong faced them face to face and gestured, "Kill!"

Two groups of men and horses clashed head-on, and the swords in their hands were shot very quickly.

 Swords collide, masters exchange blows, and their moves are fatal.

Sister Ying, the sixteenth palace maid, and Xiao Zi were hiding in the pig pen, listening to the sound of fighting outside and not daring to come out at all.

They can't hold Jing Shirong back now, they can only wait until the fight is over before coming out.

Jing Shirong saw that they were all hiding safely, so he naturally fought with each other without any scruples.

 He struck out quickly and accurately, quickly beheading the killer.

The silver sword trembled slightly, and the tip was stained with the opponent's blood.

The killer didn't expect him to attack so quickly, and immediately made a gesture, which meant that everyone should concentrate on attacking Jing Shirong.


Jing Shirong's black eyes narrowed slightly, and his usually serious expression completely transformed into a vicious and bloodthirsty look at this moment.

 He raised the corners of his cold lips, the sword in his hand buzzed, and he was obviously addicted to fighting.

Ten killers focused their swords on him, but he was not afraid at all. In a head-to-head confrontation, one sword could deal with ten of them.

With the ping-pong-pong-pong collision of sharp blades, the winner and loser were soon determined.

Five of the ten killers were slashed, two of them had fallen, and the remaining three were also injured.

Jing Shirong also had a robe on his shoulder and a long **** on his arm.

 But he didn't care at all, and even seized the moment to tell the other secret guards, "Come on! Keep alive!"

The secret guards waited for the killers to run out of energy so they could sneak in. The killers were all injured, so they rushed over without sparing any effort and soon started fighting with the killers.

 The situation quickly reversed, and almost all the killers fell.

Jing Shirong originally intended to stay alive, but the killers were obviously prepared to take medicine and commit suicide immediately if they were captured.

Jing Shirong was sure of this result, so he waved his hand and asked the secret guards to clean up the mess.

He was still wary and did not go back to find Sister Ying, but continued walking forward.

Sure enough, after he walked five hundred meters and was about to meet up with the palace maids and guards, another group of assassins rushed out.

Jing Shirong had already expected this result and rushed out immediately.

The guards also drew their swords and went out one after another.

The maids were too frightened to scream and hid in the woods with their heads in their hands.

 The killers’ original intention was to assassinate the princess, but they would be entangled by the guards and could only kill the guards.

Good night babies (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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